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Everything posted by dtobi

  1. Just tried with FAR and some other mods but there wasn't any lag nor any null pointer problems. Can you send me a craft file and a list of mods you use? I'd love to reproduce this. A minimal mod config (least number of mods it happens with) would also be good. Edit: This is interesting. Things start laging when I switched to career mode. On a vanilla install the parts work quite well without any lag... Now trying with FAR. Edit: It seems to come from Tweakscale alone. Removing tweakscale fixes the lag. Need to try more tomorrow. Edit: The science configs in tweakscale seem to slow things down. Once I remove the techRequired parameter from the tweakscale module everything works fine.
  2. Someone else had reported that this was the problem for him. Maybe you give it a try.
  3. Did you have tweakscale installed before? I never had that here. Can you post a mod list?
  4. I tried to reproduce this but failed. Can you send me the craft file or show a picture (both would be best :-P ) so that I can try it out?
  5. the fule valves are broken right now. I will fix this in the next update.
  6. You're right. The valves seem to be broken right now. I will take care of it in the next update. Thanks for reporting the issue.
  7. Version 0.3: More resizable parts and Skylab * New Skylab science laboratory * More resizable parts: Crocodiles (Thanks Floppster) * Half size cargo bay (Thanks Floppster) * Corrected the size of the large shrouds I added a 3.75m habitat and science lab module. It is quite heavy but it features pretty good science module stats and even a small observatory.
  8. Its basically rounding errors in C#. If your rocket turns, the engine moves a bit to the side, often. That changes its position relative to the center and it gimbals the other way around.
  9. I think I found out what the error is: I removed too much from the tweakscale directory. I did not want to have all the module manager configs for all other parts packs to be made tweak-scalable by this plugin so I removed the configs for B9, KAS, etc. Hidden among these part configs there were two essential tweakscale files, which I also removed in my ignorance. I added them back to the ZIP. Could someone re-download and try again? For me it works with just the two tweakscale files. The download is fixed now. Please re-download and check again. Sorry for the hassle. That's one of the reasons this is still in plugin development and not releases.
  10. Great Reviews! Thanks a ton! This is great, guys! This was why I posted it in "Development". I appreciate the time you took and I'll take care to address things. I've already taken care of the cargo bay thickness and collision meshes to make inside attachments work better. Again: 4nxs and ericwdhs! Thanks a LOT!
  11. Sounds interesting. No direct plans, though. Let me thin it over, ok? - - - Updated - - - Updated and uploaded: Version 0.2: Tweakscale integration an mesh fixes * Added Tweakscale to reduce part count (Thanks Floppster) * Corrected collision meshes for cargo bay and long shroud - - - Updated - - - #Done :-) Thanks to FLoppster.
  12. You need to use the DLL files from the newer pack or redownload both. So you probably are using an old km_lib.dll. Just use the dll files from this pack or redownload the asteroid pack as well.
  13. Please send me the configs. With your permission, I might include them if I like how they work. I'd rather not create a new variety because this makes updating a pain. So I don't want to have an alternative download from a third party.
  14. Have you installed any other mods after you installed this one? Do you have an old version of another Klockheed Martian mod installed? Strange.
  15. I'm certainly interested. However the 3.75m shroud is different from the smaller sizes. I recommend using the 3.75 if you want to use a single model for all. 0.625... Does that make a lot of sense? Looking forward to seeing the rescale in action.
  16. Hmm... just looked through most of the parts and did notfind one with a missing start or end tag. Can you tell me which you found? Ah, the engine mount lacks a "}"
  17. I made them a couple of months ago (feb or march). Maybe they don't feature all the new stuff of DR but they work nicely with it, though.
  18. Should be fixed now. - - - Updated - - - V1.4.2 KM_Gimbal Fixes and Improvements * Fixed an issue that the gimbaling would go the wrong way with multiple pods (at least one reverted) on the same rocket * Added gimbal constraint to reduce max gimbaling (if things shake too much) Pleaqse update KM gimbal in your mod if you redistribute it!
  19. He actually should be aware. I had replied to a post that he made about it.
  20. They are now. So I can stop hijacking this thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84224-Klockheed-Martian-Special-Parts-27-June-2014-Development-thread @RoverDude: Sorry RoverDude! I did not intend to start a discussion on my parts in your thread. Just wanted to add that I was doing something similar. BWT: love your work!
  21. Helldriver, how do the collision meshes for your models look like. I found that I was able to really reduce the performance hit of my models by using the simplest possible custom made collision meshes. Maybe this is an option to further boost the performance for these guys' space stations. Using the main part as collider typically gives you a far too complex mesh. Maybe you do this already. Just a thought.
  22. I made the heatshield for myself but it uses the deadly reentry plugin and it's compatible.
  23. Funny... I already made such parts a while ago but never released them. I'll release them in a short while with a bunch of other things that I made for myself... These parts contain heat shields, inflatable bubbles, inflatable other things. They float. These are actually quite nice for Laythe bases. I made these parts in January... So no plagiarism either. The floating logic is an improved version of firespitter's floating code. It can be deactivated (for inflatables) and allows multiple float points per part. Edit: it does auto inflate on splashdown as well... Funny how similar one's needs and ideas are. If you want, I can share code.
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