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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Indeed! As opposed to that which is normal but not nominal, or nominal but not normal.
  2. That's because it is a college school project video. All those interns, you know...
  3. Woohoo for the static fire! As for the glowy bits: Chunks of ice maybe?
  4. Hmm. In Larry Niven’s “Known Space” literary universe, there is an egg-shaped planet called Jinx. Seen from space, it is banded like an Easter egg: the poles are in vacuum and the equatorial region is a high-pressure hell, inhabited by bandersnatchi. The human-habitable zones are in between, of course. IIRC that world is described in World of Ptaavs
  5. Also lost Stanley Cup champ and legendary hockey broadcaster Howie Meeker. https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/howie-meeker-death-hockey-night-in-canada-nhl-1.5794606
  6. Oh probably. And I realize it’s all done by bots. But it’s counterintuitive to think that by blocking it it’ll encourage me to buy their new single/album. Or that leaving it alone (or running ads) will hinder sales.
  7. His turn for Final Jeopardy... https://globalnews.ca/news/7450091/alex-trebek-jeopardy-dies-cancer/
  8. I guess I'm not really surprised. I just noticed two of my videos linked in my sig have been copyright blocked by SME because of the AC/DC music. I suppose it's absolutely no coincidence that AC/DC just released a new single with an album coming out next week. Especially since another video that has music by another group owned by SME was not blocked. *digs around* After looking at what stuff I've uploaded, I have 6 copyright claims of which three are blocked. The third one is of a mohole glitch which has Chris Isaak music and a whopping 9 views lol. But for the other songs they're not concerned about blocking it? *digs more* Oh, I see. For the claims that weren't blocked they apparently run ads on them instead, payable to the copyright owner. That's fair. Why couldn't they do that with the three that were blocked instead of alienating me?
  9. Saturn V, which stopped flying before I was old enough to be aware of it. Followed by Shuttle, of course
  10. Did it scrub yet? Did it scrub yet? Did it scrub yet?
  11. Quite plausible, as even regular eyeglasses help protect the eyes from droplets from people “speaking moistly”. Safety glasses would be even better, protecting most angles. In other news, when schools are separating kids into cohorts to limit spread, whose the moron who thought it would be a good idea to run dance classes involving kids from many different schools? 30 cases from that dance studio, involving kids at twelve different schools.... As a result, the kids’ ice hockey season has been paused
  12. Great choice! I remember seeing that in the 25-cent theatre on Tasu Island way back when I was no taller than the hood of his Aston-Martin
  13. One of the most “Aw cmon, seriously???!!??”” moments in my life. Steppenwolf played at Breakers in Pt Roberts, Washington state a mere week before my twenty first birthday. Being that the drinking age there is 21 and Breakers is (or was) a nightclub, I couldn’t go (or at least, I wouldn’t have gotten in)
  14. I’m sure some kerbals considered a coal/LOX slurry...
  15. Apparently BO has gotten the BE-4 turbopumps sorted out and is or will be ramping production, good news for them and ULA e: forgot tweet
  16. One of my faves, certainly my favourite Rush song Yeah, it was much more expensive than expected and had its flaws, but it was incredibly capable and a politically-constrained engineering tour de force
  17. I agree with all the other answers here. I’ve launched many draggy, hammerhead payloads in KSP; you just need even bigger fins at the bottom. I mean, I’ve used FAT-455 wings as fins to stabilize an un-fairinged (that’s probably not a word, but it was too big to fit anything) station hub during launch.
  18. I've read the discussion on this, and it seems to me that a lot of details are lacking. I assume the agent shot his nemesis in the head and saw him go down, so he likely did suffer a concussion and appeared killed from a distance, and should be nice and bloody too.. But with what weapon, and from what range? Bear in mind this is titanium over skull. So if this assassination was with a .50cal sniper rifle, then this isn't very believable, due to likely penetration and sheer brain-scrambling-energy delivered. But a handgun, especially from range? I could believe that. As for anything in between, depending on angle of impact, etc....
  19. Now they just need to get someone up there with a Jiffy marker ( gotta have that xylene) to draw windows on it
  20. Experience is a great teacher. i learned pretty quick that having the specialized tools for drum brakes would help a lot, but I wasn't about to buy them either. On my last few cars it seems that I can't even get the drum off to just check the brakes. Which is probably a good thing from a brake dust point of view.
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