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Everything posted by symmeclept

  1. I like it. It's probably the one aspect of the game I haven't modded, and it's pretty cool. My one suggestion is for smaller title font sizes, or an option to resize them. It overlaps in some places and gets wonky. Also, KAC icons seem a tad small. Ex. A: http://imgur.com/Uh8gjIc That's my only criticism. Crank it to 11 and keep on rockin!
  2. Just a heads up. The Github link in the first post points to 0.12.2.
  3. I specifically noticed it before using the Gravioli detector in low and high orbits. Just tested with the newest version, and everything seems to work fine. Probably was related to the other issue.
  4. I noticed this today, and just checked if anyone reported it, but @SpaceTiger already fixed it. Awesome. It's probably related to "Drop out of warp" not working, as well. I will investigate.
  5. @JPLRepo Right. While browsing over updates for my beloved AmpYear and DeepFreeze, I noticed that you are the author of this one, as well. Did you happen to ninja this mod into one of them to give (some well deserved) thanks to other modders? Maybe it was someone else, or maybe Squad did it themselves.
  6. What is the mass and gravity of Rega? It has to be massive, good god! This pack looks awesome. I'll have to make a new install for it, but it looks like fun!
  7. A suggestion/observation: I'm kinda new to this mod, but the science reward feels a bit high. I launched a telescope and scoured the skies. 95sci/each, with all stock bodies and most of OPM found and researched, I had close to 3000 science. Even with CTT, that's pretty significant for an agency that hasn't been to Minmus yet.
  8. My system can handle SVE decently enough, but I only have 8GB RAM, and I like my big rocket ships. This is an excellent middle ground of SVE and basic EVE. And it has Mun dust! Well done.
  9. Yeah. I discovered that soon after posting.
  10. Huh. I hadn't tried that feature, but yeah, more or less. It's not as precise, but easy enough to adjust. Thanks for pointing that out.
  11. This mod is excellent. After spending some time with it, the only issue I have is with the UI updating, which is already known. I'd like to make one request, if it hasn't already. Precise Node has an option called "intuitive behavior" which helps maintain the current Ap/Pe when adjusting +/- normal. If possible, I'd love to see that functionality in this mod. Feature already exists(Turn Orbit).
  12. That seems out of scope for this mod. Check out the Craft History, by @SpaceTiger. Sounds like what you're looking for.
  13. Looks and works great. Thanks @Waz and everyone that contributed.
  14. Yeah, as far as I know, there's no cure for radiation. I play with Deep Freeze, which allows you to cryo-store kerbals, and eventually negates the effects of radiation and madness. Maybe that plays some hidden factor, but I can't imagine using this mod without it. A fully-shielded(hardened), massive ship I get at most 2-3 years survivability. That won't get you to Jool, much less survive the radiation belt or mass ejections. I hope I'm wrong, but your kerbals are probably dead. I'm sorry for your loss.
  15. Just to throw more random data out there... With ARP set to replace, on first time loading flight scene, ARP does not replace stock panel, ARP icon is "below the fold", and KAC icon is missing. Upon scene change and return to flight mode(revert to launch also works), ARP and KAC are where they should be until next time the game is started. This happens every time the game is loaded, without exception.
  16. That was fast. Yep, deleted StationScience.dll from AutomatedScienceSampler, reloaded contracts, and it's green across the board. Thanks a lot.
  17. Base/station construction contracts are not generating. I do get maintenance and support contracts for existing stations, but the construction, and maybe the rover scout parts, aren't showing up. All required parts are unlocked. As per this post, here are the related screenshots and logs. support.zip
  18. Awesome! This works perfectly. Thanks. Not sure what was up with the last one, but everything else got messed up so I reinstalled everything.
  19. Wow. How'd I miss those updates? Kopernicus fixed other issues I was having. Thanks for the heads up on that. Unfortunately, the recovery issue remains. NREs are at a minimum now, but in-flight, I get log spam like: [EXC 19:11:31.533] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'FlightDriver.SetPause'. No idea where that's coming from, or if it's even related.
  20. Is anyone having issues with solar panels not generating EC? In direct sunlight, the OX-SAT panels top out at 0.14 exposure, which is impossible to keep enough power to an antennae. This is the only mod loaded I can imagine that modifies those parts. This is using the 1.1.3 recompiled DLL posted above. Disregard. It was Kopernicus. Doh!
  21. I've had a problem, possibly related to DMagicOrbSci (1.3.1) with the above recompiled plugin. Unable to recover a ship with a DMagic magentometer. Might apply to other parts, as well, haven't unlocked them yet. Recover screen shows no science and no parts, just crew. On confirm recovery, the screen closes, but the ship remains. I removed the (above postsed) DMagic plugin from KerboKatz, and could recover the ship as normal. output logs...
  22. BOB IS DEAD You killed Bob. The people loved Bob. Maybe an eclipse killed the power long enough to shorten the scrubber time. These events send ripples though the KSC, both personally and economically. Bob will be missed. @ShotgunNinja Love your mod. Thanks for making it.
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