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Foxxonius Augustus

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Everything posted by Foxxonius Augustus

  1. Most of Cobalt's work you are completely correct. For instance, in the contentious image if you look at the Skylab solar panel, right at the pivot point you can see the same technique used to much better effect. This one panel on this one part sticks out like a sore thumb (apparently because he accidentally copied over a map when he didn't mean too) and me and @TimothyC like to give Cobalt crap about stuff like that.
  2. Believe me I am not averse to scratched paint or dings here and there. This sort of thing looked fine for a long time but with @CobaltWolf adding all the maps he can think of it starts falling down. With the graphics overhaul that Cobalt is doing it makes these lines look less like scratched paint and more like some one ran over that panel with a tank...
  3. You guys understand that the Block IV Mission Module and Saturn Multibody are already on the road map right? In fact some of the parts have already been modeled. Re-scale cfgs are fine but let's remember to make some Hype the real deal shall we?
  4. Welcome to the forums! To answer your question, BDB's primary Devs don't make IVAs as a rule. (I think) All the IVAs BDB currently has have been done by volunteers or were part of original mods that have since been integrated into BDB.
  5. Short answer, no. Longer answer, if you want to make one yourself, yes. Longer answer some members of the BDB community are already working on them.
  6. The proposal called for a single Saturn V launch. The hab-module is an S-IVB that would (I assume) sit on top of the S-IV stage.
  7. Can we maybe talk about how awesome Scout was? Or how about Skylab? Or how cool Apollo block-III, IV or V are? How initiative Orbiting Solar Observatory was? BDB? Rockets?
  8. Incoming Scout Hype! That I may have missed the first time around... But srsly, Star 31 will be getting an art pass so it actually looks right on Scout.
  9. So I just tracked down a nearly game breaking bug. The bug causes the player to be unable to right click anything near a probe core. Fortunately it's not a bug with BDB, but it is caused by Real Plume. Given the level of support that mod has in BDB I felt I should bring it to this treads attention.
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