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Everything posted by BagelRabbit

  1. I can't seem to embed my coub (maybe someone could help), but here's Mr. Wheel and his thorough dislike of skidding! (Yes, I made the music myself, though it doesn't match the loop too well.) I like coubs. Here's the link... let me know what you think, and if someone could embed this, I'd give them a cookie.
  2. Hey everyone! I'm getting better at playing the violin. You may remember some of my music from the KSP Plugin Songs thread. I'm trying to make some in-game music for KSP. This little guy, however, I made for fun, and to test my violin-playing ability. Let me just emphasize that while I made some small mistakes (especially towards the end), I played this song through in one take, and it's about twenty times more difficult than anything I've ever posted before. Dem grace notes, though... By the way, if you want to use this in any of your projects... here's the download link! Let me know what you think, and as always, thanks for watching!
  3. Time for more leaked pictures of "Car!" (I think I'm going to go with Avera9eJoe's recommendation and call it the "Kerbswagen Pillbug.") I've just discovered that the mid-size antennas make everything look wonderful... there's now a structural-panel "bumper" at the bottom to keep the solar panels and lights happy... I'm more-or-less done with detailing the back of the car... and now it has some very small rearview mirrors! Also, I've added a 'cruise' mode that disables some of the SAS torque and extends the antenna on the back, and an 'abort' mode that slams on the brakes, activates all torque, and retracts the antenna. Progress is good. Here's a view of the front (with the brake lights on)... so pretty! Here's a never-before-seen view of the back (which, by the way, you can hitch a small trailer on to)... Simply gorgeous! The cost of the thing has risen to 120k Kerbucks (in large part because of the aesthetic appeal of Gravioli detectors) and the part count is currently at 143. Maximum speed is a comfortable 21.9 m/s, but it feels like more in such a small craft. Still working on a reliable way for Kerbals to exit, and for a good way to repair tires, but I'd say I'm nearly done.
  4. Wait, I don't think that your entry was stock, was it? If it wasn't, then it can't be counted as an entry. (I can't imagine that acceleration in the lower atmosphere without NEAR/FAR, and the air-brakes don't seem to be stock either.) Sorry, but the rules are pretty clear about this: If you can show that this craft was 100% stock and was flown without NEAR or FAR, congrants! You can post the next challenge. Otherwise, I think I'll come up with the next challenge. Hey Avera9eJoe? Do you want me to extend your challenge for another week, so that someone will maybe complete it? It doesn't seem as if anybody will get the challenge done this week.
  5. I stand corrected. Nice job... By the way, Vagani, I too would rather play a game with you than get access to the games. (In the off-chance that I win, that is.)
  6. You call that a small car? I've built VTOLs smaller than that! (Here's the page for this) With all due seriousness, though, I think that when you get much smaller than the vehicle I made, it doesn't look like a recognizable car anymore. With all due respect, your small vehicle could be considered a moped, though it looks a little like a train. I personally see my car as being like a VW Beetle, though I see where Vagani is coming from when he says that it's more like a Smart Car. At any rate, I may be coming up with a new name for the little guy... stay tuned for a video showcasing the little car's features!
  7. My goodness! Both of the cars that have been posted are so... big. I like small cars. Here's the progress I've made... I'm almost done. This little guy is kinda cute, and more importantly, it has enough ElectricCharge to electrocute a cow. The only problem is, it lacks a name. (The current name is "Car." That's not gonna work.) Can someone please identify the closest type of real-life car to this guy, so I can name it properly? That would be much appreciated.
  8. Hello Avera9eJoe! I'm posting a few words here so that you can start uploading coubs. By the way, congrants on 1,000 posts!
  9. I think I broke the challenge, just slightly. Also, the "Maximum G-Force Endured" isn't exactly the best way of showing the maximum G-force endured. Here is how to break the challenge! Construct one of the craft in this video: Fly it around, and begin gaining velocity. Soon, your craft will begin to travel at high speeds, and experience incredible G-forces. These G-forces are easily measured with a Seismic Accelerometer, and they can be huge. I've experienced, but not photographed, over 1,000 G's of force. As a consolation prize, you can have this shot, which shows 315 G's of force at over 2 km/s. Now, this is all well and good, but what's the G-force recorded on the flight results screen? A measly 2.7 g's! That's chicken feed, even for a normal airplane. It would be nice if you could ban infinigliders such as this one, because with this little guy, getting the highest recorded G-forces is just a matter of pressing the screenshot button at the right time. Also, the "end flight" results aren't always even remotely accurate, though it may be too late in the challenge to fix this. (By the way, please don't count that 2.7 g's as my score for this one, I would hate to be that low on the leaderboard. I just wanted to show you this...)
  10. That's rather a shame... I would love to see some screenshots of that though. Sounds pretty awesome. By the way, is anyone currently working on the Arkingthaad challenge? I'm a little worried about the lack of activity on this thread, right now.
  11. Very nice! Personally, I was expecting something a little more serious, but that made it even better when the giant rovers went trundling towards the pad. By the way, how many Kerbals were on there? Kerbin's population seems a little low...
  12. If people come up with enough verses, I may put my singing talent* and my violin to work, and make a little video... *I don't have much of it. Very nice song. I'm liking this a lot.
  13. Danny2462 actually liked this thing that I made. I think that counts for something. Sending launch clamps into space is fun! Now you can too.
  14. Are parachutes allowed to facilitate descent... and are Separatrons okay to use? I'm probably going to do this, sounds like fun. Reserved for my entry.
  15. Did you... did you scroll about halfway down the Fanworks page? I'm making songs specifically for KSP. I'm working with good ol' Blizzy78, and making a song for each of the planets. Here's the link. I don't think I'll need your help with this (I can mix music pretty well, myself) but thanks anyway.
  16. THROMGORD!! (sorry, I just had to do that) Unfortunately, I can't get the THROMGORD mk3 to carry any missiles, really. It's simply too small, and it doesn't have as much surface area free... and I want to try for at least twelve missiles on each plane I make, because I'm terrible at aiming. Which means I'm probably going to have to create yet another THROMGORD. (sigh) On a related note, these missiles aren't all that good. I've been trying to use them to hit rockets and aircraft at KSC, and they don't seem to do much. After a repeated barrage, the best I could do was knock off a wing... which, all in all, isn't that great. Especially because I'm making a YouTube series in which I attempt to destroy the craft of "the enemy," a guy named LegitCocount. (Here's the first episode. I may need some pretty good missiles to fully destroy his craft.) I have two theories for the "meh" quality of the missiles. The first is that the they don't have enough inertia, on account of their light weight. The second is that they are too weak, on account of their low impact tolerance. I'm currently in the midst of attaching some Linear RCS Ports on the front of the missiles (massless; 50 m/s impact tolerance) and seeing whether they improve their performance. Honestly, though, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Is there any good thread on the basics of making missiles, or could you share some nuggets of wisdom with me? I would like to use missiles with a low mass and a good amount of destruction possible. Thanks!
  17. About that... (heh heh) I finally figured out how to get quality mp3 audio files... but it might take a day or two to get them up, depending on my schedule. Rest assured, they are coming, just as soon as I can render them. I've run into a bit of a block with MUN... if I can't figure out what I'm going to do over the next couple of days, I may just go with KERBIN, which will just be an embellished KSP theme song with plenty of fun for all. Expect the next song at some point or another in about two weeks (sorry). In the meantime, you can listen to this absolutely nasty song that I made a long time ago, before I knew what I was doing. I don't like it very much, but it has guitar in it, so that's something, I guess. (Actually, I still don't know what I'm doing. And my songs still aren't that great. But thanks for sticking with me.) Pip pip, cheerio!
  18. Here's the challenge that Avera9eJoe gave... it's a doozy. Best of luck. The Arkingthaad ULTRA-lite This challenge is not for the faint of heart. It is a challenge in any measure. Rules: Create an image album (or video) of what you've done with the Arkingthaad ULTRA-lite. No completion date. Assemble it, launch it, do what you want with it, and perform a hard landing back at KSC. Note that this is NOT SSTO worthy and it will need a boost of some sort to orbit. Assembly can be in orbit, or on the ground but NO MODS! You will need to post pictures of assembling, launching, refueling, and any landings you complete as a minimum. "some assembly will be required." Get it HERE(Curse*) *Main image is stretched oddly Or get it HERE(Dropbox). Have at it.
  19. Well, I suppose that the winner this week is Avera9eJoe, because he was the only one who posted anything. Avera9eJoe, Post your challenge at will!
  20. Work has started on the THROMGORD mk3. It flies nicely, it's even smaller (mass-wise) than its predecessor, and it looks pretty good. Now, where to mount the missiles? ...Any suggestions?
  21. I know, right? That's actually quite a bit better than I initially thought! (Also, the MechJeb module looks very nice on there.) This VTOL is quite a bit smaller than any plane could be. Actually, that's not true, as the surface area of the VTOL is just enough for two small control surfaces to fit on top. But it probably wouldn't be stable, and I don't want to part-clip too much. Speaking of which -- My God. The Kerbal's body... is an Illuminator mk1?! Sorcery, I say! Sorcery! Joking aside, this guy is incredibly small, though definitely more massive than mine. Still, part clipping can take you a long way in KSP, if you know what you're doing. Nice job. Thus starts the Great Battle of the Tiny VTOL Thread: Is my craft more adorable, or is Three1415's craft more adorable? Or is someone else's craft even more adorable than these?! If you think you have a smaller or a more adorable craft, I would love to see it.
  22. Thanks! I built this little guy largely to look cute, but with an emphasis on keeping things small. As such, the VTOL has far more than three parts... but it looks nice, no? As for Delta-V, I have no idea whatsoever. Someone should try to boot this up using MechJeb and see what the value is. I think that this little guy would do a fine job exploring the Mun though. My thoughts precisely. Also, if you could show a series of pictures/a video showing that little guy making it to the Helipad, I would be mightily impressed. I try to make all of my VTOLs capable of at least making it that far, because there's not of much practical use if they can't deliver a Kerbal there, IMO (see my definition of a VTOL on the OP). Yep, I'm known on YouTube as Bagel Rabbit. I kinda wish "UpsilonAerospace" bore even a vague resemblance to "Bagel Rabbit," it would make things much easier. Again, no idea about this thing's Delta-V, sorry. The first person to find out the delta-V for this guy will receive some good karma, absolutely free! I may just land this guy on Gilly in a future video... but if I do, I'll probably pack the rocket with all sorts of other little craft to explore the Eve system. I have a couple of ideas that just might work... I'd have to agree with you there. It's not as small as it could be... but it's maybe the cutest li'l guy that I've ever built, anyway.
  23. Hello everyone! I'm just dropping by to say that I *may* have made the smallest completely stock VTOL ever created. Presenting... the Pico PicoTOL! [The PicoTOL was an older and slightly larger VTOL.] Here are some pictures... prepare for cuteness. Here's the Pico PicoTOL, lifting off. Note that the landing legs make the craft seem larger than it actually is... Ahhhh, that's more like it. This is the true size of the Pico PicoTOL, when its landing legs are in. Adorable, right? ...and Jeb takes a break on the Helipad, and prepares to disembark and grab some hard-earned snacks. Here's a video, showing a nice little flight with the Pico PicoTOL. (Note: I start answering my viewers' questions at about the halfway mark, so you don't have to watch that far if you don't want to.) ***My definition of a VTOL is a vertical-takeoff-and-landing craft that can carry a Kerbal to the Helipad. In-flight debug cheats like Infinite Fuel or hacking gravity can't be used for it to be a "true" VTOL, at least in my book.*** Size-wise, the PicoTOL can comfortably fit inside a Mk1 Lander-Can. It has a fully-loaded mass of 0.53 tons, with ~0.1 ton of Kerbal and ~0.12 tons of fuel, so it has a dry mass of .31 tons. Its part count is rather high, at 22 parts, but most of these are massless and were just added on to enhance the thing's function. Besides, Jeb can't just be perched atop this thing... it's not safe!* *The real reason is that it doesn't look as cool. Safety shmafety! Although, Jeb will almost always survive even the worst crashes, so that's nice. It comes with a complimentary Lander-Can for you to load your Kerbal with! It's got plenty of control, thanks to three probe cores that provide torque! It's got plenty of ElectricCharge, thanks to some aesthetically pleasing battery packs and solar panels! It's got landing legs that look awesome, when they deploy! And yes, it can land on the Helipad with fuel to spare, if you're careful. And now, the moment you've been waiting for... The .craft file! Can you please either verify that this craft is, indeed, the smallest VTOL to ever fly, or provide an even smaller one? (If this thread gets enough pictures of tiny VTOLs, I may change its subject to 'Post your Tiniest VTOLs Here!') Thanks for looking in... and I look forwards to seeing some other little VTOLs!
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