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Everything posted by federicoaa

  1. I had same feeling some time ago, lost the enthusiasm, then saw Scott Manly playing RSS - RO, got into that and I'm hooked again XD
  2. Just to mention, you can plug a keyboard and mouse to the ps4.
  3. It looks like the price is updated based on your setup. Remember they are procedural.
  4. Remember to build from top to bottom. First thing you add in a vessel is the pod, then the rest.
  5. Small question here. I had a craft with a vacuum kerolox engine I sent to the moon. After reaching moon SOI I realized all the liquid oxygen was gone, I think it's some kind of boil off, but I did not get any warning. I think It'd be quite nice to have some kind of aid tool in the VAB that tells you if a given tank will boil off and when.
  6. Also I was going to place the radiators in some nodes that are being deleted. I'm going to place then in Electrics. @winged: I think Advanced landing would be merged with Advanced Exploration in the new tree.
  7. In my RO/RSS.RP-0 install, TACLS doesn't seem to bother if my craft doesn't have electricity, and no idea about the CO2 scrubbers. I'm not sure if it is a bug or what but in the TACLS ingame window electric charge says xxx:infinite I had a pod with food, water, and oxygen in orbit for a month, but without electricity and CO2 full, never had a problem.
  8. Hi. The 2 LEO mission recently added requires 14 days max of orbit duration, but it has to be done while focusing the craft, any change of focus/scene will reset the counter. Looking at the config file for the contract: Duration 1 -> 1 to 4 days Duration 2 -> 3 to 10 days I suggest reducing the max duration to something that does not require leaving the game running for 10 minutes to complete the contract. Cheers
  9. I think there's some mod leaking memory quite bad, about 3MB/s fixed increase. (I'm running with forced opengl and standard CKAN installation + FASA + MJ) EDIT: the 3MB/s leak is with warp time, without warp leak is lower, but still memory keeps going up
  10. 1. Check staging 2. Check you have an antenna 3. Check staging again 4. Check staging one more time, your chutes are in same stage as your heatshield...
  11. that is ~1/8 of the total mass of the mun. I recommend using a laser pointer instead XD
  12. Beware staging launch clamps in second stage is bugged, launch clamps will spawn randomly when in flight, possibly exploding your rocket
  13. I'm playing with RO and RSS, even from lunar reentry I only use like 4 units of ablator (and max G is ~7) Is it normal or should I modify some setup?
  14. I have an idea to base the price of the big foldable radiator on the ISS radiators, but the only information I could get is that they were developed by Lockheed Martin.
  15. Nathankell, small question: In game I can see in the tech tree some nodes called thermal management (or something like that, I'm in office now), but those nodes are not in tree.yml Btw, I have created a guithub account (same as in this forum)
  16. NathanKell: Ok, I might be able to help, although I have no clue how to use github
  17. Nono, but I actually found some videos of people using RT and I think I know now, but the manual does not explain very well I think (there should be more examples) I did not know how to make, for example, that the ship deploy panels (lets say action group 1), I thought you had to input something, KOS like. But I discovered that you set the delay and just press '1' and it's done. It's so simple it's not intuitive
  18. Hi, I'm trying to get a full list of commands for the computer but I can only find basic info. I want to know, for example, how to do staging and actions groups. Thanks.
  19. This mod got my interest in KSP back, and stronger than before. Making real life rockets is quite fun and challenging.
  20. Hi. I noticed that remote tech and scansat show charge consumption in units/s instead of watts. Is there an easy way to add a config file to modify this?
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