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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Were these bugs placed there for us to catch? Also -- There are fewer RS parts now, right? The mk16 is now realchute-ized and is the only cone 'chute for the 1-man pod? I just want to confirm my game isn't bugging out. SafeChute seems to have stopped working, and I've posted a message there, but I always dread small bugs I don't notice until it's too late.
  2. I certainly like how useful this mod is, but I'm no longer getting warp stopping effect after updating RealChute -- maybe stupid_chris has altered something again? I've also updated some other mods, but that's the one I can think of that would directly affect this. Thanks for your help!
  3. Ah , I see that -- it *does* contain the mm .dll --but the cfg files were already included in the realchute/modulemanager folder as well. I thought they might have been different versions of the files or some such. Cheers for the support on this.
  4. Are the "modulemanager files" in the archive a convenient separation of the cfgs? do they also need to be merged into the realchute folder?
  5. re: the MK 16 -- I just fired up a new game with new 'chutes and the latest mission controller mod and killed all 3 starting kerbals one-by-one before realizing i wasn't going to be able to get that parachute to open.
  6. Thank you! I had noticed the vessel load glitch, and thought it had something to do with a different mod... I was getting it from trying to go straight to the launch pad from the spaceport screen, but it sounds like the same issue you're describing.
  7. Yay! It's just like always finding things in the *last* place you look.
  8. Hi SkyHook -- I'm using them, and got them to work the first time, but you do need to nuke the files mentioned in the included Texture Install Readme in the root of the archive. The "ThunderAerospace" folder goes straight into the gamedata folder, merging into the existing folder. You then need to tunnel in and remove the .tga files that have the same names as the ones in the pack. It's a pain for sure, but worth it for the improved appearance.
  9. Is it grabbing a different texture since he's on the ground / breathable atmosphere (and removing the helmet/EVA pack)? In scanning the "parts" list it doesn't seem to indicate that. Oh -- are the IVA textures used when on Kerbin? That would explain the no helmet and no pack. Maybe you need to copy your custom suit into the IVA versions as well.
  10. Just confirming that the "crashing into a panel at 33000 meters" bug is gone after 1.2 I wouldn't have time to do much testing, but I look forward to any tweaks to allow us to see craft from far off. The planets being visible in the night sky alone is worth the price of admission, though. Just had a great view of most of the planets from the KSC runway just before dawn. Of course I forgot to take a screen capture.
  11. A thing of beauty. Plenty of other gauges out there, but these are so damn pretty.
  12. This + Throttle Controlled Avionics = rock solid VTOLs! Thanks.
  13. In reading the last few comments I'm getting the sense why this doesn't work with Throttle Controlled Avionics. With this mod installed, TCA no longer recognizes the engines. This is a beautiful (and fun) mod, but I'm playing with VTOLs and really want to use TCA. Hopefully some module manager magic can happen?
  14. Yeah -- The icon does indicate it's active. and using it with arrow keys or joystick with SAS enabled or not doesn't make much of a difference. The craft's rockets never appear in the mod panel's list. It does also load and save the three different preset options. I'll do some experimenting. Edit: pulled all mods and it works fine on that same craft. Such fun! I'll have to reintroduce them and see what's causing the issue. Edit: Edit: It looks like HotRockets! was the culprit. It's a phenomenal effects mod, so I hope some means of getting these two to play well is found.
  15. I was pretty thrilled to try this out as I'm early in the tech tree and my VTOLs are more than rudimentary... I've installed the mod and it seems to be "working" properly with the toolbar icon and control panel, but none of the engines show up on my craft upon launch. I'm using stock LV-909s arrayed on an H grid "Space 1999" style, and they all work, but no balancing occurs (and the fuel consumption quickly throws the tail into the air). Do I need to build the craft over again with the mod already installed? Is there a part I need to add? Danke!
  16. There are means of disabling the texture compressor feature for certain mods / folders. We'll have to look into it or otherwise make sure the KSP-ARP gets added to the pre-set configurations.
  17. This is incredibly awesome. Do you have plans (or maybe it already implements...) to combine/compound certain ribbons so that orbit/land/eva etc all appear on the same ribbon? Or for multiples of special missions, etc. similar to how the forum ribbons operate?
  18. There is a self-contained flight computer that allows inputs like orientation and node execution --with optional signal delay.
  19. Aha! Cheers for that. I hadn't realized they behaved differently aside from simply longer range and narrower field of "vision."
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