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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Not bad at all... Sounds like they started out as an Aero/DC tribute band...
  2. Ah yes, The Road Warrior, another excellent classic from my youth. Not surprising that it would be an Aussie pick
  3. RotLA was good, yes (and I never knew it as "Indiana Jones and...") but I have to say that the movie I was most blown away by when I saw it in the theater was Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Groundbreaking effects (yeah, the morphing software effect was developed for Willow, but T2 went all-in with digital F/X) good story (A boy and his terminator) and some great one-liners ("He'll live.") And of course, there's the original Star Wars. No follow-on title, no episode number, just... Star Wars But I really have a hard time deciding "My Favorite..." anything. And I've never seen The Princess Bride
  4. Well, given they were a multi-planet species, I'd say they prospered. They had also learned a valuable lesson during a near-extinction event. Their leaders were called "Optimizers" since their job was to keep everything optimized. They used other creatures as technology as a sort of symbiosis. Since war was decidedly non-optimal, it was only used as a very last resort, with none of these silly rules of war that humans insist on. War is war, after all. The original Rendezvous With Rama by Arthur C Clarke was written in 1973 as a stand-alone, but ended with a big hook suggesting more to come. Starting in 1989 a follow-on trilogy was written by Arthur C Clarke and Gentry Lee. Rama II set the stage for Garden of Rama (which takes an in-depth look at the differences between Human and Octospider cultures) and Rama Revealed, which wraps it all up. I suggest giving them a read. The original was a classic hit, while the follow-on trilogy fell into the love-it-or-hate-it category. The main difference being that Clarke didn't spend as many words on in-depth character and social commentary as Gentry Lee did. But I liked them, aside from some of the character-backstory-development in Rama II. If you really want to just cut to the octospiders you can skip straight to Garden of Rama; you should be able to pick up the tale there.
  5. Glad I perused this thread again... So nobody at NASA thought "Hey wait a minute, this critter is wearing a parachute!" ?
  6. Is there a constellation named for Falcons yet? Otherwise, Tesla would work. The astrological significance would be constant change, of course. Sometimes radical change but usually just incremental.
  7. I still get per-biome EVA reports from low orbit, but that was never a thing with crew reports. But I was getting some per-biome science while flying, I think it was crew reports and/or temp reports. I haven’t unlocked the gravioli detector yet to test that
  8. Like the “Octospiders” from “Rama Revealed “ and “ Garden of Rama”
  9. I didn’t read the article, but I gather that’s the commercial “hotel” rate for visitors. After you pay for your taxi seat. I wonder if you get a discount if you BYO air.
  10. Oddly, the same for me. Maybe I was holding my phone upside-down (checks phone for "Made in Australia" label)
  11. Good point. But if one used space as the vacuum source, vacuum pumps wouldn't be needed. Just hook up a hose to a port that vents to space.... I work with autoclaves to cure re-treaded tires. Tires are sealed into bags under vacuum to get out as much air as possible for the reason you gave. It would be easier to seal the bags with unlimited vacuum. but that wouldn't be economical to send them to space.
  12. Does some entity have a product they wish to manufacture in space? They mention microgravity, but what about the easy access to vacuum? Are there dirtside vacuum chambers that can reach the same level of vacuum that surrounds the ISS?
  13. Another tip: the only such contract I’ve taken so far was to pick up a Mun Stone, with the Polar Crater being one of the biomes to find it in. After landing, I zoomed waaay out for an overhead view, until my lander was just a shadow on the surface, at which point I could see another shadow about 300m away. It turned out to be a Mun Stone. Apparently I was lucky as that appeared to be the only one in the area. This may depend on your graphics/terrain settings; mine are on the low side.
  14. Still waiting to hear if they found the cause of the RUD yet. All we know, per an earlier tweet, is that it happened after the SuperDraco system was activated (not fired). Presumably that means when the system was pressurized, and apparently something ruptured. But what?
  15. Look for contracts to find things. The contract will tell you what biomes to look in
  16. Rescue Redux: the name of the ship I built after the first rescue ship I built was an utter failure (heat shield in the wrong place and “simulations” showed it wouldn’t be able to land safely) , so I had to send a ship to rescue the rescuees from the rescue ship.
  17. I’ve watched Housos: I know you’re crazy people lol. Sounds like one of them was getting arrested
  18. Nice how they only put this stuff on Twitter...
  19. Well, yeah, I was trying to narrow it down to narrower columns. Pockets of moister air, perhaps. A field drying out after an overnight rain? Need more info, like time of day and the geography underneath.
  20. Probably convection cells: rising columns of warm air that's moist enough to condense when it hits the colder layers of air higher up
  21. Grammar: its effect on the meaning of a sentence can be dramatic, so it's important to use it properly as it can affect how people perceive you. English is such a funny language. Do I have to pare (But I don't want to!) or do I have two pair (which is a fairly low ranking poker hand)? Two pairs of pears to pare is too many pears to pare.
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