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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. Although you might get the impression that its all the us or russia, it gets a lot more complex, here's a brief list of the various countries that have done stuff that were not the us or ussr/russia UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Netherlands (europe is the place im least familiar), Canada, Japan, Israel, South Korea, China, Brazil, India etc. African nations are apparently starting to think about doing something... And they all made contributions, some more important than others...
  2. Another random issue, that's probly un-replicable, but its happened more than once, so here goes.. Seems that when doing positioning with sas and then time warping, vessels may get reaction wheels that turn continuously in the last direction you told it to before the time-warp, unless you manually fight it by inputting the opposite torque or time-warp again to stop physics or toggle all the reaction wheels off. But you can't use the hold vessel direction, be sas on or off. The debug menu showed no errors or even warnings.. edit: no joysticks, never use trim, happens in space exclusively, occurs after excessive time warping and sas (and apllying torque at the same time as hitting warp) things like that tend to cause it
  3. 0.5/1 sometimes I do, sometimes I don't... The person below me does take a side to General Rarity's statement.
  4. I'm with procedural... Its really just being convenient, when I play modded, I don't make wide things, but I simply prefer pfairings for the 2 part buisness, also unlike the rest of the parts, there no point splitting them. Think also that if we take one of those 10m part mods, it would be better if they could just add the modules to their piece and be done with it, rather than have every part pack that doesn't use stock sizes have their own set of fairing parts.. (don't scream memory savings on that anyone) Also, isn't the "trying to fit within constraints" a matter of most commercial rockets being closer to the mass production, thus not complying with custom ?
  5. bit long (20mins, but scott is standard for tutorials) basically, unlike what many people will tell you, there is actually gravity in space.. This means either you dont escape gravity and fall back to Kerbin/earth or escape the gravity and fly out into solar orbit. The solution is to gradually turn your rocket to the side as you go up (usually to the right), so that, once in space, you are going at a speed around the planet greater than the speed the planet pulls you down (falling around the planet). In KSP usually start turning around 10,000-12,000 meters, and be turned sideways by around twice that (as you see fit). space on Kerbin starts at 70,000, so get your altitude at least to there.
  6. I remember one quote that from Harvestr that summarizes pretty much what I noticed and hate on this and most other development threads right now... (im paraphrasing though) Typically I see a pattern: Person A: "hello, squad is a bunch of jerks feature x is not in the game, they should at least get y modder to integrate and do something right for once (Charlie Brown), if you do not hold my views, you are a jerk" after much debate, Squad gets a compromise of what people want and what they invision, Person B: "hello, squad is a bunch of jerks they were so lazy, they just half integrated something and made the rest of it themselves with the compromise in mind, they could have a least implemented feature z, if you dont agree, you are a jerk" And typically persons A and B were infact the exact same person... But, squad shouldn't rush things... Just take their time as they always have, then do one more whopper for the 1.0 release...
  7. How dare they even think of downgrading to unity 5, they should be upgrading to unity v1, you know no.1 is always the best ! dx 7, same thing, we need dx1...
  8. I think maybe, just let the root part of all stationary vessels (that aren't selected) have physics, adopting the collitions and mass of the child parts. Then its less abusable but still saves memory. Another thing you could do, is to have all vessels in physics load range have the targeted velocity measure (the relative speed), velocity vector and if a collision is possible, let all the parts on the respective ships re-activate... getting velocity vector is really easy, : direction = transform.rigidbody.velocity.normalized in-fact its already calculated in order to get prograde and retro-grade
  9. You shall not infect people no more !!
  10. So current list of possibilities that are names (important ones) and not roman numerals are Valentia ("girbals"..) Velociraptors (famous-ish dinos that Kerbals could ride, or infact it could be the "Veloci", as in Velocity) Voyager, (you know, outer planets and such) Vesta (asteroid belt, in preparation for deep space refueling in later updates) Von Braun (bigger rockets) V.. something, russian cosmonaut who died on re-entry(re-entry heat) _V_,( turns out Kerbals are actually world domination aspiring lizards) edit: Vogon, (blow up planets for interstellar highways) Van Oort, (my personal guess, not mentioned yet, would mean *K*uiper belt/oort cloud stuff, including COMETS FOR ROSETTA !!!)
  11. Verge, Vinland, viking (maybe the probe?) anything, but its not 5, another post confirmed this Bet its the secret replacement since no resources are coming next update (pushed back to have smooth release) edit: ninja'd
  12. banned for even trying to talk about balance in wot, the most unbalanced by trying to be balanced game ever made... *remembers ram-2 in tier 8 match...*
  13. The Kerbal sir, who likes rep and is on TEAM RED IRON CROWN !!!
  14. false, cat count is 0 The person below me has not seen the GIC, RIC fight, (or know the acronyms )
  15. 3/10, you havent been here in a long time.. but you started the famous 3 games...
  16. Nemrav


    wild guess... archeology seismology geology it a Vexx riddle, they are unique... *looks in horror at the chess riddle*.. Vexx and Cantab, never seen so many puzzling riddles come from so few people in my life....
  17. Rep cannons down due to 24 hour limit and spread needs.... Go on, 470 to go !!!
  18. Another thing to consider is... explosions... I made a space plane that used solid boosters to get high up, but one of them collided with my wing. But because it only broke a section of my wing off, I was able to use sas to keep wrenching my plane straight in order to get to a safe orbit, for the crew to be rescued. If you had a procedural part, then it would have been "*booom*, now half your plane is destroyed, gl landing without an emergency escape system"...
  19. wonder if thats real or fake..... guess without any posts, or mentions of it, we will never know...
  20. Dont start the argument again.... Dont say "if you hold the view that opposes mine, you are a jerk" type arguments, it worsens things and makes you look like a jerk If this thread gets going again, someone will pull the orbiter quote where Harvestr says he questions whether he will have orbital mechanics or not. And then this "only my view is correct, ur a jerk" nightmare thread will get going all over again... PLZ EVERYONE, LET THIS THREAD DIE !!!
  21. Nemrav


    it appears to relate to leaving a mark on the past... Legacies/heroes/legends ?
  22. Must spread rep, to give more to GIC edit: 24 hours limit has shut me down, someone else get him !
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