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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Hmmm. The forum rules have pretty much vaccinated this forum against bickering, flaming, and other ‘net maladies, enforced by the immuno-moderators (T-moderators?). I find the political and religious vaccines to be especially welcome. It’s my understanding that aside from the quack factor, some of the early concerns about vaccines was that a mercury compound was used as a preservative
  2. I prefer more casual, with the only realism the kind that doesn't make it more like work than fun (LS), or that make it too difficult to play a casual game. And I don't see how a texture change would change that. I was never worried about aesthetics anyways, I actually liked the old oil drums. Especially when Textures Unlimited made them nice and shiny...
  3. And when they're not tracking nyan cat, they're trackin' yo' momma!
  4. Hmm, first the Boring Co. Not-a-Flamethrower, next a SpaceX Raincoat. Will it be resistant to MMOD?
  5. So, have an eSports decathlon! From CoD to Civ to Starcraft to Tetris to SMB! ”Ready, Player One!”
  6. Random thought sparked by the titles of Eps 8&9: So there will be no more Jedi. They will be replaced by the Order of Skywalkers
  7. Been there done that, left the t-shirt on said lander
  8. Yup. Mathematically gifted people tend to be socially awkward, and vice versa. But really, there is a wide range of intelligence within a given species; the Darwin Awards are proof of that. I’ve seen dogs that can be outwitted by a chew toy, while others outwit their human companions. Crowds tend to sink to the lowest common denominator.
  9. Yeah, I thought it was also the height of standard 32’ warehouse/factory clearance under the rafters. But now that they’re building out in a field.... Although they’d probably still want to bring it indoors for inspections and refurbishment...
  10. This would probably fall victim to the rocket equation and/or simple TWR budget, but, how much would a space-rated fission reactor have to mass to power a laser-initiated, inertial confinement pulsed-fusion rocket engine? I suppose the mass would be less of an issue if it was not used for the initial launch, just for in-space use.
  11. Oh for... Blocked in Canada.... Local upload not jumping out at me... I really have to start watching Orville, when I find time So, going by the video title, is that a rip on/tribute to/nod to Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 movie? I realize it's an episode clip from Orville....
  12. It's Aliiiiive!!! So good to be back on a keyboard. So this FireCuda is a hybrid drive. It has an SSD portion, but it's not a discreet partition. It just shows up as a 1TB (well, 924MB) drive that I've partitioned. The controller is supposed to figure out what to put where. I'll see what kind of performance gains I get. The one review I read on it (after I bought it) says it should be well worth the extra ten bucks. But good lord, what a nightmare creating the re-install USB drive. It kept failing to create the media. Finally I did a long format, put it in a different port, and plugged in my son's laptop I was using. Not sure which change did the trick, but it finally worked. What I found stupid was that the tool kept downloading the files each time I tried it, adding to the time. Meanwhile, robocopy was working hard, on my dying drive, but it was copying stuff I didn't think was in the folder I told it to copy. Once it was done I tried to surf around the drive some more to see what I missed. Nope. Dead as a doornail. PC said it wasn't there anymore. Ah well, I got most of what I wanted and everything I needed. Then I removed it from the laptop (thankfully this machine has an access door, others in the house have to pry the case apart) and it was almost too hot to touch.
  13. Welcome back! lots of good advice here already, and I also recommend playing basically stock. But the two quality-of-life mods I found I really wanted when trying to play stock are Kerbal Alarm Clock and Navball Docking Alignment Indicator (makes docking much easier without taking up screen space) BetterBurnTime is also handy
  14. Bear in mind that Disney doesn’t have to earn back the price tag for the SW franchise just from movies. As well as the series that will air on the Disney streaming service, they are opening “Star Wars Land” sections in the two US Disney parks. It’s going to be crazy there for the next year or two
  15. I bought a 1TB FireCuda to replace my damaged drive, but haven’t installed it yet. Odd that the packaging or display box didn’t state the size of the SSD portion. I’ll find out later when I install it. Then I can let the guy at Staples know... It was only $10 more than the regular 1TB Barracuda
  16. Yup, it can see the g drive (external drive. Works great, until it hits a data error and I have to ctrl-c it. But it’ll do. Getting what I need off it. Thanks!
  17. Well, I dropped my HP laptop *facepalm* and it seems to have killed the HDD. When I power it on ( from completely off, unplugged and battery removed) I just get a blank screen for awhile (after offering the ESC menu) and then it goes into repair mode, which fails. When I run the UEFI diagnostics, the HDD passes the SMART test but fails the short DST test about ten seconds in to the estimated 2 minute test. But at least the memory test passed I can go to command prompt and surf around the drive, digging through both partitions, but it won’t boot. While there is nothing critical on the drive, I would like to recover some of the data. I don’t have any other hardware that I could plug the drive into, but I have a USB external drive with plenty of space. Can I copy the directories I want onto the external HDD from the command prompt, and if so, what is the format/syntax of the copy command? Thanks for any help! In the meantime, I’ll go buy a cheaper 1TB notebook drive at Staples...
  18. Indeed. I wonder why not? *gets hit with NDA hammer* It’s as if someone doesn’t want to make money....
  19. Wow, double standard much? I imagine she also insisted that the guy pay for everything (and then some) and should show up with flowers and chocolate for every date if he expects to be able to touch her. Back to the magic bit... I read something as a kid that had a time traveller from the late 70s who went back to the Middle Ages. He was demonstrating his gadgets when he randomly punched in the unfortunate combination of 37 x 18 into his calculator, then displayed the result to a local. He was immediately burned at the stake for being a witch as the device showed the number 666 in the glowing red digits prevalent on calculators from that era...
  20. In one novel, there is a reference to the “refresher”. Pretty sure it was one of the several with Mara Jade
  21. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C Clarke Electronics actually run on smoke. If you let the smoke out it stops working. On hearing that the San Jose Sharks theme during these playoffs is “ Keep on rocking in the TEAL world” my train of thought eventually led me to wonder if different duck species interbreed...?
  22. Are the SRBs touching? That may be the issue. If not, are you using launch clamps? Those might help
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