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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Tearing the Zerg a new one while I wait for 1.1 Edit: Oops then I notice I've already posted in this thread. I've been wanting to give Civ V and Cities: Skylines a try
  2. @HoloYolo You appear to be unclear on the rules. The city you name is supposed to start with the same letter that the previous city ended with. back to the game... Revelstoke.
  3. I counter with a long-drawn-out explanation of the feeding habits of sea sponges
  4. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember hearing November 2014 .
  5. I imagine the axles would end up looking something like this, with shorter, skinnier tires to fit 6: This guy carried the axles around in a shoebox!
  6. Great save by Luongo! Who passes the puck, er, pawn up to the wing..
  7. Space stations were originally envisioned as communication and observation posts, with humans there to operate the machinery and keep it running. But before a space station could even be designed, the machinery quickly became autonomous enough that humans weren't needed.
  8. @Xorth Tanovar That is freakin hilarious. But when nature calls....
  9. My king sends out the dogs of war, which nip at your knight's hooves until the horse throws its rider
  10. Blew my shot at being a mechanical engineer, ended up picking orders and driving forklifts in warehouses. Too many choices for what direction to go into computers meant I chose to be a burnout video-gaming working warehouse grunt. After a brief stint in call centers, doing directory assistance ("What city and state please?") and printer tech support (awesome with hardware, but if the software didn't want to install, then it simply wouldn't install. I hated those calls), I found myself becoming a truck tire retread technician, which I've been doing for the last 10 years. Always loved space and science stuff. Still annoyed with myself for those wasted years spending more time nintendo-ing than studying. It didn't help that high school was too easy for me and I didn't really know how to really study. Edit: I suppose I should add: Mid 40's, married with 3 children (two step-children; blended families seem to be the thing these days). At least i don't have to deal with ex's
  11. StrandedonEarth


    You know, when I was listing their "British Invasion" brethren that they influenced-inspired, I thought of including the Beatles, but for some reason I thought they were too way back there. If you include them you may as well include such icons as Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, and the Beach Boys. And anyone else on the "Happy Days" soundtrack. Also noticeably absent that I can't believe I forgot, are such notables as Van Halen, Bryan Adams, Billy Idol and other 80's contemporaries. Not to mention there's no chick bands listed yet, like Heart, Eurythmics, Pat Benatar.... Much like "the beat," this list goes on and on, and on and on, and on and on, and onandon edit: And if you want to take a walk on the weird side, there's always Weird Al Yankovic or *shudder* Dread Zeppelin
  12. Not KSP, but it did inspire me...
  13. Security. Less vulnerable to thieves breaking in to steal office equipment and anything else they think they can sell. Also to make it easier for responding emergency vehicles if a fire breaks out, etc.
  14. Lately I've tearing through the campaigns in the StarCraft 2 trilogy
  15. StrandedonEarth


    What sort of rock are you looking for? Some good, head banging music (the kind a friend's daughter once referred to as 'crunchy')? Epic rock anthems? Some mellow, groovy music? Back in what day? 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's? I second these: AC/DC. Led Zeppelin. The Who (Who? no really, that's their name). The Rolling Stones. Rush. Pink Floyd. Trooper. BTO. Metallica. Deep Purple. The Eagles. There are also many classic One-or-Two-Hit-Wonders out there
  16. StrandedonEarth


    Also note that RAM is volatile; if there's no power to RAM, it loses the data being stored. Unlike ROM (Read-only memory), flash memory (USB sticks) or your hard-drive.
  17. Durable products have a bit of a catch-22. If something is built to last 20-50 years, then there is less incentive to upgrade to newer, better, more efficient products since there is so much 'life' left in the old one. Manufacturers also run into trouble of not being able to sell much more of something once everyone has it. That's why planned obsolescence became a thing, so the manufacturers could stay in business making more things. A perfect example is the original Corningware, which was ovenware made from pyroceram, a material intended to protect missile payloads during reentry. That stuff was incredibly durable and could take a lot of abuse. Once you bought it, you wouldn't have to buy more. The most wasteful things in todays society are waste heat and 'vampire consumption.' Cogeneration needs to be more of a thing, where waste heat is also put to work. A lot of older city areas have an underground steam network, because it's more efficient to have a central steam source piped around to where it's needed. Vampire consumption is all these transformers plugged in everywhere for a device that is 'turned off.' Even if the device is actually off and not on standby, that 'power brick' is still sucking a few milliwatts of power. City-wide, that starts to add up.
  18. Because staging (leaving unnecessary parts behind) is the only way to defeat the tyranny of the rocket equation. Bringing everything down to the lunar surface and back up again requires a LOT more fuel, and lifting that fuel takes more fuel, then you need even more fuel to lift THAT fuel, and so on. They save a lot of mass by leaving the stuff they need to get home (Fuel for the Moon -->Earth burn, heat shield, parachutes, etc) in lunar orbit instead of bringing it down and back up again.
  19. This one time (resist urge to say "at band camp" - failed) I accidentally lowered a basket of dripping wet french fries into hot lard, which generated a cloud of oil droplets, which then flashed into a fireball when the cloud reached the burner. mpressively scary.
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