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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I launched a rocket into the sky. It went incredibly high But it hit the ground At the speed of sound And broke, which made Jeb cry Oh wow, I didn't abuse any rhymes that time...
  2. ... Because I just saw (and correctly identified) a meteor. No, not a meteorite, just a meteor...
  3. Can't say I've ever seen one of those before... You need to think of it as a 52-window coupe. Sounds so much fancier...
  4. As an aspiring engineer 30 years ago (never made it through and became a factory grunt ) I wanted to invent a hybridcharger: basically a large turbocharger (normally subject to turbo lag) with a freewheeling (like the rear sprocket on a 5-8 speed bike) belt drive to get the compressor up to speed until the exhaust-driven turbine could take over. I suppose it could also be looked at as a turbine-augmented Paxton supercharger
  5. It tends to vary with the wheel suspension settings and the mass of the rover. All I've gotten lately when coming out of warp is a bounce. If you're not focused on the vessel when you warp. then nothing will happen to it. Of course, then the interesting part comes when you do focus on the vessel, because the same thing will happen: physics kicks in and "things happen." The best thing to do is quicksave (F5) often , which gives you a chance to try it again. There was a mod called "World Stabilizer" IIRC. I don't know if it has been maintained, however.
  6. You want something? Spike it with Kahlua or Fireball
  7. As a proud BCer I thought the same thing, but I don’t think we need the ‘toba part...
  8. Apparently they don't want our money that badly. Just take your favorite KSP image, and get a custom coffee mug made, like I did. Or a T-shirt
  9. Ah, but the trick is having it go boom when it lands/impacts, not 40 miles up. The V2 used a fairly low-yield warhead, because more powerful explosives would have been set off by the heat of re-entry
  10. Yay for Halloween stuff!!! Not exactly a song, but the Canucks released this on tuesday...
  11. No need to restart for a point update. I was able to move from 1.7.3 to 1.8.1 without a problem; even my light load of mods (nothing complex) worked.
  12. I finally got a chance to start landing probes (I sent a 6-pack) on Jool's moons. Managed to land near a cryovolcano on Vall... As for the Tylo lander probe, well.... It ran out of gas a before it reached the surface, but since the PB-NUK, antenna, and science gear survived, I'll call it a success
  13. I only sort-of follow that. Returning to slide rules? Or making (micro-electronic) computers use slide rules?
  14. Armpits work wonders for warming cold hands. Even better if you can use someone else's armpits so you don't freeze your own, but that probably wouldn't go over well at university...
  15. After battling through a hurts-to-swallow sore throat since Sunday, I finally called in sick at my already short-staffed work since it was getting worse, not better. Went to the walk-in clinic at 7am, where after waiting for an hour the doctor took one minute to look in my throat and feel my glands before giving me a prescription for that classic, penicillin, and telling me to gargle with salt water or listerine. Then I spent the morning running around, getting my scrip filled, taking my daughter to work, my dog to the park, gym strip to my son's school, coffee to my wife's work, and getting RV anti-freeze (hope it's not too late; the last few nights have hit 0C. Shouldn't have frozen solid, but...) Now I can finally sit at home with Netflix and KSP and just chill out. I think I'll watch "Better Than Us". I'm on episode 3 so far...
  16. Less payload margin to use for recovery, coupled with square-cube law (tankage mass does not rise as quickly as propellant mass, and drag becomes less significant.)
  17. When @tater was concerned about his young kitty spending a cold night outside with predators on the prowl, it triggered this song to get stuck in my head, which I learned in grade 4 some 40 years ago...
  18. Ah, night, when the hunter becomes the hunted... Every cats name is the sound of dinner being served...
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