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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. https://www.howtogeek.com/219947/how-to-record-pc-gameplay-with-windows-10’s-game-dvr-and-game-bar/
  2. What I would like to see as a DLC-class addition is a much deeper implementation of the Kerbal Konstruction Time mod. Not just the rocket-assembling and research time, but the entire supply chain (short of resource extraction). After all, being able to design, build, and launch several rockets in the span of hours (if not minutes) of game time is rather OP. How does that fit this topic? Because it would require not just a factory, but likely an entire factory row (one per supplier)! And it becomes part of a bigger mechanic. Back in the early-access versions, when in the editors, the top-right corner of the part detail windows had "Qty: 999." (Unfortunately, I don't have my old alpha versions anymore, or I'd post a screenshot of it. Perhaps someone else could provide that screenie?) This implies that at some point in time there were thoughts of implementing part inventories. These inventories need to come from somewhere. So, as one progresses through the tech tree and new parts become available from new suppliers, new factories are built. KKT also includes research time, which would give time to build the factories. When new parts are researched, it would start with a small inventory on-hand, and more would have to be ordered as desired. The factories could produce parts on demand when a rocket is built, adding cost and build time, or have batches ordered ahead of time (larger production runs are cheaper per unit) which would reduce the rocket build time since parts are already on hand. Buying additional production lines in each factory would allow multiple part production runs from that supplier, building different parts from that supplier simultaneously. Possibly, the VAB (or a sub-AB) could produce runs of sub-assemblies, if ordered. Now we get into a new mechanic, giving the Astronaut Complex and kerbal professions new purposes. I never liked the current skills progression; it's totally passive with no player choice of what skills are acquired. I would much rather choose what skills my kerbals train to acquire (yes, training time too!) even if the training itself is completely hands-off. New skills that could be acquired (relevant to this post) would be research-time buffs for scientists and production-time buffs for engineers. Scientists and Engineers (with or without buffs) could be assigned to R&D, factories, and the VAB/SPH itself to reduce research and build times. For those that would argue that time is a useless mechanic since it can be warped through, that is only partially true. Time becomes important when trying to be ready for a transfer window, especially if planning multiple launches. Supply chain management could add a whole new dimension to the game.
  3. Lol, I was meaning to post that vid in another thread (the discussion had mentioned something about Reagan...) awhile aback,
  4. I agree, nothing else comes close to the impact of Star Wars, unless you widen the scope to include games, in which case Pokémon might fill the bill. Part of what made Star Wars such a huge cultural phenomenon was that Lucas was the first to sell merchandising rights for everything, which helped ensure that SW penetrated the consciousness of everyone.
  5. Did you not order the "obsolete & discontinued" soup? Waiter! I haven't posted in this thread for almost a year! What did you put in my soup that allowed that to happen?
  6. Oh sure, it may as well be labelled "Don't Click this!"
  7. I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet, but I suppose the TLJ gag reflex makes it hard to get interested in Ep9... It's only a teaser, so not much to glean there...
  8. "Since 1.3 baby! Since 1.3..." And btw, it doesn't have to be KSP... Another pic to caption.... I've built rovers like that, in case they flip....
  9. But it seems no radio transmitters survived. Or maybe it did, but the antenna didn’t.
  10. But using a full fairing over that mess should get rid of the drag, right? Or does that bug persist through a proper fairing?
  11. Give it time, assuming it's a Roomba-style robovac. Just google "cat on Roomba." I'd post one, but there's so many to choose from...
  12. Whoops, missed the implied stipulation that it would never return to terra firma.
  13. Add a category to the KSPedia titled “BUGZ” with that corrupted slide for content...
  14. Yeah, enormously inefficient to haul a heat shield and TLI propellants down and up the gravity well. Unless the D/A stage is fully reusable, but it would be huge
  15. Ah, the government way. If you can’t beat’em, recruit’em!
  16. Have you tried the "Civilization" (playing Civ6 now) series? It has tech trees (tech tree plus civic tree) and survival, although if you survive the early going your existence usually isn't threatened any more... Also, StarCraft (1 or 2) Not exactly a tech tree, but one building unlocks another, giving different/better vehicles and/or upgrades. It's RTS
  17. 'Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, thou.’ -A Clockwork Orange
  18. Well, I did get a MunCastle about 11 months ago, in 1.4.3. Not sure if I was entering or leaving the game, and it may have been put back in by a mod... I suppose it would be feasible to set up a museum / amusement park on the Island Airfield, or another island. As a nod to the old exploding landing gear, there could be "DO NOT TOUCH THE DISPLAYS" warning everywhere. If they were touched, they'd explode, and it would cost funds to restore them. Graffiti and other amusing marks on parts are always fun. It would be nice to have more Easter eggs, preferably interactive. And a career path that sends us to them! (Anomaly Surveyor Contract Pack was nice) And I have yet to find a greenolith or magic asteroid, not that I've been looking hard...
  19. You’d think they’d go back to the MkI “chain it down”. Unless they couldn’t find a volunteer to go do it
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