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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Not sure if this has been posted here, but the Kraken has been spotted...
  2. I consider a career complete when a new update comes out. By then I've usually sent (and landed) at least a probe to every body. My current career is stalled while I try to find my way around a baby kraken that strike a certain ship at a specific time, rendering the toolbar unresponsive for that ship and others in the same SOI. I don't get much time to play lately so I may not 'complete' this career before the next update
  3. You launch around all those trees? I hope there's a nice open field behind you, with the wind blowing towards it. I lost a rocket to a tree and it took two years for the payload section to finally drop into some brambles underneath. I think someone must have found it first, however, because while I found the nosecone and 'chute on the ground, there was no sign of the legonauts that were inside. Around here I can only find fields big enough for B-class motors, I tend to lose C-powered rockets And in response to your dedicated thread, I can only say, "Moar struts!" Zephram: looks like standard Estes solid model rocket motors. His thread listed a C6-5 motor, which packs 12.5g (0.44oz) of propellants for a whopping 15.3N (3.4lbs) of thrust.
  4. Pack the can full of green spam and light that candle! Hey, they have to get mystery goo from somewhere
  5. It's not the production of iron that saps energy. It's when a (massive) star tries to fuse iron; it takes more energy to fuse iron than is released in the reaction. When a star tries to fuse iron, it cools down and starts to collapse. The collapse heats the star; more iron fusion occurs, the star cools and collapses further. Eventually the outer layers of the star rebound off the core of heavy metals in a supernova. The heaviest stars leave neutron stars or black holes as remnants. Of course, the star must have run out of lighter fuels in the core, then cooled and collapsed enough to heat the core up enough to fuse iron. That's why elements produced by iron fusion are rarer than iron and lighter elements
  6. Use a resonance torpedo to make the Sun go nova. You might need a Sun Crusher to do it.
  7. Update: I found the point where the bug bites. This Quicksave loads to the "Dresbound CRV" where the problem appears to start. Everything is working fine. Warping ahead, sometime within the next 10 days or so it bugs out, and the stock toolbar (I don't use blizzy's) stops responding. Clicking the app section of the bar does nothing, and hovering or clicking over the far right side of it does nothing. Here's the log of when I was trying to find the exact point where the bug bites.
  8. One of my ships appears to have picked up a bug (or is it a baby kraken?) When trying to dock two ships in cis-Dres space, I realized that the stock toolbar was not responding at all, to hovering or clicking. All three crafts in that SOI have the same problem. When going back through the KacBackup saves, I found that my supertanker had picked up the bug on route to Dres, with the last unbugged save being over a year ago in game-time. When focussed on other ships in other SOI's, or at KSC, the toolbar is functioning normally. For mods I have VOID, KAC, ThrottleControlAvionics, ForScience, NF-DAI, Asteroid day, and StockFuelSwitch. StockFuelSwitch uses a FireSpitter component which comes up as "incompatible" when launching the game, but I've used it like that since nukes went LF-only with no problems. Outputlog Quicksave For the output log I switched to the problem ship, quicksaved, then exited, so all the errors it threw should be at the bottom of the output log Can anyone tell what exactly is causing the problem, or has anyone run into this before? Can it be fixed, or do I have to write off the last year of gametime and do it again?
  9. Anything can be used as a weapon. The Kzinti learned that lesson from humans the hard way. A high powered com laser can wreak havoc at short range; a drill can put holes in "enemy" probes/minebots; and there's always good old kinetic energy. Accelerate to ramming speed!
  10. Looks like it'll be a clear night here in the Fraser Valley, with the eclipse starting about 45 min after sunset. So yes
  11. I haven't dabbled in RSS/RO yet, but I think it would seem like two different universes. Having the game contain both pure KSP and RSS/RO would make it bulky and complex, too many options to get lost in. I think it would have to be a new game. HumanSP? EarthlingSP? Maybe get the Simpsons on board (and licensed, of course) and have SimpsonsSP! KSP 2: The Simpsons in Space! I'd buy. Just imagine the helmet on Marge!
  12. I can see how that would be useful. Hmmm, perhaps viewing AGs on the fly could be tied to pilot skill, and editing them tied to engineer skill
  13. All I really want is the ability to edit action groups on the fly
  14. Time is nature's way of preventing everything from happening at once. I think we already have the only form of time travel that is possible: the ability to capture moments in time and take them with us, to view later. In this way we can view the past but not interact with it. It's called "photography"
  15. Cryogenic fuels boil off over time, although methane wouldn't be as bad as hydrogen. Hypergolics are used in RCS for simplicity; very little can go wrong and no igniter is necessary. That's why the LEM used pressure-fed hypergolics; it had to work and there are very few moving parts. Just let the fuel flow and you have ignition
  16. You can call the coffee "rocket fuel." Not quite sure how to differentiate caf and decaf, although iced tea/coffee could be called "cryogenic tea/coffee"
  17. I call myself quasidextrous. While I write left-handed and recently noticed I paint left-handed and do a few other things lefty, I do a lot of things, like throw a ball, right-handed. Fun fact: Since the left side of the body is controlled by the right side of the brain, left-handed people are the only people in their right minds!
  18. Kraken Kalamari "The Lunch Pad" is good. There's a place here called Booster Juice (healthy smoothie-type stuff) which I think must be worked into your project.
  19. Why does their gif show a ship burning towards the planet?
  20. The only sacrifice I've had to make to save a mission was to cut loose the Crew Return Vehicle so the rest of the vehicle (crew quarters, science lab, miner/refiner, small tug) would have enough dV to enter an extremely elliptical orbit around Dres. The burn was made as the ship went screaming 1km above the North Pole of Dres. The last whiffs of fuel were used to raise the Pe to a somewhat safer 5km Jeb and co have just arrived in Dres orbit, piloting the MegaTug with a new and improved CRV and loads of fuel so the mission can now proceed. Jeb just has to dock those 2 behemoths. That probably means I lean on Quickload too much, if that's my biggest sacrifice
  21. I had a Kirk Kerman once, way back when. His ship was promptly named the "USS Enterprise", although it looked nothing like the ST versions. I suppose I should have tried to make one.
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