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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I’m guessing a lot of the rats nest was for engineering sensors, so that they could monitor what was happening *everywhere”. Not necessary with R2, now that they understand R1. Columbia had a lot more sensors than the other Shuttles on board, being the first. That data was invaluable in piecing together what happened. If it happened to another shuttle they may have never figured it out, or it would certainly have taken longer E. Ninja’d by my wordiness
  2. R2 looked about the same size to me, they just cleaned up that rats' nest of plumbing
  3. Well, I enjoyed it. Lots of action, even though there's the usual suspension of disbelief required occasionally.
  4. What? You’re giving me an outlet for more PC shenanigans? Lol Nothing fancy tonight. I’m not much of a cook, just the basics, and it was my turn to come up with dinner, so I just boiled hot dogs, lol. At least I didn’t make dinner with the phone If I’d known this thread would be here I would have skewered them on the rotisserie in the air fryer…
  5. 5G is relatively short range, which is great in urban areas. Starlink would get saturated if all the urbanites tried to use it but it can cover *everywhere* The two systems are actually quite complimentary.
  6. Which is the kind of data I was looking for. it doesn’t surprise me that you hadn’t heard that meaning, because I assume (!) it was more used in the English and probably French speaking regions. I also suspect it’s less commonly amongst the younger generation, which is why I started this thread. That’s fair. I’ll probably start one later to reply to @Shpaget’s concerns Oh cmon, ice hockey is a gentleman’s sport. And anyone who disagrees is going to get crosschecked into the boards!
  7. “The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the ever-expanding bureaucracy!” its quoted in Civ4, but I forget whom it is attributed to.
  8. That's a new one on me. I don't see it in the list of vultures, Unless you were thinking of condors. Assuming you're even serious, but I'll play along. Really? The Canucks managed to land some stellar Russian hockey players last century, although Krutov enjoyed hot dogs waaay too much. About what I expected, I just had no idea how much that meaning was in common use these days. I don't think I've heard or seen the word "Canuck" outside of hockey for a long time now. Yeah, the kayak is parked outside my igloo, lol. . See, when we posted the video of making beef jerky recently, I happened to put on a Canucks hoodie, which someone noticed and commented on. They noted that it was a good way to indicate that we're Canadian, since our direct sales brand is not set up for cross-border sales. And I had been trying to think of a shtick for our videos, in hopes of generating some sort of following (has anyone seen the Bat-Dad videos? Funny stuff, prime example of a shtick gone wild). So I think we're going to try to ride their old marketing slogan "We are all Canucks!" while having Canucks swag visible. Something like "Welcome to Caron's Kitchen, Home of the Pampered Canucks!" or "We are all Pampered Canucks!" Now that we've settled on a schtick and finally found the right brand name, I've been able to create a logo, using similar-to-team colors. Who knows, maybe this will kick off a friendly relationship with the club, and not a cease-and-desist order. And yeah, I'm only being somewhat vague about the product line here because I don't want to come across as advertising on the forum. But it's a new* and interesting sideline, and it's forcing this middle-aged dog to learn some new tricks. Spoiler has our logo and background image... *She's been doing it for a year now, and is doing reasonably well, earning smaller rewards and such. But now it's on the brink of the next level where things can really take off (there are trips involved!) and it just needs a little push...
  9. I find the view-to-response ratio disturbing…. I guess I may have been too vague, trying not to influence peoples’ thoughts, so I edited the OP. I’m just looking for what people think the definition of “Canuck” is, or in other words, “What are canucks?” Why am I asking? Just a little personal market research, as my wife and I are trying to nail down our own “brand” (or a “schtick”for the videos we make) for her direct sales business, which seems to have reached takeoff speed and is clawing for the sky. I think if we can add the equivalent of a JATO unit to get it off the ground, it’ll really start to soar
  10. Consider the cost of laying any sort of cable (or repeater towers) to rural areas, to serve how many customers? The numbers don’t crunch to where it makes sense for the provider or the customer. It’s a project on the scale of “Electrify America” in the 1930s. Starlink will not be seriously challenged in its target market: rural, ocean, and polar areas. While there will be challengers, none of them have the same synergy as Starlink+SpaceX to keep costs reasonable. Never mind the head start Starlink has.
  11. No poll, I don't want influence peoples' thoughts. Just a quick question that's great to ask in a forum with people from all over the globe. I'm especially curious about non-North American responses, but all answers are welcome. Please, first impressions only; and no reading other people's answers first. When you see/hear the word "Canucks," what do think the definition is? I'll explain why I'm asking tomorrow; hopefully I'll get some responses.
  12. If you watch a baby feed itself in a high chair, you’d realize babies actually absorb nutrition by osmosis….
  13. Good to hear. Doing you think a non sci-fi person (spousal unit) would enjoy it? I actually got her to watch the BSG reboot with me, but she blamed the eye candy (Apollo) for that.
  14. And thus begins one of the best animated sequences of the movie
  15. “I try to make everybody’s day a little more surreal!” - Calvin
  16. Yeah, I heard Michelin had a motor-in-wheel concept years ago, and my first thought was that the unsprung weight would be a headache. Maybe for the semis, where the tire/wheel/drum assembly is already pretty heavy. I think that’s the plan for the TSemi, but I may be mistaken.
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