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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. As long as it doesn’t require a new vessel, i.e. one launched after the contract is accepted. Such as a rescue mission or “Science from...” mission would be good, but base or station missions usually need a new vessel (IIRC)
  2. Holy Hype Batman! Oh.... My.... Kod! Praise Kraken!. Since Squad is finally delving into a time-based mechanic, maybe they will look at implementing construction time? and I finally just started a new 1.7 career save. I’ll just have to scrap that while I wait for this DLC to drop. Quick Robin, to the Civ6Cave!
  3. Well, if you’re going to include Troops there’s another one from the prequel era that cannot be named cuz rules.
  4. One thing I haven't been clear on with those Jool 3 (multiple flyby) contracts: Do they have to be done in order? That would make it harder (if not impossible)to do those first two contracts with the same craft. But no problem doing that third contract with one of the first two.
  5. I like to use Paint3D, which has a tool that can crop irregular shapes out of images. It let me create memes like this (keeping it on topic )
  6. Got out and pushed.... It took 5.5 tanks of EVA RCS to lower the Pe from over 800km to a 30km re-entry after a Munar flyby in this new career. I probably would have had enough dV to do this without pushing if I'd remembered to drain the mono from the capsule and shaved the heat shield. And/Or if I had managed a proper gravity turn, instead of the lofted launch profile I usually end up with. Of course I could have saved a few refills if I had decoupled the capsule, but the solar panels were on the propulsion stage and I didn't want the OKTO to run out of power to hold the SAS. Bob was along for the ride to reset the materials can, but he was ordered to push.
  7. I had a rescue mission in a sub-Moho orbit that gave me a reason to get close enough to need radiators...
  8. The main problem the droneship has is transmitting through that shaking dish. Will they upgrade it to phased array?
  9. Was it actually hotter? Or did it simply radiate more IR because it was the black composite interstage instead of painted white aluminum alloy tankage?
  10. That IR view was hot! Congrats on yet another landing!
  11. I've seen some video clips on the news; that's quite the vicious storm. I hope you were safely hunkered down to ride it out. Hope all is as well as can be hoped for under the circumstances.
  12. My wife makes egg "muffins," with cheese and peppers (mushrooms optional). Good on-the-go breakfast
  13. This mod adds handy little indicator lights to many parts, including docking ports. The docking port lights blink when the magnets activate. I'm surprised Snark hasn't chimed in with it yet...
  14. Sorry, but I always think of this when that song comes up...
  15. When you’re used to free-range eggs and go back to commercial store-bought, they shatter when you try to crack them... Free range eggs are easier to bounce
  16. Not to mention all the players that have mastered it the way it is getting frustrated because it changed....
  17. Which is where LEOnet (I should copyright and sell that term) comes in. I don’t have any numbers, but StarLink must be cheaper per square kilometre of coverage than laying cable. Or they wouldn’t be doing it. Most if not all of those suppliers (especially the local ones) will be leasing their bandwidth from the major providers’ systems, if it comes through a cable. Much like how the smaller cell providers lease bandwidth on the major providers’ cell towers
  18. SpaceX also allegedly learned an expensive lesson about trusting third-party manufacturers’ specs and certifications
  19. I believe it’s a complaint about some areas of the US getting gouged for spotty or inconsistent service. But as I understand it, the main purpose of LEOnet is to provide lower-latency service for those rural areas that do not have landline broadband, which is quite expensive to provide for the few customers it would gain. Areas like northern Canada, Africa, etc. I would imagine if an entire metropolis switched to LEOnet it would saturate the satellites passing over.
  20. Nice! Mind if I ask what field? Well, liking it is an option. Getting a job is not if you like the finer things in life, like good food and comfortable shelter. Unless you’re rich already
  21. Now for the biggest test of all: getting a job you like in your field of study.
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