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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Ah whoops my bad. A little neuroflatulence there. In most fiction it’s forgivable, but one expects sci-fi to be more accurate.
  2. There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don’t. 1010/1010 Human, I am. Alien, I am not.
  3. Except Star Wars never pretended to be sci-fi. It’s classified as space opera or space fantasy. You can talk about the logical or plot inconsistencies, but this thread is about bad science in sci-fi Edit: whoops, been so long since I actually read the thread title that I forgot this thread encompasses all fiction
  4. One other tip with separating boosters: it helps to have the bottom of the boosters slightly below the bottom of the core, to prevent a bottom strike as the booster rotates away. This is more important with the longer, heavier, more cumbersome boosters
  5. I like it! That needs to be the punchline (punchpic? punchmeme?) after Jeb gets up to tricks....
  6. I was having a quite productive day at work until I had to stop because the boiler was acting up....
  7. Yes, that was a remarkable crash landing, saving around 100 lives IIRC. When that failure was run through the simulator, no other pilots could even get to the airport. The key was that they still had engine power, so they steered it with differential throttling. If StarShip had a complete engine failure, it would hit like a brick. I wonder how many dorsal parachutes would be needed to slow it enough for a survivable crash landing? Not pleasant, but neither is an ejection seat. Severing the cabin would help, but that mechanism just becomes another failure point if it triggers by accident.
  8. 1: Theoretically, yes, AFAIK. 2: As long as it can find thermals or other rising air masses when needed to boost the altitude, then I don’t see why not. It also depends on the mission: is it loitering over an area or going somewhere? It would be easier to predict thermals when loitering. Solar energy and batteries would make reboosting easier.
  9. My townhouse complex (80+units) has a posted speed limit of 5kph, with an unofficial observed limit of more like 15kph.(it would take me at least two minutes to get from the entrance to my unit at 5kph). There are several parking-lot style speed bumps scattered around, with a wide rainwater gap in the middle. I’ve found that regardless of speed, I prefer to NOT run a wheel through the gap or off the side, as I get thrown side-to-side. It’s a smoother ride to just hit it straight on with both wheels taking the bump. Mind you, this is with my Yaris. I haven’t really paid attention to how my Ram handles the bump with different approaches, because I don’t drive it much. Or maybe because I don’t really notice the bumps in it!
  10. Well sure, just need to heat enough air hot enough. Perhaps by compressing it, then burning some fuel in the compressed air? Better have that hot air drive a turbine to run the compressor as well. Presto, we have a turbojet!
  11. Put up the outdoor Xmas lights. I don’t seem to have as many as last year, so I must have recycled a malfunctioning string
  12. While I'm sure Mad Max would love not having to find and hoard fuel (until the battery wears out; but the bed could be filled with lead-acid batteries), it just isn't ugly enough....
  13. It looks like only kids would have enough headroom in the back seats...
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