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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. But it just ain’t the same.... But I was mainly just poking fun at the situation
  2. The third and fourth books in the Rama series (Garden of Rama and Rama Revealed) introduced the "Octospider" species. Their leaders are called "Optimizers," tasked with making sure that their society runs in the most optimum way. I don't know how they attain that post, but it seems that every level of management is headed by an optimizer. Everything else is secondary to keeping things optimal. War is the absolutely least optimal solution. The one aspect of octo-society that would be unacceptable in today's human society is the concept of providing enough value to society to earn your keep; octospiders that fell too far behind in their contribution to society were terminated.
  3. But it’s becoming much more common as practically every PC these days has an HDMI port. I don’t just want the map view on a second screen, I want it on the BIG screen in the wall, NASA Mission Control style!
  4. I agree Wikipedia should be blocked in schools, because it’s tempting and inaccurate. But hopefully there’s access to a reputable encyclopedia website. Granted, there’s always home access, but that should be for edutainment. My stepdaughter once failed an essay because a large part of it was copy/pasted from Wikipedia. Like, at least try to regurgitate the information into your own words! I once plagiarized a poem from my brother’s yearbook for my own poetry assignment, in another city altogether. Good luck busting me for that!
  5. Did I not hear that the Raptor shut down a tad early, so it dropped the last meter or more, jarring a COPV loose? No surprise that it broke the concrete...
  6. At my work, there’s a reusable item we put on each unit late in the manufacturing process, and then take it off at the end. Naturally, these items eventually wear out or become damaged, making them unusable. Our supply is getting low. Really low. Manufactured product is piling up, waiting for these items to come off the last batch of product, jamming up the posts behind that process. Then the guys that put them on have to play catch-up We were supposed to get more last Monday Like, a week ago. How are we supposed to get production numbers up in our busy season when we don’t have the supplies we need??!? As more wear out, this is getting more and more ridiculous.
  7. Where’s my like button, dammit. But yes, that’s an elegant way of using the energy spent on keeping fit, that would otherwise be wasted
  8. Well, delays and pushbacks are certainly nothing new for SpaceX. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  9. Well let’s see, Starship was largely built in a field by an army of skilled welders, of which there are lots. Dragons are built in presumably clean room conditions, by highly specialized technicians which are probably in short supply. Couple that with NASA paperwork and some testing anomalies, and things will go at a snail’s SLS pace. Such a beautiful machine...
  10. All hidden under the skirt. I must say the mounting looks... minimalistic? And no flak jackets: if one goes RUD, they’re probably all toast...
  11. How about using the transporter to beam stuff to me?
  12. Start in the E-D and use the replicator to get most of the stuff. Might need to hack or jury-rig the holodeck to finish with getting the bigger stuff. Get Geordi and Crusher to help by saying you’re making a gift for Picard...
  13. “Drat it! Time to clean the hair out of the drain again already??!?”
  14. Watched my kid's Atom-level ice-hockey team demolish the opposition 8-1 in exhibition play. Looks like the league has some balancing to do...
  15. Well, simplicity for the Mk1/2 testbeds. Later versions may change. SpaceX is known for flexibility
  16. Hmmm. Seems like an elaborate process for dead Ferengi.... https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ferengi_death_ritual RIP Nog
  17. The google translation of that article is.... amusing. It looks like a part good, part bad situation. "Thanks for the free metal for recycling, but did you have to dump that hypergolic-contaminated junk in our stream?"
  18. Well, it is tough. The major problem with mistakes in something that is trying to be realistic is that the general public starts to think that it really does work that way. Although in the end analysis, it often doesn't really matter because the general public isn't going to perform an orbital rendezvous or try to predict a trajectory on the Moon. It's like watching a "Western" set in the 1800's, showing an Indian a native on horseback with tomahawk raised, with the sun glinting off his wristwatch while a jet etches a contrail across the sky in the background. It breaks the immersion when you know better. So I really try not to think about it, but glaring mistakes can be hard to ignore... Star Wars is, in a way, a little better because it doesn't try to be realistic, even if the novels try to inject a little science here and there. It just shows what people expect to see, i.e. laser guns and WWII-style dogfights. The storytelling errors and mis-steps in later episodes, OTOH...
  19. Pretty much SOP for any movie short of a documentary. All I really expect from movies these days is eye-candy. I just put my brain on pause, while my inner scientist is locked, ranting and raving, in a little cell deep in the dungeons of my brain. Right next to the story analyst.
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