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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. Having just gotten into Dwarf Fortress, I hope Toady keeps working on that for a very long time.
  2. I begrudgingly accept that, but would like to know if the curse integration will ever come to fruition.
  3. A bust of my favorite historical figure, Julius Caesar.
  4. E3 is around the corner, Im not asking if you are showing anything at E3, but are there any plans to show anything at E3 @KasperVld?
  5. r4pt0r


    Pro tip: Whenever you have something off-topic, post it in the general section of whatever forum you are using, so you can get more tasty tasty views than you would in the unvisited sections of the forum. case in point: a year+ old account with frequent posts did not know we had a lounge section. For anyone who sees this, heads up. We have a lounge section for off-topic posts.
  6. just reading the thread title, I thought you were the train guy he was referencing.
  7. r4pt0r

    I quit.

    DUDE! Thats awesome! When is your release date? probably before the end of the weekend with how easy it is. Cant wait to play your game XD XD XD XD XD XD
  8. I disagree with you on multiple points, but cannot voice my opinion for fear of censorship for the mods. This thread was a bad idea.
  9. “A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations Moving on to bigger and better things, huh? A great man indeed. Good luck with your future endeavors, and thank you for what you have given us all.
  10. truly grand, as he was last online mid-december of '14. The powers that be should contact curse and ask them to send a new rep, as we are still waiting for various curse features I believe.
  11. Are you still with curse? I read on a Minecraft forum that curse laid off a "jadedcat" and came across this https://mobile.twitter.com/JadedcatWylde/status/735524306260623361
  12. Everyone here seems to either say more stuff, or better current stuff, and if squad listens to either or both then most will be happy campers. My question is can they move eeloo to be a moon of a gp2, in a full release game. Would players be upset if they already had probes on the way somewhere and booted it up to see the map has changed ?Would it be save game friendly? "This isn't early access anymore, why did you break my save" could be a problem.
  13. I knew the James Webb Space Telescope was going to be at L2, but I only just realized that we might need to send up a few servicing missions, as we have for Hubble. What active service spacecraft do we have that can get there and return from that distance at present? is that a Soyuz operation? Or will that be up to Orion in the coming years? Before I submitted this thread, I quick googled it to see if there was already an answer and came to this :https://www.quora.com/If-the-JWST-is-launched-but-needs-repairs-will-we-be-in-a-position-to-launch-a-repair-mission-given-that-it-will-be-placed-at-1-5-million-km-from-Earth Looks like repair is not an option? I know next to nothing about realworld spacecraft so be gentle...
  14. Any link to the "press attention"? did CNN run a report on shady business ethics at Squad or something?
  15. I've always thought something was up behind the scenes. Don't really care so long as they keep pushing out good updates. I've had awful jobs before, they drove me to find better employment and when I did I quit the awful job. Go where you are happy, life is too short. Also venting long after the fact seems rather lame, but I enjoy reading about the drama so thanks.
  16. My grandpa worked on radar equipment for the F-4 Phantom and other jets in Vietnam. He also worked with the SR-71 later on, and the MiG-25 that defected.
  17. Just a cool, space related video I found, that I thought the sort of folks here might appreciate. Only disclaimer is that parts of it can be fairly dizzying, as they used "timewarp" to make the video shorter.
  18. As someone who purchased the Oblivion Horse Armor DLC, let me just say Plz no (as far as DLC)
  19. I got the clean hands achievement on dishonored, that was a rewarding challenge. I showed my buddies. Yeah, it's about as useless as getting the "I voted today" stickers when you go vote, but if I leave the voting area without one of those stickers, then I'm leaving disappointed. Also ps4 shows you how many other player's have gotten a particular achievement, and seeing I'm part of the 1% of players who beat a particular mission in alien isolation without failing once is kinda neat.
  20. You need better bait my friend. Besides this is not the thread for arguing about how I think you are wrong and steam integration would be a great thing. All I want to know is if Steam KSP will have the same achievements as PS4 and XB1 KSP will have, as Flying Tiger have confirmed they will have acheivments
  21. I'm fairly certain you have rules somewhere against talking about steam achievements, but I have to ask. I just saw a Facebook post from official ksp, showing something from flying tiger and it mentioned ps4 trophies and xbox1 achievements. Well those ever come to the pc version? Google tells me this was mentioned as a possibility by squad in January. I'm just looking for my pointless videogame points here. Just looking for official word, of there was a concrete announcement and I missed it, my apologies. Been out of the loop a bit here.
  22. I enjoy scary, survival horror type games. Whackjobs monstrosities are still the most terrifying thing I can imagine.
  23. Resident Evil 2 is my favorite all time, I'm so pumped its getting the REmake treatment.

    1. WinkAllKerb''


      a classic for sure ; )

  24. I bought the HD remaster or Resident evil on Steam. Then I bought it digitally on PS4. Then I bought the physical release for it when it came out. I would very much enjoy a physical copy of the game.
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