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Foxxonius Augustus

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Everything posted by Foxxonius Augustus

  1. Note that that is a Titan II done up like a Delta II with those GEMs and an as yet unrepresented manned orbiter up top
  2. I really like the look of the BD-WBR Mini Radial Decoupler. Maybe a cross between that and the stock Hydraulic Detachment Manifold would look cool. Stretch the BD-WBR to maybe 1.25-1.5x the height of the HDM and then double it up and add connecting structure like the HDM. Same width or maybe slightly wider than HDM. Put all that together and I think that would work really well for some thing Saturn Multi-Body size. I gota run but I have more ideas on this for you later!
  3. Nice! There is one in that list already that I haden't heard of and now really want to play with If we are for real making a list to go in the OP then I would also add: Also the version of Cacteye you worked on, there are a number of threads for that mod and I am not sure which it is. SEP should also be on this list, I know it is in your sig @CobaltWolf but I still think it should be called out specifically. I think the chances are high that there are people who use BDB who would use SEP but don't because they somehow keep not noticing it
  4. On an unrelated topic, I recently found this Gem in the Mod Development section and thought (not for the first time) 'Man, we need a section in the BDB OP to collect all these great Bluedogalike mods!'. Then I realized it wouldn't do to make @CobaltWolf put it together as he darn near runs himself ragged just developing his own mod! So I propose we put together a list of other part mods and projects that help expand BDB so it can get added to the OP! With luck this will give us even moar threads that we can habitually check every day (I can't be the only one!) and help cut down on the 'OMG can mak a BDB ver of X?!?!" posts. Also we (I) can stop discovering these great BDB expansions and then promptly forget what they are called and where to find them later...
  5. I feel like this and other Bluedog-alike mods need to get featured in the BDB OP @CobaltWolf Sort of a 'Blue Dog Seal of Approval' section or something If nothing else it would cut down on the 'Hey can you make a BDB version of X' posts...
  6. I have tested with RealPlume and all the solids seem to be working great! The OAM seems very wrong however. There seems to be large effects at starting at the top of the part. That is the only problem I found though Ask and ye shall receive! Full Album https://imgur.com/a/rqCAeQC LDC Titan F-1A 1st stage with a S-IV upper is cool too
  7. So I just found this craft again. It's from several versions ago but I figured I would share! https://imgur.com/a/XYfib
  8. not sure if it is a new problem but one of the retro rockets on the S-II/S-IVb adapter is (At least graphically) miss aligned with the rest. Also the S-Ic retros still induce roll...
  9. I had been meaning to set one up for awhile. Glad to see some one besides me felt it was a good Idea!!!
  10. And definitely not the mod as a whole. If for no other reason than to preempt all the random political hate people will inevitably post. What about... not guna lie, I just came up with a bunch of names but they all abbreviate to BDB...
  11. Time Two Hype With An Axe in Each Hand!!! Titan 3L2 and 3L4 Titan 3 LDC Titan Barbarian I give up on making the non meme images work just click the links... (Super topical Meme here... cuz he's making Titan Barbarian... Get it??? plz no ban me...)
  12. What was Once Hyped Shall be Hyped Again! Later... In other news, I have recently built a new early tech rocket family and I just can't wait to show it off! I call it the Æsir Rocket family! Æsir I uses a heavily modified Long Tank Fenris core (Re-designated Khor) with two Fenris ICBM boosters (Re-designated Kódi/Kagni) lifting a Khrúd (no jokes plz ) 2nd stage and a Kjölnir 3rd stage. Though a bit expensive all versions boast improved performance over their historical counterparts, some times considerably improved. Only BDB required, you don't even need stock. T3 Techs required in career (General Rocketry etc.). Download Link. (Note: All versions come equipped with small satellite I used as a bench mark called 'Meridiem'. It is actually quite a useful satellite all by itself, good for 50-500 Science all by its self depending on where you send it.)
  13. The previous 6 comments on this thread talk about this mod being added to CKAN without the mod authors permission. He has stated that he prefers it not be on CKAN. Until the mod author's wishes change it will not be on CKAN, and adding it without his permission is a big no no.
  14. First off, congratz @Beale on your first plugin! I would like to make some suggestions to help it grow. First I am with @Capt. Hunt on the reverts shouldn't count issue. I would also argue that a GUI would be awesome. It would potentially let you decide on a per project basis what numbering convention to use. Depending on how much work you want to put into this mod you might also be able to add a 'Re-designate' feature, say you launch Rus-Com-Sat 23 but you forget to deploy your solar panels or things break due to dangit or something, just click the Re-designate button and poof, Rus-Com-Sat 23 becomes Cosmos 98. Or your secret spy program gets discovered (cough cough), click the Re-designate button and poof, Discoverer 20 becomes Corona 20. A GUI could also let players manage their projects in ways other than launching craft like setting up projects that have no craft launches yet so you can plan out you project names ahead of time.
  15. This should be in the OP, perhaps in some kind of separate section dedicated to answering questions that are asked frequently...
  16. Skylab B Intensifies!!! *Doffs the Hype Hat* I've been meaning to ask this for a while. It's been stated again and again that BDB works best with a 3-3.4x solar system, is there such a mod that is endorsed by the BDB balance team? *looking at you @Jso*
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