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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Um, yeah, what everyone else said. I still don't remember how I found KSP. But I'm glad I did... I remember that, that was insane!
  2. https://petlifetoday.com/best-electronic-dog-doors/ As long as the cat doesn't follow the dog(s) out. Hopefully she stays close to the dog...
  3. Whoops, sorry, I spilled this solvent all over your purdy artwork...
  4. Okay, this is a (apparently 10-part) mini-series, not a movie, but it would require at least a movie quadrilogy to do it justice. So I'd say it qualifies in this thread... https://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/stephen-king/241516/the-stand-tv-series-release-date-cast-trailer-news https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1831804/?ref_=ttfc_fc_tt Yup, that right, Stephen King's epic The Stand is being made into another mini-series, to air on CBS's "All Access" streaming platform in 2020. Some eye-catching names in the cast include Whoopi Goldberg as Mother Abigail, and Marilyn Manson in an un-named role. Stephen King himself is on the writing team, and is said to have scripted a new ending... Shooting has already started in downtown Vancouver, with the unusual warnings that "viewer discretion is advised" for anyone checking out the set, as it was apparently rather gory or otherwise.... disturbing... I shall be waiting for the trailer with bated breath. Hopefully it will be well done, and not another re-imagining like The Dark Tower was. Although that was hand-waved away as "the story as told /happened on another level of the Tower"
  5. Looks like aluminum. Won't last long in here....
  6. We are much stronger than we realize. The human body generally limits output to what the components can withstand. In extreme situations (the classic mother lifting a car off her child) the body can perform incredible feats of strength, but there is usually a price to pay in terms of injury. So to get superhuman strength, the tendons and ligaments need to be stronger, along with the attachments to the bones
  7. I’ve been wanting to chime in on this thread since day one, but was waiting until I Had time to do it justice. Waiting for my kid’s ice hockey game to start seems like a good time. Especially since I’m having a rare evening cuppa joe right now. Ah, coffee, the Elixir of Life, the Fountain of Wakefulness, the Mud of Mojo I think I’ve established that I like coffee. That’s not to say that I drink it all day, though. I typically have a coupla 16oz cups in the morning, one before leaving for work and another (in my travel mug) to kickstart the shift. Much more than that and I may start to get jittery I’m one of those people who doesn’t care for bitter, be it beer or coffee. So I’m one of the heathens who needs to doctor my coffee with cream (the heavy 18% coffee cream, not that halfnhalf creamo stuff) and sugar. Even better is the chemical soup known as “International Delight” creamer, in all its wondrous flavours. Hmm, maybe I should try evaporated milk, like my dad use to put in his coffee. But that may have been from living on an island where all the supplies were barged in; milk was either powdered or canned. Which reminds me of the time when I was four, and thought I’d do him a favour and make coffee for him - and put the grounds in the water reservoir. Ah, the coffee that would be at my old work, sitting in the pot for hours. I called that mud either Rocket Fuel or Wake-the-Dead coffee (if it didn’t wake you up, you were dead) There’s that song, “I want Candy!” You can guess what my version is. Dangit, while I was pecking this into my phone, my wife drank all the coffee!
  8. ...until you discover a flaw common to both engines, while on the lunar surface. Lunar ascent engines are dead simple (open/close valves) because they absolutely have to work. Simplicity beats out complex redundancy. I want to think they can just use SS to bring the Lockmart AV back to LOP-G...
  9. First they dusted off Rambo. Then they dusted off the venerable T-800 And then there's what looks like a sequel to Pearl Harbor...
  10. The "~" key, AKA the "tilde" key near the esc key will focus you back on the active vessel. Or press tab to cycle through the bodes until you get back to the active vessel
  11. And for my next complaint, I'll complain that the price of gas has been bouncing between $1.30 and $1.50/liter lately (I know that's nothing to Europeans). It's making me really want an EV. But nothing else compares to a Tesla, and at the rate they innovate I don't really want a used one, which aren't much cheaper anyways. And affording a Tesla is a bit of a stretch. And when I look at the website here, it's only $10k more for the AWD version, or about $130/month, which is even more of a stretch, but at that point it's like why not go whole hog? *grumblegrumble* I need to buy a (winning!) lotto ticket or two. A happy wife is a happy life and all, but that can also get expensive...
  12. Got that prisoner feeling? That explains why you weren’t around when Gargamel and Supernovy broke the like machine.
  13. I want a 3D printer, but I don't know what I'd do with one. But I'm sure I'd think of something If I had this... So yeah, that's my complaint, that I don't have one...
  14. Well, it should be easier and cheaper to not install windows, but it sure would be nice to have a little viewport to look outside....
  15. Well there’s the problem right there! You don’t refill a toner cartridge; you replace it. Otherwise parts wear out or get marred, and the excess material compartment gets overfilled If you guys were refilling the like cartridge all this time then it was probably worn out, and would have snapped on its own in about another thousand likes or so And I should know, I did laser printer support at one time.... Don’t refill your toner cartridges, kids. Recycle them properly
  16. Actually, San Diego is where Mr Fox was found last week.... (CFOX radio contest to win a trip to where Mr Fox was hiding if you guess where exactly)
  17. Yup, those were some of my favourites! Good choices! So they don’t represent actual gameplay. Neither do most of the current loading screen pics
  18. I’m similarly space-obsessed, with a side obsession of MOAR POWAH! which covers practically anything that burns guzzles fuel (I got the astronaut figures on my kid cake one year). After seeing so many false starts and abandoned concepts over the years, it was easy to get pessimistic about the future of spaceflight. There was only the Shuttle (marvellous but ill-conceived machine that it was) to provide anything really interesting in space, and then was only Soyuz. It’s exciting to see someone finally leading the charge with game-changing techniques, and actually getting stuff built in an efficient, cost-effective manner. So yeah, I’m a SpaceX fan, but it’s not like I think they’re gods or anything. I’m also a fan of BO and VG, and it’ll be nice to see those two light it up more. I’m NOT a fan of Antares. Solids and foreign engines, like really?
  19. The reason for tungsten is that it has good density so it that air resistance doesn't slow it down as much. But more important, it has a very high melting point, to survive the descent. Rods from God may be overkill; telephone pole size impactors may have a nuclear effect but would be expensive to put up there, and WMDs are always a thorny topic. I've always liked the idea of flying crowbars, as anti-material weapons (Footfall describes an orbital strike of flying crowbars against a column of tanks). Again, the main headache is terminal guidance through the plasma sheath.
  20. I must avenge my great-great-great-great-grandmother!
  21. I see now that they were probably testing yesterday’s update before re-enabling the ‘likes’ today
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