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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. oooh I guess I did lol. I meant the mach reading. I've had a long day, that I'm capping off with some adult beverages.
  2. Haha yeah I know. That thread is from my early days. That's why I would have to rewrite it. Sorry to hijack your thread doninique
  3. Yeah I know. I'm wondering which mod they are using to show that information
  4. Please mods, especially for the "some textures don't show up in Kerbal" question. Granted it will steal my thunder, that's one of the only questions I can answer. It would be a FAQ essentially.
  5. I wish this was a sticky, this is easily the most asked question. My thread here covers this problem. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75803-Only-a-fraction-of-my-custom-part-loads-into-KSP I'll rewrite it to be simpler & more clearly define the solution. edit: no offense dominique, sweet model. It would be easier to break this craft up though. Into main fuselage, wing sections, and engines. It will make the .cfg so much easier
  6. The spoiler thing is such a good idea. I've been linking to other posts in the thread, but thats way smarter. The update to .25 is killing me too, it makes me dread game & mod updates. I feel like I'm working full time just to keep everything up to date, instead of building new stuff. I can't imagine how hard it is for you. Also props on the diversity. You definitely have something to offer in every category. Edit: Also the amount of testing you go through must be insane.
  7. Haha I had to look up what that was. I'm actually not a huge anime fan, I just find Gundams are challenging to design. I don't really try and build a specific Gundam, just humanoid mechs, which your Gurren Lagann falls under. Speaking of the MRK III Gundam, it's all done. I'm just waiting for some bugs to get worked out of tweakscale. But I might release it on the .44 plugin. I started redesigning the main thread, it's looking much better already.
  8. Rune as impressed as I am with the quality & quantity of your fleet, I'm equally amazed at how awesome your main thread posts are. They're all super clean and well organized, with a solid mixture of photos and text. I have a hard time trying to keep my threads looking pretty with the limited number of crafts I have. Keep up the good work, and thanks for giving me a good example to study. cb
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95792-0-25-Mk-2-Redux-Pack-v-3-01-All-of-your-old-craft-can-still-be-saved%21 I know you're talking about the parts being stock again JM, but just in case you didn't know, this is a mod I helped out on that has all the old parts. They have been renamed so they don't replace the new ones.
  10. Hey thanks for the response. It's awesome to know you guys are listening. Like I said earlier, I'm ok with all the new parts, I just feel like the flaps have taken a real step backwards.
  11. Don't know who rated this poorly, this thing is awesome. Hopefully some rep makes up for it
  12. Guess I'm just an outlier. But I wish all the wings just had built in flaps. It's so much better looking, and you can turn the flaps off if you want anyway. Yeah I saw that, that thing is awesome. My ships are usually slightly smaller though. I've tried, but I feel like even when I find a place to fit flaps they don't perform well at all. The old small flaps had a lift rating of .4, some of the new bigger ones have ratings of like .5. So you get less lift from more area...
  13. This is awesome dude. Does it handle well in atmosphere? Or is it just to get into orbit?
  14. So how are we feeling about this after a little bit of time? I've come to terms with the new wings/mrk II parts, but I am still really unhappy with the flaps. Small crafts are still pretty much impossible. Every time I finish a craft I think it looks perfect, then I have to attach the giant flaps somewhere and it ruins the whole look. Also they are just so much less effective. Has anyone build a medium to small jet that can sustain high G turns in .25? If so I'd love to see it
  15. I'm ready But seriously, it looks pretty good. The cg didn't look great but I figure it's just unfinished. The Star Wars CG looked great though, and thats further away
  16. I know you love stock, and hopefully one day IR will be stock. But the robotics really add a whole new dimension to these types of craft
  17. My mech is my dropship. It's awesome using he robotics to control the horizontal & vertical velocity. If I added some rotation on the neck I could control the whole craft with just the neck robotics. It's also rocking your VTOL engine design
  18. My problem of parts changing sizes after launch was due to me copying the parts, then resizing them. You need to reselect the part from the list and size it to what you want each time.
  19. Glad to see you adapting to .25. I'm still staring longingly at my old fighter craft. Also I know you saw it already, but I got my own dropship coming
  20. Hmm I've added it but it still doesn't show up in the drop down. I wish the tutorial was a little more detailed. I might just be dumb though Edit: pic
  21. Why is "Airlock" not an option for me under tag?
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