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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I think the poster was referring to how it used to say what the next unread topic was, where the red circle is below...
  2. Butter & salt, or sour cream, for when cheese and bacon (or bacon bits) aren't around, make great veggie helpers.
  3. LOL ! I'm old-school, so I was thinking G's, as in grand, which was the old shorthand for a thousand... I would think one gigadollar would be written 1 G$? One gigadollar would be...
  4. Further to this, my wife has heard from one of her former employer's clients that an email went out stating that my wife "has chosen to pursue a different opportunity which is effective immediately" That sounds pretty bleedin' dishonest to me. I can't help but wonder if that is legally actionable (libelous?). It's sounds close to the truth (depending how you spin it) but she did not "choose" to "pursue a different opportunity" but was forced to after being terminated. The only NDA I recall from her termination letter was not "reaching out" to former co-workers, but nothing about former co-workers or clients reaching out to her. This is a small city so eventually running into them is inevitable. Never mind the other inaccuracies in the email, praising their other staffers of questionable abilities.
  5. Yeah, and it was their favorite hat too... As for myself, we got to spend a pile of money outfitting our boys for ice hockey. At least it was the annual "Hockeypalooza" sale at Source for Sports. But still, over $1G later... Hopefully the JumpStart program (thank you, Canadian Tire!) will cover some of that.
  6. That could just as easily be the province of Saskatchewan (Canadian prairie)
  7. I never did look very hard for anomalies since the greenoliths were introduced, just opened Kerbnet now and then to see if anything was spotted, but didn't have the patience to babysit it to find anything. I did visit some easter eggs, either through wiki'd coordinates or Anomaly Surveyor contracts (Contract Configurator packs). Last weekend Kerbnet finally showed a question mark on Minmus, and this morning I finally got a chance to check it out. So I finally(!) found my first Greenolith! Navin Kerman fainted when she saw what she had discovered! Apparently I was awarded the tech "Experimental Motors," although I had already finished the tech tree. Oddly enough, I couldn't find that tech in the tree...
  8. I believe you meant turbofan. oops, ninja'd, didn't see the new page...
  9. Ethyl? Cold Ethyl? Cold Ethyl, you're my paradise!
  10. Fluorina Trichlorina sounds like trouble. Stay away from her. And if you marry Oxygela you may get burned...
  11. Movie stars? TV stars? Sports stars? Rock stars? Oh, right, stellar stars... "Juice. Beetle Juice"
  12. I wouldn't call it a vain memorial. It's an attempt to get to space one way or another, something I hope to do one day,
  13. Yeah, it a lost art all right. My generation learned cooking at their mothers’ knee, like my wife. The current generation would rather stare at a screen. Maybe it would help if some genius could develop a tele-robotic kitchen that could be operated via smartphone. That might inspire this generation... I can cook, if one doesn’t mind a little charcoal on their food, but I’m lazy. Hot dogs and pasta is about my speed....
  14. Using an Orion drive from the surface would probably tank your reputation into the sub-basement Yeah, like, why would they resist using such an immensely capable drive? It’s not like there aren’t huge desert areas that could be turned into self-lit, glass paved parking lots.... (puts on ultra-dark cheap sunglasses and SPF 2million sunblock)
  15. This workaround is in the bugtracker... In "\saves\default\persistent.sfs" (your main save) and in "\GameData\SquadExpansion\Serenity\Resources\DeployedScience.cfg", change the line"ScienceTimeDelay = 60" to "ScienceTimeDelay = 6000000".
  16. Yeah, me too. Looks kinda asparagus-y. F-850, huh? I hope it's no relation to the T-800...
  17. Yup, looks like aluminum waffles to me... (yes, it's Orion, but it was the easiest space-waffle image for me to find)
  18. Not really cooking, and not my idea, but people look at me funny when I tell them that peanut-butter-and-pickle sandwiches are pretty good.
  19. It’s been a bit of a chicken-and-egg thing. Re-use never caught on earlier because , as ESA argued, the number of payloads wouldn’t support it, as the factories (and workers) would be idled a lot of the time. But there weren’t a lot of payloads because launches were so expensive. The USA basically priced themselves out of the commercial market, losing out to Ariane and Soyuz, with Uncle Sam being the sole remaining customer for American rockets. The American govt spent billions per year just to keep the Atlas factories open for when they were needed, at least at one point. Then along came SpaceX, whose initial, expendable F9 1.0 was cheaper than almost anything else in the world, in its class. They’re slowing down now because they’ve caught up on their backlog, and will use their fleet of used rockets to launch Starlink, creating their own demand
  20. With multi-screen support! Flight scene on one, map view on another...
  21. And that’s the same reason I didn’t use any LS mods for long. I didn’t want to get bogged down running resupply missions. Although it was fun, when realizing the life support would run out days before my Minmus mission made it back, starting to plan a high-speed rendezvous before realizing I could just burn the rest of the fuel in the return craft to make it back much faster and do a blazing reentry (pre-1.0)
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