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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Ah cool -- It wasn't here, but I think someone was demoing what it would look like while in flight. It may have been Bahamuto.
  2. A UI? Hooray! This is turning out to be a good KSP holiday season already.
  3. Of course it would be grand if they could have KAS attachments and ability to adjust/fix/attach parts like little repair droids...
  4. Were my eyes deceiving me, or did someone show a version/implementation of this with the target and path showing in flight mode? Now *that* would be cool. [not that this isn't... this is amazing! ]
  5. I appreciate your work -- and also your candor in recommending the "other" mod instead. Please don't let this discourage you! I'm sure there is plenty by way of fuel-in-parts features that could be useful beyond just wings. Can p-wing support be implemented?
  6. Yeah. The same thing happened when I accidentally flipped a craft over, too. The gear legs just sunk straight into the ground. Similar to how the small craft wheels in the KSO Shuttle pack wouldn't contact the ground if they were mounted sideways.
  7. Beautiful! I can't wait for the 2-kebal, in-line cockpit IVA. It looks so bug-like.
  8. Yeah -- I just re-grabbed the mod. I jumped blindly into the new stock drone craft --I didn't even notice the new engines! wow. One weird thing though: When I crashed it, it told me I killed a Kerbal. There shouldn't be a crew loading on it, right? It's assigning one when I loaded straight to the runway.
  9. I would love to see these updated/continued! Especially with all the new biomes, etc.
  10. They're not going to be prolonged screeches like a car in a parking lot. They are simply chirps of rubber making first contact with the runway. I'll listen again later, but I thought they sounded fairly spot on! ;D
  11. That's the sound of the gear deploying / raising... It's just that they've been silent until now, but in reality this can be quite noisy from within the craft.
  12. Thanks for continuing to make this pack even better. This is magnificent stuff!
  13. On the firespitter topic, there's a link to snjo's DL page for firespitter: http://snjo.github.io/ I believe the "download plugin" just downloads the firespitter dll, and it's a newer version that works in .25. Someone please correct me if that's wrong.
  14. Maybe that was too poetically beautiful to be true, then.
  15. Wait-- one does not actually have to click any buttons? That places this mod and thread in a whole new light for me. Besides, who doesn't get up and make a cup of tea when the game is loading? The "valuable time" not clicking buttons is also not spent staring at a loading screen for a few minutes -- barring any actual issues.
  16. What's up with the "initialization error" message (as shown in your screenshots) -- does that have any ill effect? I'm seeing those now with the latest version.
  17. Nice! A good "starter pack" for KSP goodness. It's ironic that ModManager isn't included as that is the one component that's most often packaged with any given mod...
  18. Pulse Jets? You are mad. hahahahaha! Keep up the awesome work. I'm loving this part collection more and more.
  19. Ouch. That is completely true. I do remember a load-textures-on-demand mod that was germinating in the dev forum, hopefully that may one day provide a solution to this mess.
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