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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Great idea! I would love to find out if this is something ModuleManager could do -- then custom profiles for aero can be built. I imagine this is how FAR does/did it. I'd love to not mess with the stock files.
  2. While it looks awesome on takeoff--- it's rather annoying after a short while.
  3. Cheers and thank you! Looking forward to it.
  4. Correct! 1.0.2 was simply some minor clean-up after 1.0.1 HOOOORAY for Z-Key!
  5. This + Chatterer + Collision FX makes this game insanely fun. The camera shake and air rumble now in stock blend perfectly. My only improvement would be to tone down the internal rattling a little bit or make it adjustable per-craft (per capsule type?) A high-performance jet shouldn't rattle around the same as an old capsule coming in hot... [edit] Oh -- there are some settings! I can tune it to my taste.
  6. Was that a simple fix? Someone just released a 1.0 update for [x]Science! and it similarly no longer works in 1.0.1. They're off for a week to go camping, and I'd love to help "fix" it in the mean-time.
  7. Nereid of the FinalFrontier mod just posted something along these lines for that mod. Maybe it's an easy fix.
  8. Hi Claw! Thanks for maintaining this awesome pack of fixes. It's sadly necessary that with nearly every game or similar release these days, there shortly follows a series of community fixes. A short note about a possible problem/conflict the parachute fixes module and RealChute: Windows 7 + Vanilla + RealChute + MM 2.6.2 + Tier 0 career game. With both StockBugFix and RealChute loaded, attempting to launch a simple craft with a stock cone chute results in Kracken blank universe launch pad behavior (Though it did allow me to collect a crew report from the "Sun's Runway."). Quitting / reloading and attempting to launch with a RealChute cone instead allows the launch scene to load properly. Reverting to SPH, swap back the vanilla chute and launch results in Kraken again. Selectively deleting the Parachute fixes out of the StockBugFix directory and deleting the part .cfg file in the game root / reload / re-launch and both parachutes are usable. I'll submit this to stupid_chris as well to see if there's anything that can be figured out.
  9. Aha! Good find. I suppose If I need a reminder as to what the Bugfix Modules were *fixing* with parachutes, then deleting the fix might let me find out soon enough. At least it keeps my ships from plunging into oblivion. Oddly, though. I wasn't having trouble with ships that only had realchute parts. Only the vanilla parachute parts caused the Kraken. I just thought it was stupid_chris enforcing brand loyalty.
  10. This sounds like exactly what I'm encountering. I was building up a bunch of my "favorite" mods in sandbox then switching to a career game. Career game was fine earlier, but now I get the kraken/space view upon trying to load a craft to launch pad or runway. I pulled everything out and the thing that keeps tripping it is RealChute. It's working great in sandbox, but maybe there's some sort of node or tweak feature that's hidden in a newbie career? Or maybe it's just a one-mod-too-many cooincidence. Similarly, the only mod I have that's not explicitly 1.0-friendly is toolbar. And--of course-- running *just* RealChute has no issues at all. [EDIT:] So, after slowly the rest of my mods, Stock Bugfix Modules 1.0.0 was the bad match. Running only StockBugfix + Realchute reproduced this issue. However -- starting up a fresh career game at this point seems to have "fixed" it. I'm sure pulling mods in and out does wonders for a save game, but this was a very specific clash with just those two mods. Replacing the rest of the mods back and everything is fine. [EDIT2:] Second epiphany--the new save crashed again--when my capsule *didn't* have a realchute attached (rather, I was using the vanilla part). Interesting! Going back and editing the craft back to having the realchute code allowed it to load and launch normally. Removing StockBugfixModules again allowed the craft to load with a vanilla parachute. and...:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-1-0-x-Wenkel-Corporation-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-v1-3-2-1-28-04-15?p=1880466&viewfull=1#post1880466 specs: Win7+a couple handfuls of mods.
  11. You're more than welcome to take your time. It's a fairly cool set of tools, and worth waiting to get the most of them. -- I did notice that it didn't "upgrade" my main kSP install. Should I just delete and re-detect? I've wiped the game/saves/craft anyway. Off to KerbalX to see what cool stuff people have made for 1.0...
  12. Awesome! I loved using these in .90. I've browsed the thread, but is there a chance to have the different "materials" for the wing texture actually affect the heat tolerance? I'm thinking we need heat-resistant versions of nosecones and wing edges...
  13. I normally dislike the "Does it 1.0" type questions in the forums, but this one I'll join up with, since as of 1.0 I'm seriously going to start crafting (yeah, right), and I'd love to get a better handle on keeping/migrating my craft sandbox mode to career, etc. Consider this a humble request to verify the workings of Jebretary in 1.0, katateochi!
  14. Will DDS reduce the memory footprint? I dream of being able to play with Kerbinside AND all the cool toys as well.
  15. Heh. I can imagine this could be useful for ships and subs, but for everything else I think the ocean surface=0.0 would be preferred, please. Is it RPM that adds the cluster of instrument lights (MECO, TWR, HEAT, etc.) to the cockpits? If so, what trips the heat sensor: hottest part, or overall craft temp? Im playing around with a small, overpowered craft, and I can heat it up pretty fast but it explodes quickly after that alarm light comes on. I wonder if the alert state shouldn't happen sooner (or I should fly slower...).
  16. I'm pretty sure the last page or so are full of updates on this mod (assuming you mean 1.0 compatibility). I've not even experienced the current "insta-scan" yet --- still having fun with planes --- but it strikes me that the impression of scanning instantly seems jarring since other things like science transmission (and resource harvesting?) take time. While a full scansat sweep would be hyper-detailed and "correct", something simpler like a long progress count once the sat was in the correct orbit could be fine and still provide *some* waiting. But, I've not done it yet, so I have no idea what I'm talking about. The proposed ideas for ScanSat going forward sound like a fair way to ignore / compromise with stock.
  17. Cool -- Doing some simple testing in a small, overpowered plane resulted in craft breakup (starting at the cockpit) when the gauge was reading ~1k+ degrees. The Mark1 says it's rated to 2k, so it's obviously not simply a "hottest part" meter.
  18. How does it compare/relate to the stock sounds that already do some of the things this mod does? Do they overlap?
  19. Excellent! Thank you so much for the quick update. I simply adore these gauges. My larger display does make them harder to read now (just upgraded) but I'll make do for now. Say -- does the "new" external temp gauge relate to the hottest part of a craft, or an overall average? I'm just wondering if this will effectively be the "how close is my ship to exploding?" gauge.
  20. I appreciate *both* vectors, for sure -- and your efforts to updating your chase camera to modify or supplement stock views. The auto camera effect (when achieving / coming back from orbit) likely still remains, as well.
  21. Placebo effect is a beautiful thing. j/k I'm glad it was a quick update, and thank you smjjames for sharing your test results --even though in this case the devs avoided any issues the old fashioned way: sidestepping them!
  22. x64 compatible? -- oops.. I mean 1.0?? I mean... Never mind, looking forward to the new update!
  23. TBH -- I'd wait for anything to formally announce 1.0 (but certainly try it!) since any parts or flight behavior is going to need integration into the new stock modeling & gameplay elements.
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