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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. Hmmm..... I could ABUSE this... -Danny2462 another I present to you the safest mode of transportation : the rocket unicycle. If your only tool is a booster, how do you brush your teeth ? - GIC
  2. 17 noooo you turned to the dark side dman
  3. Can't people see that the entire 1st page (including the op) was.... sarcastic.... This was probably meant to be just a big joke.... People have untuned their sarcasm detectors, plz fix this squad (oh no, did I just invite squad to use their mind control device, wait I did, noo~~~ *zap*....)
  4. The wrong idea that Jebediah has had is going very awkwardly because of control loss to bananas and sheep. That has pickles between the onion and the boosters during Kraken holidays murder, It causes weird's elbow to protrude none of those new SRBs after sleeping through death wishes. Invariably, control surfaces break windows made...
  5. I found the gui s to be a bit wierd with their lag, the lag is for all the space center guis (contracts, strategies, science, launch directly) but no lag for the vab or tracking station gui.... I suspect what happened is they did their own ui for the vab and tracking station, flight scene because they were still only making the core game. Then they bought one of those fancy asset store ui systems to make their ui easier.... I know they used an asset store ui thing for the rep bar at the very least, and indeed it did sound like some large, fancy thing.... I bet its the large fancy part that causes all the lag... While I could be wrong about that, if I'm not, I'd suggest Squad start converting as much of their ui to the new unity 4.6 stock ui system for the laggy bits of ui.... edit: oh yes, it was WAYYYYYY worse when they first implemented career, its very much improved as it is....
  6. Once again I will inform that.... Helicopter Rotors are in the KSP devs' archives..... They prototyped them before the release of 0.18 ... There's two that we know of, an old version that was part of a 1m fuselage. And a newer more polished and even textured version, that got into unity that would have been radially mounted.. Look up chad Jenkins' youtube account, he has them there... (chad was a former KSP dev)
  7. Have you managed to port to unity 5 physics without a hitch ?
  8. Aww... Stainless Steal europe looks so... small after playing europa universalis IV good times Stainless Steal : I was Poland and my brother Byzantium, its been a few years since we played, but I recall having stomped out the teutonic order (rebels) and the HRE was on polish gotland, not making war... (it was awfully suspicious when his transport left his full banner army with the king on leading it, I quickly reinforced the island my self)... My bro was bearly fending off constantinople from the turks (I failed to get help in time aswell)... I last remember foolishly declaring war on Lithuania (they weren't catholic) and all my half banner armies were wiped when I clicked end turn (coop doesnt allow defence due to bug)... Europa: well many saves going, last non cheat one I did, went like this : after the Prusso-Russo wars, the american and canadian colonies allied with each-other and broke off, Canada(me) strived to expand south before the Americans expanded west... The two French reconquests of Anticosti ended in failure for france, creating the the Canadian carribean in the ashes of the Antilles.. Last thing I did was an alliance and royal marriage with Objibway (which had become protestant) Supcom:fa : still failing epically bad in multiplayer matches, but I still like it
  9. 40 we're so close to the answer of 42, comeon positives !
  10. 41 we did it twice, now we can do it thrice
  11. gets "phoam" (hahaha, get it, foam. phoam hah...hah.... nvm) insert troll
  12. I think you might want to (since the universe is smallish) just move the universe completely around the ship (velocities etc.) to stop the camera problem... Also dont go 100km/s, you have tiny planets, you can scale down the speed units (no need for interstellar yet...)
  13. Well, might as well get this in before 1.0 Basically I always revert my failed tests, because reverting to VAB or launch is always at least 1 pointless load screen away... So why not split the buttons in 2 horizontally, and have the extra two buttons simply go to the vab and load another of the craft on the runway.... It would also help for the no revert career mode people...
  14. No No No NoNo NO just NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bye bye (okay not really, I can always upgrade, but that's a big no-no to a lot of the KSP community that uses horrible laptop) But otherwise those screens look really good !
  15. I'm not sure where people are getting the idea that its just a small drill.... Could be a huge drill for all we know... Also how do we know that we aren't getting other drills ? How do we know that it doesn't weigh 50t ? How do you know how many resources there are ? How do you know if converting will be easy ? How do you know how dense things will be ? list goes on, how do we know anything about the difficulty of mining things to even have a concern in the 1st place...
  16. me, I just use structural plates as booster deflectors (usually engine shields) but when the booster smashes the top, I'l also add some to the main fuselage...
  17. When carrying the groceries in, you realise there too much of it to open the door. So you put them down to free your hands.. But you just remembered that the new cashier put the eggs on the bottom, you hear a huge amount of cracking.. Then when you finally open the door, its stuck, so it bursts open, knocking down your groceries. Your porch is small, so they fall off. You start back, to try and save them as they fall, but pull the other bag down with you. There is a bag of mouse traps that your bought in the other bag, so when you and your groceries are lying on the ground, your day ends with your arms stinging from mouse traps, in your bed with ice pack all over your injured arms.. I'm sitting, typing at my computer, what's the worst that could happen edit: ninja'd
  18. Nemrav


    a gyroscope a gyro reaction wheels ? turbine windmill ? edit: dont ninja me Vexx I was going to say gyroscope
  19. granted, you are now composing master pieces I wish I had a better computer.. than my 2.2ghz ....
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