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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. The enemy of my enemy is my friend
  2. Well, position is generally given as relative to a fixed, agreed-upon reference point. That could be ten leagues due west of the peak of Mt Everest, but that would be next to meaningless. At one time,IIRC, the French used Paris as their Prime Meridian, in competition with Greenwich. For galactic navigation, while Earth or Sol would be logical reference points, they revolve around the galactic core, so the core would be the best choice.
  3. My first car was a CheVette. Currently we have a 09 Toyota Yaris (aka "The White Wimp") as a commuter vehicle, and we recently bought a 2018 Ram 1500 Hemi so that we could buy a decent size travel trailer (we were getting rather tired of the tent trailer). That blue with the blackout package really looks sharp!
  4. Your Common-era Gregorian Calendar means nothing here...
  5. No detonation = no shockwave. The fuel can only explode as fast as it contacts oxidizer. Although I am curious how big the fireball would be. About the same size as the N-1, I guess.
  6. Less than you’d think. Liquid fuel boosters (Shuttle ET included) don’t really explode except in the broadest sense of the word. It’s more of a rapid uncontrolled combustion or conflagration as the propellants mix. No shock wave is produced as that would require a detonation (supersonic explosion front). I triggered an explanation of it somewhere else in this sub forum; I’ll try to find it. A solid propellant factory in Utah once exploded; one could see the shockwave racing across the desert.
  7. Brushing off my future wife five years before meeting her again and marrying her. That delay earned me a real brat of a stepson. After thirteen years of marriage, she still throws out the occasional dig about that five year gap.
  8. Apparently most kids these days have no idea how to use a rotary dial phone. I don’t think they’ve been made for decades
  9. The “scoop” probably pulls the covers off once it is going fast enough. The Shuttle had similar covers on the RCS ports. *disclaimer: I haven’t gotten a close look at these scoops yet
  10. I see Bananamonde is feeling facetious today. For the record I own an iPhone SE. It would be nice if these things didn’t cook the battery all the time. Or I just need to play less Candy Crush on it.
  11. Some lousy-quality photos I had to quickly catch with my iPhone, heavily cropped.... A thundershower coming through the pass.... And some deer frolicking in Frosst Creek in the early morning.... Maybe this is a little better, not cropped...
  12. That song is always just a jump to the left away from me. And so apropos for KSP.... @CatastrophicFailure I must admit I like their sound, and the videos look like they're trying to get a good space opera going. Something about the musical style screams to me about 80's Saturday morning action cartoons... Nice find, but I'm not sure what to make of them yet, much like Stormseeker (that other pirate metal band....)
  13. They would more likely be splattered across the ground from a landing failure
  14. That’s just a abbreviation/slangification of “leprechaun”
  15. Especially when you need that crew to assemble, troubleshoot, and fix said cargo
  16. Oh wow, I just noticed that I crept through the 5k plateau and am now sitting at 5001 (but probably not for long)
  17. I just don’t see how they could get 1000 customers per flight for that beast. But with less passengers, just put them in their own parachute pod and eject them as it flies over their destination. Then it could serve many locations with one nonstop flight. Okay, I’m not being serious, but it’s crazy enough for Elon to run with it...
  18. Hmm, and what are you planning to do with your nuclear waste? Build an Illudium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator? Autocomplete gave me the idea that one of our moderators should give themselves the title “Explosive Space Moderator”
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