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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. That brings new meaning to the old bumper sticker, “Keep honking, I’m reloading.....”
  2. 130+ hours wasted into Factorio, much to my wife's disgust... Note to self: unload nuclear-tipped rockets from the rocket launcher when done nuking bug bases, so that you don't accidentally nuke a tree )and yourself) when trying to shoot it out of the way....
  3. Not a kerbal landing, since, kerbals don't have to deal with crosswinds, but that runway reminds me of the Tier 0 runway at the Kerbal Space Center....
  4. My kid's Atom-level hockey game today. 1: First goal was a fluke, a pop-up off a faceoff where the goalie Lucy'd the catch. Other than that our goalie had an awesome game. 2. linesman calls icing against a short-handed team... oops. 3. This one was really bad. Our D gets back for the puck first, should have been icing. Not this time, then our D immediately gets tripped, puck taken and put in our net. This sequence was in a matter of seconds. Should have been a penalty, but instead it's a goal against. Down 2-zip 4. After that, it's a bunch of non-calls favoring them, and every penalty against us Our team put in a great effort and kept it close, but ultimately lost by a few goals. I mean, I know the officials are teenagers and are learning, but still.... I hope they learned some things....
  5. A reversible ground-loop heat pump (main component in an air conditioner) would be ideal for thermal regulation.
  6. Yeah, Mars as a stepping stone to the outer system makes no sense. Although, the thought of meeting up with tankers launched from Phobos or Deimos is intriguing....
  7. That’s the one where the night side of Earth sees the Moon get incredibly bright while at the same time, all communications with the day side get cut off, correct? ... which leads to one hell of a dawn....
  8. ... but gain a more capable Orion CSM, which has been on the wishlist around here. And since it sounds like SLS will be around for awhile, maybe the planned upgrades will actually happen and it might actually turn into a capable, if expensive, SHLV
  9. From https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-cybertruck-back-to-the-future-fan-video/. Be sure to read about the Easter eggs in the app too....
  10. If it belonged to the current president it should be SpaceBall One...
  11. Now that is a loooooong resume.... I know movie-making was simpler way back when talkies were new, but it's amazing how he was cranking out 2-3 movies a year most years. Probably not all leading roles, but still, that pace goes for three decades!
  12. One thing from MAD that stuck in my brain these last forty years was a background billboard for “SOSUME MOTORS”
  13. https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/rockets/a30705512/yenisei-rocket-russia/ Mmmmmm, asparagus...... *Homerdroolface*
  14. I just realized it’s “Factorio::SpaceX Edition”
  15. It’s just the Vogons building a hyperspace bypass...
  16. “Some days you’re the bug, and some days you’re the windshield” - anonymous
  17. Or someone didn’t want such information (particularly the $28-$30 million number) publicly disclosed
  18. You know what? I’d be happy just to see some sort of ‘lith-moving equipment doing some lunascaping...
  19. Well, if I drink too many Mexican cervezas at night I end up with coronavirus the next morning ...
  20. “Lieutenant-colonel... Henry Blake’s plane... Was shot down... over the Sea of Japan... It spun in... There were no survivors...” -Cpl Radar O’Reilly ... ... ... “Scalpel”. -Capt “Hawkeye” Pierce
  21. This one got stuck today.... especially when my mind started to play with it and replacing "Mercury" with Model 3"
  22. I spent Friday as timekeeper/scorekeeper for a hockey tournament. Aside from the occasional break, the games are alloted 75 minutes, then 15 minutes to refresh the ice. So games usually started every 90 minutes on any given rink. Today, I was driving by a sandwich board advertising church services at a local high school, with sermons scheduled every 90 minutes. I immediately thought"Hmmm, so 75 minutes per sermon then 15 minutes to run the Spiritual Zamboni through....?"
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