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Everything posted by fatcargo

  1. @Diazo Of course ! Plugin is working great at this stage, no need to rush. And good luck with the move, be careful with overhang piano (can't help it with old cartoon references).
  2. And while i'm here, another two bug-like reports : 1. Very wide stock toolbar overlapped with stock action group display disables access to toolbar buttons. To elaborate : i have clicked AGX app button by accident, replacing AGX UI with stock. The stock action group UI is full height overlap of editor window, partically covering the stock toolbar. This causes user to loose access to those buttons. BUT, in case of AGX, this means that new UI won't be accessible once player switches to stock UI. Solutions : one is to manually edit plugin config to set editor = 1 and other is to bypass the problem entirely but installing Blizzy's toolbar and controlling AGX UI switch from there. 2. Editing text in AGX UI window that overlaps with staging column causes stage icons to hang, get stuck and persist on all screens (editor, space center, map, flight) during game session. To elaborate : - Drag AGX UI window titled "AGExt Selected parts : xxx" over staging column, making sure input textbox overlaps with staging icon - Click down and drag inside textbox with stage icon below. Underlying stage icon(s) will receive the mouse click - Move mouse to cause stage icon to move outside staging column -Release button and icon(s) will follow vertical mouse position -While icons are outside staging column, single mouse click will get them stuck in that position Stuck icons are visible in both editors, space center, tracking station and flight I also had inconsistent repeatibility of dragging staging icons and deleting them entirely. There was no way to restore icon (sans reloading the craft). Solution : restrict window positioning to exclude staging column.
  3. Sorry for not posting sooner. To clarify : move entire group. Example : First group named "engine cluster" for firing multiple types of engines (or special engine arrangements). Second group "reactors online" for switching nuclear cores. Third group "transfer boosters" for SRB cluster for interplanetary transfers. Player may define them in "wrong" order and needs to swap them after already placing all required actions into slots (between 1 and 250). Since all work is already done, re-doing all actions into correct slots again by hand should be avoided by using "move group" and "swap group". Thanks for the 1-5 visibility button explanation, i used this plugin for so long and never bothered to RTFM, sorry about that. I think this feature will indeed cover nearly all of the above problems.
  4. I apologize if i'm requesting an old feature, but here it goes : is it possible to add arrangement of action groups in editor/flight ? It may be needed when player defines one cluster of several actions and goes on the next one, but forgets to arrange them in order. Useful for crafts with complex functionality needing a lot of action groups, in those cases having logically arranged groups helps (for example action groups match staging or mission waypoints or ... you get the idea ) Arrangment operations could be : - move group (move to empty slot) - swap groups (exchange actions between slots) It can immensely speed up finalizing craft design process.
  5. Feature request : if possible, please add experiment repeatibility counter with manual reset marker in "here and now" experiment listing. This can help keep track of experiments that have limited collection capacity and need to be reset by scientist on EVA. Very useful for missions with many experiments attached to crafts, and player should be aware of some experiments needing a EVA reset.
  6. As is customary, first congratulations on a excellent plugin ! It saved me from spamming action group keys to collect science (and checking the biome in research window), it got tedious very fast. Now a report : i'm using Universal Storage science parts from DMagic Orbital Science pack. The "here and now" window detects available science from the above mentioned parts, but when executing offered experiments i get screen message "can't be done right now". Ofcourse, i again use action groups to collect science from all experiments at once and it works. Event this partial functioning still helps a great deal. I don't consider this issue a top priority, though it may point to some more serious issues "under the hood".
  7. I saw Scott's talk over at youtube about metallic hydrogen, but have also heard of ice-canopy habitats for human explorers on Mars that shield from radiation because water is hydrongen-rich material (obviously). Since protons are good at reducing energy of incoming radiation particles, i thought that shell of metastable metallic hydrogen would make a good shielding both for astronauts in space and on surface. And it probably wouldn't need to be very thick because of good density (it's pure hydrogen after all). Any thoughts ?
  8. WOOOOHHOOOOOOO ! YESSSS ! Now to continue making my crawling fortress !
  9. I have managed to make a MM patch that simply glues whole Ballast Tank part config into KerbalEVA. Now underwater EVAs work ok (even planting a flag 500m below sea level ).Here is the relevant MM code for my quick and dirty patch @PART[kerbalEVA]:FOR[ModuleBallast] { RESOURCE { name = IntakeLqd amount = 1500 maxAmount = 1500 } RESOURCE { name = Lead amount = 250 maxAmount = 250 isVisible = true } MODULE { name = ModuleBallast ResourceName = IntakeLqd } MODULE { name = ModuleFuelJettison } } Maybe @RoverDude could make a slight variation on the ModuleBallast for kerbals that also enforces wearing a suit when sumberged, similar to KSP on-screen warning message when player chooses "Toggle EVA suit" in vacuum of space. Oh, and if possible, make it compatible with alternate suit packs (like Cetera's) so pack authors can add suit versions for diving operations.
  10. Thanks for pointing out the relevant files. I was busy and unable to respond earlier. I managed to make a MM patch that adds ballast tank module (from USI Sub Pack) to Kerbonaut. Now my kerbal scientist can EVA and perform operations normally. It's a quick-and-dirty proof of concept.
  11. Your solution, as it is now - just may work. Testing ... Can't find anything small enough for personal inventory but heavy enough. Otherwise, it may be entirely doable to have KIS item specific to this problem. But, that raises a question of having enough personal inventory space for other items. Does KIS limit mass as well volume ? I would understand if players were limited to EVAs within certain depth, but there may be contract and part pack creators that would like to extend KSP to include even Mariana's-Trench-size EVAs There is a lot of underwater exploration possibilities left out of KSP, even if Squad leaves this environment as it is, mod makers can develop a completely new branch of tech tree. Yes, i.m aware of this. I just wanted to point this out as start in digging through API and eventually finding appropriate functions.
  12. Minor thread hijack quick search for what may be a starting point in KSP API : BetterBuoyancy @ github link
  13. I have a problem that my Kerbal inside hitchhiker pod on deeply landed submersible (below 500m) needs to exit to perform experiment reset for mystery goo and materials lab, but instead holding to rails it immediately shoots for surface. I tried to roll sub so the hatch is upside down, but my Kerbal stayed in fixed pose for "i'm now shooting up to surface". There is a minor control but no actions can be performed. What we need is a "diver" plugin that restores Kerbals to space-like mobility. @RoverDude do you know anyone that can slap something together in a simple DLL+cfg/xml ? This would allow scientist to restore experiment to operational states on site. This would enable new missions, contracts, equipment (KIS/KAS/repairs/construction) in underwater environment. I have posted a mod request to have this issue noticed. Currently, i have to perform experiments, then go near surface (very surface not required), reset experiments and then dive back again.
  14. I tried a quick look at Kerbal EVA buoyancy and found nothing. I need this for underwater EVAs since i use mod called USI Submarine Parts which gives player ability to construct and drive submersibles. If all operations are performed in IVA or by using available actions on desired part in external view mode, there are no immersion-beraking effects. And i remember seeing someone making a contract pack for using submersibles, so this idea will be useful to others trying this new exploration path.
  15. Ahh thanks ! Surely this whole bouyancy stuff is new to many of us players, so far there is no underwater equivalent to FAR to show craft design issues in editor (omg now THAT would be awesome ) and there is no other way than to launch and crash-test, the Kerbal Way EDIT : It's a pitty that ballast tanks have no action other than "Jettison Tank Contents" to add to custom groups. I have to "manually" open part menu in flight and tweak the whole thing. At least floats from Survivability Pack have actions to toggle deployment, increase and decrease bouyancy via action groups. Note to everyone using kOS and submersible pack : it is possible to write a script that will tweak ballast tanks to set desired state of submersible (dive, ascend, "zero bubble"), i haven't done that (did a few tests here and there, as my career game progresses i will use it). Ballast tank field value is shown in part menu and as such is accessible to kOS
  16. Here is my attempt at using sub. http://imgur.com/a/2XCiu I do have another question about buoyancy : do stock parts tend to bring sub to surface ? I find very hard to descend, even with full throttle. I dive just for moment, then my sub jumps up, splashes hard and falls apart .
  17. Nope. Part Wizard AFAIK. And i don't blame you - so many mods have been rebooted to KSP 1.2.2 because of you, it is hard to catch what goes where. I hope others with more time decide to help out. This is a worthy cause.
  18. TYTYTYTYTY ! I missed symmetry removal, IIRC part wizard is the only mod having this feature. Not to mention a list of all parts. You can always forget that extra strut somewhere between engine and cockpit My SSTOs will thank you sir !
  19. WOOHOO ! YES ! Under the hood stuff !
  20. @Enceos For RPM : something could be done about it. RPM is built with extendability / accessibility in mind, so "under the hood" it's code may be open enough to be reviewed by coder for adaptation to the mentioned ideas. What important questions are a) if KSP allows attachments to Kerbonaut body - confirmed with KIS parts like hammer/screwdriver b) if KSP allows clicks to parts of Kerbonaut body (attached or not) - currently unknown, i don't know of any plugins that do this For now however, maybe a small mouse-over indicator of clickable area could be added behind Kerbal's head which allow access to all possible actions. By mouse-over i mean indicator that is displayed only when player moves mouse pointer over that area, so it does not add visual clutter and make Kerbal heads look strange while player does something else (similar to above idea of head-gear functionality, just for clicks) Also, if possible please add to your plugin's API detection if Kerbonaut has helmet or not, so head-gear addon creators may write/design parts aware of this. If RPM-like functionality may be added, imagine moving MFD-style reticule overlay to first-person view !
  21. @Enceos : First off - awesome ! When i saw it on spacedock i started reading the description, halfway through i had an idea to make this compatible/integrated with "Through The Eyes of a Kerbal" mod and that functionality was mentioned ofcourse right on the next line Next: suggestions from "department of bright ideas" Is there any chance to make a JSI-like system of HUD parts with functionality ? Is it possible to make a KIS inventory just for Kerbal's heads ? If above is possible, then players could do gameplay immersion as follows: 1. Equip Kerbonauts with launch-phase head-gear 2. Kerbonauts can then change head-gear for class-specific, task-specific or mission-specific equipment 3.In first person view, headgear would provide required information to a player that is not usually accessible (look at point 2 for purpose). Not all gear would be available on start of career mode, it would sit somewhere inside tech-tree. Examples : 1. Engineer class may need welding mask to use welder, to permanently join two parts (to be used with RoverDude's Konstruction perma-join-Ports) 2. Scientist could examine surface samples in field through a vision-augmentation reticule, making detection of rare resources easier (or even possible, if currently no other means exist for direct observation) 3. Pilot can see in dark or fog to safely navigate atmospheres or through the void of space 4. Any of the above classes will need a gold-coated visors (in first person mode) to perform EVA tasks near Kerbol without being blinded 5. For tourist-class Kerbal, a pair of shaded/black glasses (same for space-tourists in mission control contracts) 6. Doctor/Biologist class field diagnostics for later treatment of injuries or ilnesses New items suggestions: -bandana -WW2 pilot scarf with goggles -earrings for females -basic set of indicators that work with above additions specialist equipment : oxygen/supplies (for life-support mods), RCS, G-force meter, basic compass, high speed collision indicator (avoid bumping into parts on EVA)
  22. Some time ago i was bugging another plugin dev about this idea, and after recently searching for this again i saw HG plugin. I had to pick up my jaw off the floor Now the question : would it be possible to have app icon right-click open a small help window with shortcut keys help from first page ? Just for beginners until they learn it. Right-click isn't used for anything right now, and it would be a right thing to do right away
  23. To me its not so much about number of groups, as displaying their names in flight. Saves player from keeping a bunch of notes with group assignements to their rocket, shuttle, station, satellite, rover ...
  24. @DMagic How to say it ... I had a rover, i had replicable bugs... And then i overwritten it. All bugs just dissappeared with it. Dang it ... I'm sorry. GOT IT! Here is link to test rover . Idea is to have port alignement parallel to ground. My personal preference is maneuvering a rover or mobile rig for transfers with vertical ports. The craft provided has stock port jr at front and flex port jr at back in elevated position. With 2 rovers, a vertical port alingment demonstration can be performed. Oh one more idea : can you add make flex port stop extending when it reaches other port and begins connecting ? This way, if ports are aligned vertically, port won't try to lift up craft by extending full length even after connecting.
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