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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Crank up the difficulty with FAR, Deadly Re-entry, TAC life support, permadeath, and no reverting or quicksaves. Actually hasn't been too much harder yet, aside from Jeb burning his 'chute off.
  2. Oh him? He's dead. Started a hardcore save with FAR and DRE, amongst other things. He was coming back from the first Mun mission with oodles of science. As he was re-entering he looked at the map and tried aiming for land instead of water. The next thing he knew his parachute had burned off. Oops!
  3. A few billion light bulbs later, the tungsten is all gone.
  4. Just completed the first MOonSHot of my new save. I'm surprised nobody else came up with a ship named MoSh Edit: I suppose it should have been MuSh
  5. Thanks for the suggestions folks. Time warp didn't work so I edited the persistence file by truncating the lat and long to the hundredth decimal place which moved him about 100m clear of the lander, where he fell and landed and was able to move! The mission has now been completed successfully.
  6. So to move the center of lift/pressure farther back, add fins at the bottom to counter the fairing at the top, just like feathers on an arrow. They don't even need to be active fins.
  7. I started a new save, upping my challenge level to hardcore (FAR, DRE, TAC, not reverting or quicksaving (at least, not yet)) and on my first Mun landing, Bob got stuck while EVA'ing around his lander (perfect landing, BTW) collecting science experiments. He's in ragdoll mode apparently after slipping/falling off a radial tank and getting stuck against the core. He won't move, and won't use RCS. He just won't move. The lander doesn't have a probe core so I can't move it while Bob is on EVA to shake him loose. He should have lots of life support but power will run out on him first. He's on suit power so it doesn't even matter that I haven't researched solar panels yet. The only thing I can think of is sending up a rescue mission to try and knock him loose, his power ought to last long enough. I restarted KSP and that didn't work either. Any other ideas for freeing him? Here's a pic of his predicament:
  8. My first heavy onion lifter I called the "Goliath", good for 100 tons to orbit, including a bunch of empty jumbos. Then I converted it to an asparagus launcher, with some extra tankage on some of the spears it was good for 200 tons to orbit (with a partially fueled core stage) and was called the "Goliagus" My first run through career mode, as I unlocked more parts, I just ran through the phonetic alphabet: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc Now I'm starting a hardcore save (FAR, DRE, TAC, permadeath). I should go acronymical. Or maybe apocalyptic would be more appropriate
  9. One friend is too busy winning real money in online poker tournaments. Another would probably be interested if he could take care of asteroids the Bruce Willis way.
  10. Side joke, not a riddle, whoever is up may ignore this and post their real riddle What follows 2 days of rain?
  11. The F9R stayed upright, so structural integrity was not compromised by what was probably paint burning on top of the heat shielding. At a guess i'd say the legs should be good for at least 2-3 landing before needing replacing/refurbishing, since they want to be rapidly reusable. It probably wouldn't take them long to swap out the legs anyways, and the actuators should be unaffected.
  12. "More Boosters, More struts, More awesome!" (insert Whackjobian pic here)
  13. De-what? The Kerbal way is to just slap it together and hope it works!
  14. Driving over 100km across Tylo to rescue a stranded crewer. Many quicksaves and quickloads were required, as things got skittish over 25m/s
  15. This should be enough nerve gas to clear out that vault/bunker
  16. I enjoyed the first season of Enterprise, as they develop/acquire the standard techs of the other Treks. After that I thought it went downhill. The best part of Deep Space 9 was the Dominion War story arc in seasons 3-5. Voyager? It was alright. 7 of 9, 'nuff said. But TOS rules them all, if you can handle the ancient special effects. Side note: Roddenberry "invented" the transporters because it was a lot cheaper than having a bunch of shuttle landing scenes every episode.
  17. Oh, I think I got it. But I've won a bunch lately, so I'll wait a little longer. A Jimi Hendrix song comes to mind. I could be wrong, of course.
  18. It would be so much easier to help if you could post a pic or better yet, a .craft file.
  19. Shadow, yes, you're up cziken!
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