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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I got a kick out of the comment, "Everything is looking really awesome."
  2. Yay, I get to watch a launch live, for the first time in.... I dunno, a long time, anyways Never gets old...
  3. https://www.universal-sci.com/headlines/2019/11/20/scientists-recommend-building-a-mars-base-using-bacteria Mining iron with bacteria.... simpler is better...
  4. Ah-hah! It was from the DuckDuckGo "Privacy Essentials" extension. Thx!
  5. Hmmm, thanks. I use Chrome myself. I’ll see if there’s a setting I can change to fix it
  6. I’ve always wondered about sending a Venus lander with a water/ice tank. The ice keeps it cool longer, then when the resulting steam is vented it could be used to generate power for a more powerful radio/instrument package.
  7. Okay, this is weird. When browsing the KSP forums on PC, I see tweets start to load (empty grey frame), but then they disappear as if there was no embedded tweet once the page finishes loading. But on my iPhone I see embedded tweets just fine. Any idea what's going on? Is it just me?
  8. I hear you. "I'm sane. Everyone else is crazy!"
  9. I should flesh this out a bit more with a few salient points, now that I have some time... 1. It's his first season of ice hockey. He played one season of roller hockey before that, and picked up a hockey stick and laced up roller blades for the first time not long before that. 2. He's quite small for his age, so between that and his skill level he was slotted into Atom as an overage player. It was nice to see him not be the smallest person in his group for once, although he still wasn't the tallest! 3. He's not the fastest and he's still developing his skills, but he's a tenaciously hard worker and determined to go get that puck. As a forward he makes great defensive plays on the backcheck and is usually involved in the play. But goals have eluded him, although he's had some chances and has a few assists. 4. The coaches enjoy having a more mature player who is willing to pass. Now if only his linemates would pass to him. One of them keeps trying to stickhandle through two defenders in the neutral zone when there's open players to pass to. Our team had been losing (getting blown out and/or shut out) most games, until the last few games when my kid started to make little speeches in the locker room before the games, and they started winning - convincingly. 5. While not a typical skill goal or a rebound "garbage goal" (not that there's anything wrong with that), it was still full marks for his unassisted goal. He made the defender pay for the mistake of skating the puck in front of his own net by chasing him down and swatting the puck off the defender's stick and under the goalie, into the net. The goalie also learned to always be ready, even if a teammate has the puck. 6. Because of his hard work, he had most of the team's parents rooting for him to get a goal. When he finally did score on his thirteenth birthday (to make it a 3-0 game), our crowd erupted into near-pandemonium, as if it was a championship-winning goal. When the other side's parents caught on to why we were cheering so madly, they started cheering him too! And the linesmen saved the puck for him. We had a feeling he was going to score on his birthday. Since the game was early enough in the evening, we arranged for an after-game pizza party in the change room. That "First Goal" puck was probably the best present ever! Now he wants me to make him a trophy case for the puck, complete with a sliding glass door. He should be a contender for the new "Heart and Hustle" award at the end of the season. Incidentally, I was also a late starter at ball hockey and also not a skill player, but made up for it with hustle. He'll be moved up to Peewee next season, although he's old enough for Bantam. E: Oh, and his T-shirt (as noticed in post-game pics) under his gear was a picture of Darth Vader with the caption “This is what awesome looks like!”
  10. "...Or the core.... Or the main engine(s)"
  11. "Let's see if this makes it to orbit!"
  12. It really comes down to bragging rights. As if SpaceX doesn’t have enough impressive accomplishments, getting crew to space first, for (a lot) cheaper, is a big ol’ ostrich feather in their cap. I’d say it was a shot across Boeing’s bow, but that happened long ago, when SpaceX won their CCrew contract. As for emotional investment, that probably stems from an antipathy against Boeing, probably due to their appearance of foot-dragging/milking on cost+ contracts, along with other displays of apparent mistakes or incompetence.
  13. I was close, I was going by ~30 year-old memories. But the max mass went up a lot, I seem to recall it was 16oz max. But again, that’s old NAR code
  14. Judging by the model rocketry code, I’d say that more than 4 oz (~110g) would require a permit. I don’t know what sort of permit is required for amateur rockets
  15. NASA uses F9 quickload confirmed!!! Just kidding. They only wish they could sometimes...
  16. Hmm, This sounds to simple to actually work, but what if those first few expendable lunar Cargo SSs were sliced open down the side, unrolled, and use that steel as the pad (properly secured, of course). Depends on how the steel holds up to the exhaust plume, and how much it warps with that much localized heat....
  17. They should perform the “HMS Pinafore”. Or whatever the proper name of that play is
  18. Putting a camera on is the easy part. The hard part is transmitting the images out during the short time it can transmit. That's on top of the other scientific data being collected.
  19. My kid finally scored his first goal in Atom hockey, on his birthday to boot!
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