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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Naturally, someone is already measuring it for a coffin… Wouldn’t be a surprising ending
  2. Great idea, but, how does ash (both airborne and on the ground) affect the landing radar, IDK myself
  3. I commented to my wife that maybe our son and probably myself are a little bit Asperger's, or otherwise "On the spectrum" to which she replied "We're all on the spectrum!" Hmm, yup. Most are probably a nice middle blue-green-yellow-orange, with some violets and red. But some stray off into UV or infrared, and some seem to be downright radio...
  4. And in other electromechanical news, our garage door opener got the door halfway down and then it stopped moving. The motor was still running loudly, but no movement. It was able to finish closing the door when I gave it a shove down, but trying to raise it again produced the sound of something being not quite engaged, if not stripped. So yeah, time to investigate if I can fix it or just replace it with something that’s not twenty years old Edit: Confirmed the main plastic gear has been stripped by the plastic worm gear. Nice drift of plastic dust inside the housing
  5. Nah, the first pic published by Webb will be the “it’s working!” meme: “So powerful it can see something happening a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” Edit: Ok, I couldn't resist tweeting....
  6. The only thing going for it is the rocket-sled-assisted takeoff. Then maybe if they take off from Denver, that’s another minor boost. Then they just have to hitch it to Santa’s reindeer…
  7. Zooming out from under the radar comes Radian Aerospace, working the HTOL angle. No mention of power plants, perhaps they’re using SABRE tech? (Or is it RAPIER, I get those mixed up…)
  8. Larry Niven likes to call it “the Blind Spot,” where the mind tends to lose itself trying to perceive it
  9. It was a calculated gamble, I'm sure. NASA is big on risk analysis, and the analysis probably showed a greater chance of messing things up by trying to fix it, instead working around it. Perfect is the enemy of "good enough", which can be a tough lesson to learn when building something.
  10. Let’s see, after years and billions of dollars and you’re on some of the final tests and two sensors out of hundreds go bad (that we heard of). Tear it apart, put it back together, and retest, costing how many more billions and taking how many more years? Yeah, we can work around that
  11. I wonder how a Tesla on autopilot would behave driving out of it…? Oh right, it would detect the lights and pull over! (unless that feature is still in beta)
  12. Another rockumentary in the works, or is this a crockumentary? From the one who dares to be stupid
  13. Laziness? A weird order of ops, for sure. Modern public washrooms around here try not to have doors, but have a 180 curved path at the entrance for privacy. No door handles to touch or clean! Also avoids having a door shoved open into your face.
  14. I didn’t mean to imply that the cost of electricity made it rare, but the difficulty of refining it at all before plentiful electricity made electrolysis on an industrial scale possible.
  15. That’s because it was hard to refine before cheap electricity. It takes so much power it was often called “Frozen Electricity “.
  16. Possibly one of the best, most powerful commercials I've seen gets the song stuck in my head. I'm only human, after all... There's a few cuts of this around; this isn't the same one usually airing on my TV, but close enough
  17. I have no idea, but I would assume something similar to a worm-gear screw jack: slow but relatively torquey, allowing for great precision.
  18. Yeah, explodes big-big. Shockwaves detected in Fiji and NZ.
  19. Ironically, the sulfur dioxide aerosols from pre-scrubber coal plants masked the greenhouse effect by reflecting sunlight, cooling the region in a manner similar to a volcanic eruption, albeit without the dust/ash component. Some scientists at the time were concerned about a potential or apparent cooling trend, later disproved. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_cooling
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