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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. I stole your little skipper engine inside a basic engine idea. Made this possible. It really is genius. The lag between throttle and thrust on air breathing engines is just too much. It's nice to have a little imediate burst when you need it. Really smart idea dude
  2. I'll start streaming my mech building, and you all can watch my macbook slowly melt
  3. I've been thinking a lot about this lately, and I'd love anyone's input. But I believe B9 is the reason people don't wanna download these ships, not my 3 or 4 custom parts. It's a huge mod, one which I can't even use without turning my graphics down. I wonder if I could get permission to include just the few B9 parts I use in my custom folders so that way people can still run my stuff without the whole B9 mod being required. I'm pretty sure development for it has stopped anyway. Also maybe .24 will introduce some new parts. As for the feet. I've been searching the internet looking for models to download and break apart, for stuff like heads, feet, hands, guns and shields, but people are much more protective of their gundams than zoids. If anyone can find a 3d model of a gundam with a free download on the internet I would be super interested in it. I like the idea of combining custom parts with stock parts, so that the crafts still have a very kerbal feel. Like my new zoid.
  4. Hey thanks a lot, I was wondering if you saw it. I couldn't believe it walked first try. I didn't even design it with walking in mind. That was my first and only atempt at walking, I think with a little more practice it wouldn't look so wonky. When do you get your new computer?
  5. Dude you are a pimp. I'll check em out whe i get home
  6. What does that mean? Like how he's holding it? Sorry I just kind of don't understand what you mean. Also I could make it more narrow, and not as round, like a katana.
  7. Sooo your telling me it not the popularity of my new zoid crashing the servers....
  8. Me too, been way more frequent lately
  9. I reshaped the blade. Here's the blender save if anyone(cough nil) wants to load it into unity and make it glow all bad ass. https://www.sendspace.com/file/k2vq06 Also does it still look too long to anyone? It's shorter than before, but I don't know
  10. I really like your design, and I'm sure the winglets give a ton of lift, but as for keeping it smooth, I don't think you can beat those two stock fuel tanks back to back. Give those a shot
  11. Yeah thanks, I gotta play with it more, that was my first attempt at the emitter. I think it made my zoid head look super awesome though. thread
  12. Getting there, damage still has to be added. But I'm pretty happy with this. I still have to tweak the beams shape/length/glow Far Smaller, lighter, and more capable than the MRK I, this is my MRK II Kerbal Gundam. It is a simple & eloquent design, sculpted to resemble a much more compact, realistically scaled, better looking Gundam Mech. This version isn't a novelty like the MRK I, but a fully mission ready Mech Suit capable of long distance, high altitude & velocity flight, as well as limited spaceflight. It is an easy to fly VTOL craft that is capable of walking, and features fully functional arms.
  13. Any ideas at all as how to get one mesh to inflict damage on another. Without damaging the handle mesh it also touches? I'm happy with the above product, I'm just curious. I do still have to work on the beam shape/length
  14. Thank's a lot dude. I dig it when people like my stuff. As I get better this stuff takes less and less time, which is nice. I f'd up at work when I updated the dl link. The MRK IV link if fixed now
  15. I've actually had that exact same thought. I would need his help though. Or someone who knows code. His animations speed up according to the velocity of the craft. And even though it would be much more impressive to make it walk they way I'm trying now, this could definitely be a back up plan. Some other thoughts I've had on this project recently -Sirkut has a new tutorial on his thread about making parts. I haven't looked at it yet but it might be just what I need to figure out my problem. However, I've also thought about just including, with sirkut's permission, the last IR plugin that worked in my mod. That way I wouldn't have to fix my parts every time he upgrades. -High poly count. With ksp .24 dropping any day it has been confirmed that, at least on windows, the game will run 64 bit. I'm hoping this helps the fps issue with some of the bigger crafts. -Cockpits. I'm gonna release all the cockpits soon. I feel bad having all these cool models I haven't shared yet. So I'm gonna release a mod with just the animated cockpits that could be added to personal creations. Like so, download thread People don't seem super interested in full custom models. But the ability to incorporate custom pieces into ksp designs might be more popular. And as always, any help would be super appreciated. This is just super time consuming, so any help at all in blender or unity would be much appreciated. I'm gonna finish my new gundam then it's back to this. cb
  16. Laser guided weapons and Skillful weapons. Main post updated, III & IV download links there
  17. Aviation lights kind of slow my computer down. I decked the thing out with skillful and missles
  18. Standing next to the source material. (Which is missing the tail wings) Download Link
  19. I'll include this custom cockpit in the download. All that's left is getting the fuel to drain evenly. Should release it tomorrow.
  20. I think I built it pretty close to the original. I know I used "custom parts", but they're just resized b9 parts. It's hard to get a good picture of both
  21. I'm on 5b or d or something. It should work though. It's done it just needs to be tweaked to make it fly better. The VTOL engines added a bunch of weight. I'll pm you with the craft in a second, you can test it out for me.
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