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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. literaly every post of yours i see is negative. ksp is a fun game, and .24 will only improve on that.
  2. i dont think they need to do that at all. its nice enough we get devnotes every week. you seem like a glass half empty kinda person.
  3. This suggestion is to give an option to while in the VAB/SPH, that would allow the camera to move completely freely.* Exactly like you can in the Halo "forge" mode, for those familiar with that. *more camera modes is in the WNTS list, but the mods referenced therein appear to only add cameras useful for making cinematics and in-flight stuff, not during construction. so i thought id throw it out there.
  4. lol owned. as to contracts, theres no way the window of success for a contract will be so small as to be affected by that.
  5. until there is a real way to get to other star systems in a realistic amount of time, its not happening in the stock ksp.
  6. this is the cruelest challenge i could have thought of. props to Whackjob.
  7. "it worked fine before i used a mod" leads me to believe the problem is the mod.
  8. your video made the ksp facebook page. nice m8
  9. perhaps the issue is you are using a texture replacer for the jetpack. mods are less stable than the stock game. edit: lol having a jetpack texture replacer, and having jetpack texture problems, should probly be included in the OP
  10. i love the idea of a life support outtage marker on the orbital path, but more useful might also be a halfway empty marker. ideally trips are 2 way. id like parts that contain lifesupport reserves, similar in looks to rcs tanks i dont like farming, but a greenhouse module might be nice(esp on stations). base its efficiency on the same metric panels use to determine sun power. i think that a greenhouse module should be forever able to generate snacks/air, but should be really heavy, to counteract it supplying essentially infinite lifesupport. edit: i misunderstood your "farming" as farming, like planting corn on moho farming. some type of module we agree on.
  11. a use for orbital satalites other than "SCIENCE!". orbital telescopes, mapping, maybe comms relays.
  12. wow you sure do like starting suggestion threads. my question on this one is this: can you show me a real life example of a "gravity enhancer"? or how an potatoriod could hold an atmosphere? ksp may be a little "unrealistic" in some aspects, but the lead dev is on record he wants this game to be more science and less sci-fi
  13. Of course its a simulation. "This will be the sixth time we have added moar boosters, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it."
  14. lucky for us harv has said he doesnt want it, so it wont happen(as of now)
  15. dont try to launch without adding a few of the stock lifesupport parts from the lifesupport tab. you know the one. its right there to the left. dont launch untill you find it.
  16. i like the quiet loading screen. i shift+tab to the steam browser and peruse the forums here.
  17. struts are part of a balanced breakfast.
  18. as other posters have said, the numbering isnt how you think it is. squad could just call .26 V1.00 and say the game is done.
  19. my first interplanetary mission was an ike landing. barely made it back with less than 2 units of fuel. so i guess thats my biggest.
  20. fyi your glass is actually half full. but seriously, check the devnotes man. past few weeks those have been locked in.
  21. bumping for this idea, with the addendum that they should add a stock satellite mapping system, and you can only know the biome youre in if you have mapped the planet/moon.
  22. oh that video hurt. no aileron or rudder or elevators, he controlled it with pod torque. i build rc planes from 1/4 foam insulation, and my inner engineer couldnt stop cringing.
  23. SHHHHH before the mods see.....keep quiet when asking for release dates. like really really quiet. like almost silent. like really really silent. like don't ask.
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