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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Hmmm, that gas giant looks really familiar! I just can't remember the name of that planet pack...
  2. Right now I am in the midst of a big break of playing KSP, so lately I have been messing around with mods and making my own planets.
  3. Oh, nice! I love how insanely fast progress is being made. Keep up the amazing work!
  4. I was not around for the old Moho, but it definitely looks much more interesting. I think making the KSp system more like our own is a bad decision, when most of the time it seems we just get really boring worlds. Really, Moho right now is just Dres but brown, close to the sun, and impossible to get to.
  5. My craziest dream is so stupid it is incredible. Brace yourselves! So the teletubbies were on top of their hill dancing and whatnot when a UFO comes out of nowhere and abducts all of them except the purple guy. As the UFO flies away, getting quieter and quieter is "Where did everybody go? Where did everybody go? Where did everybody go?" The end! I was five or something like that, okay?
  6. ...no...why would there be? If they did make an announcement it would be plastered everywhere and all of us would be freaking out.
  7. I am 78 rep away from my fifth bar. Geez, you guys love me.
  8. Still, way better than what I could accomplish.
  9. I signed up on these forums just so I could ask a question on how to install mods, more specifically KSP Interstellar. Now look at me!
  10. Oh, I've had that glitch before. I think you just pressed the wrong button, because I believe those markers have something to do with the terrain. Restarting the game should fix it.
  11. Geez, that is cool! I've known about layer masks, but dang! I didn't know they could do that!
  12. Nice! See, I never would've noticed something like that. Rover testing just got real.
  13. How do you even move the craft that far away? Is the offset tool not limited to the VAB/SPH walls?
  14. To be honest, I don't see Jebediah as head of the space program; Gene takes that role. To me, Jebediah is just the best Kerbonaut the space program has. One idea for having Jebediah join the space program is because he runs the company "Jeb's Junkyard," a supplier of the space program. Being trusted by the space program for his cooperation, Jebediah is accepted in as a recruit. Maybe he could be the first Kerbal on the Mun.
  15. Okay, do not worry. This is a common problem I'm sure many of us (myself definitely included) have encountered before. I am not sure what exactly causes planets/moons to turn into their templates, but what has worked for me is just to rewrite the config file for Koperincus and Kittopia entirely. Maybe you just made a typo or something and have to start over. Sorry I have no more specific details on the matter.
  16. Celestial bodies never unload, regardless of location. The reason you cannot see planets beyond Kerbin is because they appear less than a pixel wide. Having clouds attached to them should work no matter what.
  17. Ummmm...the Hypetrain doesn't really start until Experimentals.
  18. Banned for being against K-Syndrome.
  19. KopernicusTech is your best option. Planet Factory: Creators Edition is no longer being developed and is subject to really bad glitches. There are some really outstanding packs for KopernicusTech, too, such as the Outer Planets Mod.
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