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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. ...managed to launch numerous monoliths across the system, in hopes of seeding intelligent life. Their plan failed. They made Kerbals. I lol'd....
  2. Ok, so it's completely fictional. Still pretty cool looking.
  3. Unfortunately none. My sons dabble a little now and then, just to blow stuff up
  4. After all the basic installing and slapping a rocket together.... Mashing every key on the keyboard trying to make the thing launch! An in-game keymap would be exceedingly handy!
  5. When you give your wife a Kerbal Valentines card... and she likes it! (from this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today?p=1732885&viewfull=1#post1732885)
  6. Another popular one is the 'Grandma/Grandpa scam', where someone phones and says "Hi Grandma/Grandpa, it's me!", and then waits for the answering person to guess a name. Of course, the scammer then runs with that name, saying they're in trouble, please send money.... It relies on the grandparents having infrequent contact with the the grown grandkids. My mother, who was sleeping when the phone rang, actually got hooked with one such call, but, unbeknownst to the scammer ("I went out and got busted for drunk driving and i'm in jail please send money to bail me out"), my mother lives downstairs from us and her then-16 (and uninterested in driving) granddaughter. The response the scammer got was "No, I'll come get you" and a flurry of phone calls then followed, to my wife's work, my work, and my daughter's school. I can imagine the puzzled look on the face of my daughter's teacher (and the 'what'd i do?' look on my daughter's face) as the teacher is on the phone saying "No, she's right here in front of me..." My response when I got the call at work was instant: (Admiral Ackbar voice:) "It's a scam!!!!" My daughter was teased about being a jailbird for awhile after that.
  7. Eve is where I send convicted kriminals. It's harder to escape from than Alcatraz! Duna is more like minimum-security.
  8. Blue cheese, green cheese, swiss cheese, cheddar cheese..... Shred'em all!!!!
  9. I'd tell the joke about the hospital, but it's pretty sick...
  10. Nothing says musclecar like some heavy metal! http://www.boldride.com/ride/1970/chevrolet-chevelle-ss-454-coupe And then there's the plastic fantastic! Big engines and light bodies!
  11. Oh was THAT the solution for that. I just remember having to throttle back just enough so my Mainsails wouldn't overheat into RUD.
  12. I'd mention the joke about the vacuum cleaner but it sucks
  13. There is a Larry Niven short story, titled Grendel (in the "Neutron Star" collection), not realizing one of his landing legs had been damaged and didn't deploy. The gyros spun up trying to keep the ship upright, until they seized up and all Jeb broke loose
  14. This is nothing next to some of these previous posts. The most abusive I've been is stacking this quintet of lifeboats with no fairings and putting it in orbit to ferry down all the returning interplanetary kerbanauts, and destaffing some of my local stations.
  15. Until someone popped out a few billion too many monoliths...
  16. I'm not sure what bug you have going on, it sounds like it should work. I managed to recycle old satellites and stations for new contracts by docking to and undocking from a more massive transfer tug. Imagine my surprise when I completed a new contract that way, I only wanted to plant a flag.
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