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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Way off track. I got pretty obfuscating on this one
  2. Go look for explosives so I could amuse myself by blowing stuff up. Even better if I could find a nuke. And if I happened to blow myself up in the process, oh well. If I'm definitely the last person alive, then no great loss. Explosions would also attract other survivors in the area.
  3. It's been over 3 days and a new riddle has not been posted. The thread rules state that the floor is now open. I hereby claim the floor. I bring chaos into order, but I may stop at a border. Those with hideous faces find I take them places. From a field or from plastic, at what I do I'm fantastic, But those in sport don't need me for it. To some I'm friend but to others I'm foe, And you'll find me most places you go. What Am I?
  4. If you quickly raise/lower the landing gear on the lab section (lower it before they finish raising, I think it lets you do that, IIRC) that should bring it into alignment, at least briefly.
  5. The only MFS I've played is CFS3. Flying is certainly more interesting when you're getting shot at. It's been awhile though, now I'm tempted to install it and see if it'll run under WinX
  6. 6/10 for a promise of the future, but IIRC, does not space Don't remember if this was posted already (probably was) but hey, it's back. Hopefully the HYPErdrive works this time...
  7. The best way (and the only way I can think of) is to mount a probe core or docking port facing the same direction that the engine will push you. Then you can right-click the port or core and select "control from here." This will realign your navball and prograde markers accordingly. Edit: ninja'd
  8. *disclaimer* Layman's opinion here. Things like a car or aircraft would use engineers from different specialties: powerplant, aerodynamics, ergonomics, etc. Each specialty would usually have a team, even if only to doublecheck each other's work. A single engineer could do the work for a relatively small gadget (I'm thinking major appliance or smaller) or small civil/structural project. And as Mazon said, it also depends how quickly you want it done
  9. It's a pipeline but not for oil: it's for chocolate sauce to go with the mint ice cream!
  10. Your father was a hamster and your mother smells like elderberries!!
  11. Cuz that's what you want, Sinac. Where's the fun in giving you what you want?
  12. Looks like a Mad Magazine "Spy vs Spy" spy, possibly the female one or in disguise.
  13. Not necessarily. The glass sphere is holding pressure, so it's already under tension. Depending on how thick/strong the glass is, it may already be near breaking tension and not that hard to break. And given that glass under stress wil shatter once cracked, that makes it easier to get out than if it were plastic, which wouldn't shatter. Now, a glass sphere with lower pressure inside than outside would be much tougher, as you would have to overcome the pressure outside as well as the strength of the glass. Kind of like trying to open a car door underwater, before the inside filled with water.
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