It rained for the first time all winter. We had a party to celebrate. I can sit happy in 101 degree weather without sweating. Holy frack, I'm Californian!
Thank you, I should have been more clear, my file converter I have, does not at all approve of large textures. And it didn't work with yours, so i was curious if you had a .zip. So, thanks! I love the new textures!
Funny, just the other night I had a glitch and had 2 tool bars, each with 1/2 of my total icons, perfectly divided, and they both worked! (Fixed on a restart, but it was cool)
Oh yeah, I forgot to report that the shuttle's landing gear is unbalanced. Try it, just take the shuttle of the the booster that launch it on the runway, it instantly falls backwards.
Yeah,I just picked up this exact big recently, also. Real pain in @$$. On good days, an entire copy of my ship will also apper right next to me during the flight, and proceeds to fall to its FpS killing death.