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Everything posted by Ziv

  1. Be careful, Kerbin orbit takes ~4500 m/s, and Tylo landing and back from 10-40 km orbit takes about 5400-7300 m/s (depending on your TWR and skills - MechJeb doesn't help you much there). Did you ever checked its deltaV with MechJeb, KER or something similar?
  2. hm, ok, maybe the nuclear engines would be VERY slow to move several orange tanks... forget that suggestion.
  3. OMG that beast!!! I'm really curious what it is capable and what can you achieve with that! Hm, I suggest you to assign the different engine types to different action groups (0-9, and so you can change quickly between them). And use your nuclear engines as main drives to and from Jool, and this way the orbital ship may be fuel tanks with living section for at least two other Kerbals. You will need a lot of orange tanks to push it there, for refuels between moons and coming back anyway (refueling missions are acceptable from Kerbin too, but it looks better when refueling is avoided). Or you can have a return module (5 kerbals, fuel+engine) and leave most of the mass behind before return... Sure, you can land with 3 Kerbals but you have to assign one Kerbal to one moon who will pilot the craft there. SSSPutnik asked if you can land with all the 5 Kerbals at every moon - yes, this way they will rotate themselves in the pilot seat.
  4. sullivap: congratulations, you have accomplished the JOOL-5 challenge on the Level 1 sub-challenge and you lead the board now with 129 tons! Impressive solution with the two Logistics module, especially as they acted as fuel stations. Nice job with the pinpoint landings at the Kraken and back to KSC too. Btw I'm working on my low-mass level1 entry too, I already abandoned two versions at different stages of the mission as I've got new ideas. Good dV planning with refuel stations is one of the keys, and your solution is pretty good on this! Thank you for your entry!
  5. Yes, you are absolutely right. But there was no need for that until you arrived. I'm not sure how to do that because downloading all the possible mods and checking all the parts looks too big for me to do. Maybe when planning a mission it should be asked. Or something like that.
  6. Yeah, I'm in my new home, with internet , thanks for the question! Yeah, I'm going to add a Kethane version too! I'm thinking about the rules... let me know if you have any ideas! I'm sure there will be two basic versions: a Low Mass Challenge for the fan of optimizations, and an Expedition Style for the ambitious explorers! What do you think guys? What should be the rules? Which are not too strict so there's place for creativity but gives a strong shape for the mission. Which is similar to the "Ars Poetica" of this Challenge.
  7. jacobgong: I'm sorry but I can't accept your entry because you didn't follow the rules (one Kerbal trained for each moon). And the lander without ladder doesn't make sense, and the Tylo/Laythe landings are a little bit doubted too. And you used modded parts too and normally I would ask for the specifications for all of them (engines/fuel tanks) if they are similar to the stock ones (especially because I saw you used LLL parts and some of them are too good against the stock parts). But no need for that after all. I'm sorry about that because otherwise I liked your unique solutions and your science points would make a new record too. But the Challenge is still open for you, of course! But next time be sure to follow the rules and make pictures at every key stages of the mission! And, of course, next time bring a ladder! Imagine how the Kerbals feel when they traveled for hundreds of days to take a look at the surface from 2 meters, without the chance to walk on it...
  8. Okay, Laythe would have been okay. But stopping your orbital speed several kilometers high above the surface ISN'T efficient because you have to fight against gravity while descending. Other disputed points: 1. I saw only three Kerbals: Thomfield, Hadrigh, Sean. Kerbals are not listed at the bottom right if they are in the Lab? (I haven't used the Lab yet) 2. How did you manage to get your Kerbals back into your lander without a ladder?
  9. Jasonden, very nice one, congratulations! Yeah, your launch vehicle is very big without jets. Are the torodial Aerospikes better than Mainsails? And your launch vehicle is not the same which arrived to Jool: the parachutes are on the engines, and later it's a dockable module (please check if you have uploaded the right pictures). I like the simplicity and effectiveness of your lander with the pod on the bottom, but I wonder that those little legs were strong enough. I like your tank-only insertion/departure module too. Nice job with landing back at KSC - without parachutes.
  10. jacobgong, nice try, but there's no space for inattentiveness in Space Exploration! You already had a mission where you wanted to go for Jebediah's Level but four Kerbals forgot to board your ship before launch and you did the whole mission with one Kerbal only. The rule says you have to bring five Kerbals on Jeb's Level. And now you did it again: only three Kerbals went on the mission. It still could be good for a Level 2 entry, but I strongly dispute your Tylo landing too, by the pictures: 1. descending: - altitude (true): 4181 m - no horizontal speed (stopping at 4km is a highly inefficient way to land and wastes a lot of deltaV!) - 144 m/s vertical speed (freefalling) - 1024+2418 m/s left 2. ascending: - altitude (true): 591 m - some horizontal speed - 110.7 m/s surface speed - 379+2418 m/s left ...so you landed from a 4.1 km freefall and get back to 600m+110m/s with only 645 m/s of deltaV?? And I don't see any ladder on your lander: how did you get the Kerbals back into your lander on Tylo and Laythe? If you can't prove you had your Kerbals on the surface of Tylo and Laythe then I consider this entry as a cheating! After this, I started to doubt the cleanness of your first mission too...
  11. Okay, if you don't want to spend time on landing the crew then don't worry about it. Yeah, I really liked the greenhouses and the centrifugal habs! Yeah, the LLL parts are a very different style, although yes, they are performance wise. Okay, looking forward to your post about mission 3! I won't have internet for 2-3 days (moving house), but I'll be back soon!
  12. SSSPutnik: congratulation, you have accomplised the JOOL-5 Challenge! Again. This time in a special, spectacular way! I like how the LLL mod looks like but it was a little bit too far from the stock so I will put this into the special solutions (but this doesn't mean this is not good)! Hm, can you please collect all your posts for pictures/infos about the mission for linking for the Hall of Fame? And so I will review it in more details too! Oh, and don't worry about getting the Kerbals back to the surface of Kerbin. Although I expect the landing of the science stuff + Kerbals but I can make exceptions: Vaebn's concept was a reusable ship which stays in orbit and the crew would be transfered with an SSTO shuttle. It would be capable of landing and I liked the idea so I accepted it. And your mission was more like an Expedition than a cost-effective all-in-one solution... it was soo Expediton-wise that there was no solution for coming back. But if you build a rocket/shuttle for getting back the crew I can accept this one too.
  13. kookoo_gr: congratulations, you have finished the JOOL-5 Challenge! Your main ship was obviously too long but for some reason I liked as the side tanks arrived. That emergency save with RCS at Tylo was a nice solution! Some days ago I was trying a Level1 low-mass version. My TOP SECRET lander had more then 7000 m/s deltaV but with low TWR it was wasting the fuel too much and when out of fuel my periapsis was still hitting a big mountain. The lander itself didn't have RCS so my Kerbal went outside and literally PUSHED the ship to a higher orbit. And I realized that his suit is always refueling inside the pod so this could be a kind of cheat... I also liked your refuel ship: minimalism at its best. And using RCS for the Pol landing is pretty cool!!! For the science points, only the recovered instruments/samples counts, no transmission. Good job!
  14. OMG, I LOVE this idea! I will have time only next week but I will definitely try this (at home)!
  15. hehe... bad luck! I think the guys would fall down from the ladder when the parachutes open... maybe send an orbital rescue ship.
  16. I usually don't bring RCS for my lander, I prefer ASAS. And for docking sometimes I don't need RCS at all but if yes my main ship has it.
  17. Norcurion: hm, why do you have two different type of engines? 6000 m/s may be enough for Tylo but I suggest to go with 6300+ and 2+ TWR, that's 100% success (if your ladders are okay too).
  18. Everybody who have done the JOOL-5 mission has earned the JOOL-5 badge and may add to his/her Signature: to do this: Settings -> Edit Signature and add this line without the spaces after the two '[' brackets: [ URL=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57197-THE-ULTIMATE-JOOL-5-CHALLENGE-land-Kerbals-on-all-moons-and-return-in-one-big-misson][ IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Z5hSyCv.png alternatively you can use these, designed by 8MMW: -> http://i.imgur.com/9vfqPvi.png http://i.imgur.com/N1bYSwC.png
  19. OMG Mesklin, doing the whole Level-1 mission with a ship which weights only 144 tons on the launch pad is AWESOME!!! Nice lander design too. Btw my ideas were similar: I already have my lander (nuke+mk1 too) and refuel module (58 tons together for now but may be lower later), already calculated deltaVs with a lot of margin for errors, and I was developing my launcher vehicle yesterday. I'm using Jets too, but was experimenting with RAPIERs for the main rockets which uses air in the atmosphere and jet fuel for the beginning of the journey. And booster Jets, of course. But I have some other idea too! My ship weight 180 tons on the launch pad now but still have a lot of margin for optimizing! Hm, what is your landers dV, TWR, etc? And what mod do you use for the little informations at the top of the screen? Good job, thanks for participating!
  20. Norcurion: Ahh, I'm sorry for the Kraken Attack! Maybe you were too close to Bop (this is where it lives). Maybe you should do a revenge mission! With some save of the save files during the mission... and kill that damn Kraken! btw I loved the landing legs of your lander! Looks good and high impact tolerance, I guess. Maybe it's weight is the only counterpart.
  21. Mr.Rocket: Yes, you can bring any refueling mission however they will be indicated at your mission report.
  22. kookoo_gr: OMG that bending! And using the RCS as an emergency situation when leaving Tylo is a nice one! Mr.Rocket: it looks so strange with that green color! SSSPutnik: this LLL mod makes your mission look really unique and like a huge Interplanetary Expedition!
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