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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I have a sneaking suspicion that this song was already posted here, but it didn't come up in a quick search, so, oh well, here we go! My wife used to work customer service for those WebTV TVtop boxes. Like any new tech, there were issues, and using the "nuclear option" (reset to factory condition) was not uncommon. How to reset it? The user was told to enter the "Jenny code." I'm sure my contemporaries here can guess what the "Jenny code" was...
  2. I've never de-soldered anything either, but I think you're supposed to use a desoldering bulb to suck the molten solder away...
  3. No, I don't know or remember Vera Lynn. But I do know the name, only because of Pink Floyd The connection between Pink and Vera is explained in the comments...
  4. I was working out on our elliptical machine. Nothing quite like watching a chase scene from a Terminator movie to get ya moving!
  5. Yeah, the only reason I go to a movie theatre is retina-filling eye candy and eardrum-popping ear candy. And 3D is a nice touch, until I stop noticing it. The last time I went to a theatre was for SW9, which was better than 8, but that’s a pretty low bar. We have one of those silicone microwave popcorn makers that makes pretty good popcorn, no oil needed.
  6. I just ran into this bug, since I guess my relay wasn't in the right position above Eeloo when the Goo tried to transmit. I was able pick up and put away the goobered monitor, then board the minerefinery and transmit the data home, which completed the contract. It would be nice to be able to force transmission though, whenever someone feels inclined to add it to the bugtracker.... Maybe it's fixed for 1.10?
  7. Called it! Same brand as the pic I posted too! Same day these robo-pooches went on sale too: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/16/tech/boston-dynamics-robot-dog-spot-sale/index.html Get yours now for only $74,500! Also:
  8. That would be great in principle. But if you're not prepared to defend what you have, someone is going to try to take it from you. If only everyone could have everything they wanted....
  9. And in the meantime, there’s electric floatplanes
  10. Well, those pop tests end with a catastrophic failure when the tanks were built with 301 stainless. But with the 304L stainless it simply starting leaking, instead of a massive catastrophic burst rupture.
  11. So, @CatastrophicFailure, maybe you want to switch to 304L stainless? Or do you prefer the 301 results?
  12. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" - Rhett Butler
  13. When the LEGO store finally re-opened from the lockdown, people were lined up for blocks!
  14. Hmmm, good point, but OTOH, brick doesn't stand up to earthquakes very well. Even if reinforced with rebar to prevent brick walls from collapsing altogether, it'll still end up with huge cracks. Although brick stands up to fire very well. A larger part of it is probably economics. I would think brick is much more expensive than wood-frame, especially if the brick needs to be shipped a long distance. Many houses in southern Ontario are brick because there was a ready supply of good clay in the area. My area recently approved wood-frame apartments up to 4 storeys high now, with proper sprinkler systems, of course. Again, economics: wood is cheap here, and it's a carbon sink, unlike concrete and steel or fired bricks. But wood is vulnerable to insects and wood rot if not properly taken care of, as well as fire
  15. Oh, probably. There were posts about it up thread that thought it may be as long as 30 minutes. Just thought I'd chime in that's it's less than 23. Disclaimer: YMMV
  16. IIRC, a lot of dust has collected at those points, because of the stability there
  17. No replies in almost four months, so I guess you win this round.... I'll start a new round with this "Lucy" Skywalker...
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