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Everything posted by Ziv

  1. Hi kookoo_gr, thanks for the questions! Answers: - You have to follow the rules for the JOOL-5 only, all the other landings happens as you want. So: you have to go from Kerbin to Jool with one ship only for all the landings in the Joolian system. - For Jebediah's Level, you have to bring 5 Kerbals and each of them are trained to pilot only landing one moon there (you can have passengers, of course). - For Jeb's Level, you also have to bring Five Science Package and bring them back, or at least one and a Lab, which has to be brought back to Kerbin surface. One additional thing: if you start multiple mission to multiple bodies from Kerbin orbit that's hardly a Grand Tour. In my opinion that's like multiple separate missions. Even if you put them together into orbit and then they go on separate ways in the Kerbol System...
  2. NecroBones: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Level 1! Wow, that was a really huge rocket on the launch pad at the second launch! I don't like that you used KAS struts because it's easier to build huge rockets that way but I will not disqualify you because of this. Otherwise nice looking ship (like a Corelian Corvette ), and I also liked as you have visited your old landing sites on Pol and Bop. Those pictures had a cool feeling! Nice job, thank you for participating!
  3. Yeah, sounds good, and nice visuals! or Level 2 you have to land at least two Kerbals on all the moons. If you land only one Kerbal on any of the moons then it will be a Level 1. For Tylo, I wouldn't take the whole main ship into low orbit, so you should stay in a highly eccentric orbit. This way your main ship stays around Tylo (easier to redock after the landing) but takes only a little (~100m/s) dV to leave Tylo. But you may need a tug to push down to low Tylo orbit (~12km) and pull the lander back to the main ship, this will take around 2x1000 m/s. Otherwise you will spend ~2000 m/s from your main fuel tanks (the bigger the weight the more fuel needed). Tylo landing needs between 3000+3500 and 2500+2200 from a 12-15 km low orbit (depending on your skill). And I strongly suggest to avoid refueling missions: it's like the mission has failed but I didn't want to make people feel disappointed after a lot of effort so they have the opportunity to finish it...
  4. SSSPutnik, Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 mission with an awesome Kethane Expedition! It will look awesome when you will arrange the pictures by time! Well planned, I really liked all your ships: the miners, the bases, the rovers... nice and unique solutions. And that's a huge main ship! And it worth to examine the design of the vehicles because there are some nice solutions like the rotating light on the rover, or the giant antenna on the main ship...! Really awesome mission, well done!
  5. I have to work now so I just took some glance at the pictures but looks awesome!! Yeah, those LLL parts make it to a whole new style!
  6. Basically keeping the part number under the manageable level is part of the challenge. It's like you can't build a 800m high rocket in real life because the materials are not strong enough... But I suggest you to test your idea: count (or guess) the weight of your final ship, and put that test weight on ion drives, and try it in space... I guess you will not want to go with ions as main engines for the main ship!
  7. My opinion: if you made a mistake on the ship before launch and you realize the problem only during the flight then you have to deal with it in "real life", so no hyperedit. This case you may send a replacement ship or some other, no-cheating solution. But if that is a kraken attack, or a corrupt save file, etc. so the problem is not your fault then you can use hyperedit or edit the save file to repair the bug.
  8. Yeah, something like that... but, to be honest, for a moment I just forgot the real purpose of this challenge and my original point of view about this Challenge to be one inspirational and with a high information-density inside, so, sorry about that. But refueling missions should be avoided basically, that's more pretty that way...!
  9. Cmdr. Arn1e, Kasuha, Himynameisjake, SSSPutnik, thanks for your feedbacks! I have decided to keep the rules about refueling. Kasuha is right, my original plan with this Challenge was to give an epic task to people without a point system, because most of the people would go for max. points and given the hardness of this challenge, most of them would quit somewhere on the way with disappointment... and I wanted to avoid this. And also, their big mission can have some problems which turns out only on the way (lack of fuel, docking port problem or anything else), but a refueling mission could solve this problem and yes, doing the rescue mission is a punishment enough. Maybe my problem was that I saw too many kind of JOOL-5 missions and, with the sample missions and new game versions, too much new mission is coming and new entries which don't have something new for me is just a time-consuming stuff to check/answer/update/etc... but this game and this community definitely worth the energy!
  10. The problem with modded parts is that many of them have advantage over the stock parts and so make the challenge easier. It's true when you have an absolutely stock-alike nuke engine but much shorter/smaller, or when you don't have to bring 100 ion fuel/engine, but only 1 big of each. Or 10/10 of the big ones and you have an extremely good main drive, much efficient than nukes! So, this gives you advantage. So, think of ion engines as a very new engine still under developement and those are the maximum sizes what engineers can do without an explosion. ...So yes, going with a reasonable part number is part of the challenge too... BTW your lander(s) should be very small or your main ion engines would take years to take you to Jool and back... but I have made a Mixed Solutions category too for those who don't want to follow the rules exactly, or want to use mods heavily!
  11. . . because of the growing number of sample missions in the Hall of Fame, and the science collection have got easier (0.23) and because of the big rocket parts and the stronger ion in 0.23.5 I'm considering to ban refueling missions for the 1-2-3-Jeb levels. Missions with refueling would go to the Mixed Solutions category. What do you think guys?
  12. Patupi: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 mission on Jebediah's Level! Yeah, the unpacked chutes shows why I want the mission to be done from alpha to omega... because in reality space exploration depends on both perfect planning and perfect mission executing. One thing you forget and your mission is ruined! I know it is easy with hyperedit and F5/F9 but that steals the real joy and excitement of space exploration! It may have sounded bad that you should finish the mission by the rules but it necessary to gain the Jebediah's Level Hall of Fame place. Yes, it is definitely something to make a JOOL-5 mission, but it became much more easier with the lot of sample missions, with the science transfer and with the new, huge and strong rocket part. And I want to maintain the original level of difficulty so the Science Stuff has to come back to the surface in the scientific equipment or in a lab...
  13. Stratzenblitz75: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Level 1 with an "additional" Grand Tour! I guess you just posted this mission here as it meets all the criteria for the JOOL-5 Challenge too. Epic minimalistic mission and awesome mission planning. I really liked your Eve lander. Nice job, thank you for sharing it here too!
  14. Patupi: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Level 3! If you wanted to go for Jebediah's Level then you should have landed all the Science Package back at Kerbin. You can still do that, I guess... Your ship is really huge, and to put your whole ship into low Tylo orbit was a huge waste on fuel, this is not too elegant in space where every gramm counts! So I was sure that you will need a refuel mission. The refuel mission was well done. The Tylo and Laythe rescue missions also shows that this mission would have needed some more plan at the beginning, but I don't say anything else because at my first mission I had a rescue docking above Laythe too. (it was nerve racking)... There were some funny comments under the pictures! Do you want me to wait for the Jebediah's Level pictures or is it good for Level 3?
  15. Kasuha: OMG, this was an absolutely epic mission! Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge on Level 1 WITH A SPACEPLANE! I really liked when the fuel tanks were dropped by using a sepratron. I also liked your way to get onto and back from the ground! Running 300 m/s on the surface of Tylo is crazy, and nice job with the little engines to keep it just off the ground while accelerating into orbital speed (and avoid the mountains). And it looks like you used your last drops of fuel to get back to the spare fuels in orbit. Only one "anomaly" found: when getting back into orbit from Vall your fuel is about 20% then later it jumps back about 60%. What happened there? Thanks for sharing this mission, this was really something!
  16. Nice one, can you please collect all your pictures/information into one post? EDIT: I saw you made it later, thank you.
  17. technion: Congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 mission on Level 3! Yeah, it doesn't count as a Jebediah's level because you didn't bring a proper Science Package and a Lab neither, but it's okay for a Level 3 one. Nice one with the DRE and skipping the aerobraking phases! To be honest I wanted to disapprove this mission at first because you didn't have pictures about some landings on the ground. Remember: no picture and it didn't happen! But I saw it is possible with the given ship so I accept it for now, but this is the last time.
  18. Hi Everybody, I'm back from a long holiday and a hard working week, sorry for the long delay! I will check everything and answer or update the leaderboard now.
  19. Hi Everybody, I was on a Holiday for 10 days and I see I have missed a lot! I'll read and check everything in the next 1-2 days, sorry for the delay! SSSPutnik: thank you for your continuous activity here and that you replies many questions! I really appreciate it so I was thinking about giving you a "promotion" like JOOL-5 Supervisor, what do you think?
  20. What kind of parts would you use? As heatshields are additional stuff to the stock and it makes the mission more complicated if you will use the parts only for strengthening the heatshield then it is okay.
  21. I'm sorry but there's no hyperedit in real life! When you launched something into space then it's there... you can send a rescue/repair/replace mission but not just changing it without any work...
  22. Hmm... I love the modded parts too but there are too much possible mixing of mods which would make the missions difficult to compare, this is why I want this Challenge to be stock or as-close-as-possible to stock. Also, most of the viewers of this forum are the advanced beginners who would do something really complex and hard but still didn't use too much mods. So I will be happy to put a nicely designed modded mission on the Hall of Fame, but under the Mixed Solutions... even with indication to which Level was it designed, if needed.
  23. Please link the mods because I don't know all of them. TAC and FAR is okay, I don't know what DRE is. I think copying is not a problem but of course that doesn't impress us too much. And for me it takes time to check all the missions in-depth for acceptance so I wouldn't be happy with a lot of similar ships just to get yourself on the wall...
  24. The basic thing about the modded parts that they cannot give you any advantage. So if the Porkworks inflatable centrifuge is 4 kerbals too but bigger and heavier then it's allowed. Aestethic parts are okay too if they don't have engines/fuels/etc but only dead weight. And similarly if a solar panel is 1/4 of the weight of a gigantor but 1/2 the efficiency then it's an advantage so it is prohibited. CAP-106 Capacitors: please link this one, I didn't find it. I don't really know Near Future parts, can you link a list of them with the details? But I heard they are stronger/better then the stock and if so they cannot be used. Or if you want to use parts mods which has advantage over the stock parts and you don't worry about being on the Level 1-2-3-Jeb then let's go for it and it will go on the Freestyle category.
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