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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. What worked for me to quit smoking was not planning it. First step was to smoke outside (didn’t have a laptop then). Before that “Loading, Please Wait” meant light a smoke. Breaking that trigger was the first, er, second step. After that, I made sure to run out of smokes at bedtime, so I couldn’t have one until I went out and bought more. One Sunday morning I was too lazy to go out, and I never looked back. That was 15 years ago, after being a smoker for fifteen years. Well, that broke the tobacco habit, at least...
  2. Fat stand-up guy Glorified Firework Monkey Launcher
  3. OIT - Orbit Into Terrain - Also the sound Roker made when he looked out the window seconds before impact. *shakes fist at Gilly*
  4. Yeah, this is true, I haven't felt the urge to re-read any of them. Compared to I recently finished re-reading The Drawing of the Three for probably the twentieth time (at least)
  5. You recall correctly http://entertainment.time.com/2013/05/25/no-more-wars-10-reasons-george-lucas-should-have-quit-after-jedi/slide/the-revenge-of-the-jedi-poster/
  6. When you build, from scratch and without auto-strut, a rocket to put a 500-ton payload into orbit, and it makes orbit on the first attempt. And then you realize it has no power generation, or antennas...
  7. I'll echo the other sentiments that the HP books are well written, and enjoyable to read as an adult. Of course, the usual suspension of disbelief is required, as with anything else in the fantasy realm. But HP got scores of kids hooked on reading, no mean feat in the video game era
  8. There's also The Mandalorian, a live-action series set after RotJ, which will air on Disney+. The trailer is not publicly available yet.
  9. *thinks "Hmm, what's that, a new/odd asteroid/comet? <google> whoop, never mind, not my cup of tea...*
  10. Well, the first thing to know about Eve is... Personally, I only know one way to get three kerbals off Eve... More seriously, the only advice I have that hasn't been mentioned already is the gravity turn. I thought that on Eve, it was better to go straight up for a little while, to get out of the thickest part of soup as quickly as possible. This will lessen aero forces making it less likely to flip, as well as reducing drag from trying to go fast through the soup. I can't remember how high I went before starting the turn last time I did an Eve ascent...
  11. Yes, it would be interesting to know how the actual pressure vessel faired.
  12. Yep, I swear my replacement, higher capacity battery for my HP has lasted longer than the one that came with it, still with full runtime 4 years later
  13. Which I find amusing since the author of that mod has been a Squad staffer for quite some time now and has been presumably unable to respond whenever that topic comes up
  14. In-situ mining of ice in tubes, electrolyzed into propellants, using the tubes/boreholes as thrust chambers. Possibly also using a laser-pumped fusion drive. At least, that’s how they did it in one trilogy novel
  15. Same control panel designer? (Ronald Reagan's finger in screengrab from "Land of Confusion" by Genesis)
  16. Found another typo in a caption. Nowhere near as funny as the Kerbal reference though... Apparently it's for pacing submarines in the Marianas Trench....
  17. Wow. I guess I shouldn't have hid those Easter eggs there... To paraphrase one of the replies in that twitter, "Dragon is Dra-gone!"
  18. Uh-oh... looks like B(F)RC? Magic Dragon having a 420 puff?
  19. That reminds me of an old joke, where a guy in a hotel room is waiting for the other boot to drop. Finally he bangs on the door only to discover that the guy has a peg leg... maybe it was a Mad Magazine cartoon...
  20. My son has gotten into playing poker lately, so I had to "give him some advice.." (This aired on TMS way back when I was a kid, when I was already hooked on this song thanks to my mom's vinyl collection)
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