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Everything posted by monstah

  1. This rude attitude will not get you any help. The moderator kindly asked that you put the log in a spoiler box (which he then did for you) so the users who might help you don't have to scroll through a huge page to post. Huge logs can break the page even in spoilers (specially for mobile users), which is why we ask for them to be hosted on dropbox, google drive, or similar, and posted the link here. This second post you made was a simply a re-post of the huge log that's already here, so I removed it. Also, see this thread, with the red tag saying "important support information" and a topic saying "READ FIRST", which tells you the correct log file to post:
  2. @Slasher @Bob_The_Great new accounts are kept on queue for a few posts. That happens so we get to verify new users are not spam bots or trolls. I'm sorry that your post was left on the queue for so long, you came in a time when no moderator was online to approve it. We try to have staff available in all timezones, but that still happens sometimes. That said, you can't have two accounts. One of our team will contact you soon about merging them. About long logs, the usual solution is to upload it to Dropbox/Google drive and share the link
  3. Would have been easier if you gave the link to it Thread locked.
  4. If you're building a station, the mk2 cabin not only looks weird, but the size of the nodes don't line up, and you can't surface attach RCS in a logical position.
  5. There's something I find interesting there, which reminds me of D&D. See, in D&D, all the gods are objectively real. They show up, they do stuff. Not a single character in that world believes they don't exist. Religion in that world is not about which belief is true, but about which one of the different powerful things do I follow (and the question of what makes a god a God rather than a very powerful but mundane being is left muddy). Westeros so far has shown 2 religions, an "old one" and a "new one"; and Essos has given us "the one true god". Now, the Old Religion worships the Children of the Forest and those old wise trees, which are objectively true, and the new religion seems pretty content to acknowledge that. We haven't seen objective proof of the Seven Gods' existence, but Davos' survival at Black Water strongly hinted of the Drowned God's favor. So I don't think it's that bizarre. We're just seeing a world where very powerful and old... things... are objectively true, and whether or not they are Gods in any "true" sense of the word, they are worshiped as such. I've heard it, too. I don't know if it's true, but Tyrion is a beloved enough character I surely wouldn't mind seeing him riding a friggin' dragon. Also, one of the three dragons might be killed, so only the two Targaryens would ride. I mean, Dany has (*sigh* again) shown her lack of tactics when the first arrow (spear?) passed by her and Drogon, and instead of dodging the second she dived straight into it. I didn't expect the writers to kill a dragon on the first shot, but seeing that I thought, "yeah, it's gone".
  6. Oh, just paste the url for the image, and it will try and convert it to an inline image
  7. Well, we miss him, but no, no major changes since. We have a healthy amount of moderators at the moment, quite a few of which are international
  8. Unresponsive... how? If it's loading, there's nothing for it to respond to. You just wait while it loads.
  9. Oh, so that's why there's no "CRASH!" in the logs... In that case... how long have you waited for it to load? Depending on how many mods I have installed, my game might take 10 or more minutes to load (tho usually it's around 5).
  10. "Receiving unhandled NULL exception". That's... surprisingly unhelpful (not you, the log!) The only thing I can think of right now is that the last thing to load when the game crashed was a Cormorant Aeoronology part. Looking at the OP in the thread, there's this: Have you upgraded it from a previous version? In any case, try removing all of your Cormorant files, and install them again.
  11. Well, the second part doesn't have much to do with the battle scene and its implications. The first, however, is very relevant. Did they give the character such knowledge, just to have him die and not tell anyone? Granted, that scene with Olenna could have been just to break the character, not really to further any plot. Also, he could tell Tyrion... who has less than zero credibility with Cersei, in any case. Me and my wife, too!
  12. I don't have a Mac, but he link that Gaarst posted right in the beginning of this thread should point you to the right folder
  13. That's a good character arc for both of them. Now, Danny already thinks Tyrion is trying to help his brother, let's see what she thinks of this... Come to think of it, that's an interesting arc for all of them. Jaime's the Kingslayer, he killed Danny's very father. But then, she abhors her father, and knows just how bad he was for his people.
  14. I don't think the writers would refrain from toasting him, just to drown him in the very next moment. So, yeah, captured rather than killed, most likely.
  15. Now the link works! KSP.log is very poor in information, unfortunately. Show us output_log.txt, as indicated here: (you don't need to try to run the game again, just find the file that's already there and upload it)
  16. I don't know, but we don't get to see gold in that scene (or, do we? I don't remember). We do see some barrels (which explode so satisfyingly under Drogon's breath), the rest might be food? Besides, the Scorpion was in King's Landing, so if it was in the caravan then they were there already. I agree with you, the line was quick and had no visual reference.
  17. What? They fired bows standing on horse backs! And I think there was a scene just prior to that when they said that the gold had been secured in King's Landing already. Honestly, the passage of time in this series drives me mad. Sometimes, they make such off-hand remarks that imply days or weeks have passed since the last scene. Adding it up, it seems to me Jon Snow has been on Dragonstone for possibly a couple months (Daenerys can fly dragons, but how long did the dothraki army take to get there??). Never mind that your people will be mad if you bend the knee... they're already mad that you're gone!
  18. I was impressed by the ash corpses. The first one that you see is trampled by a horse; you'd be excused to think it was charcoal-like. But the second one, just after Jaime has told them to cover themselves? That one disintegrates at a breeze. Talk about demoralizing an army; Jaime look absolutely crushed.
  19. I thought the same. Could have circled around and dispensed the whole line of soldiers instead.
  20. Welcome! Unfortunately, the link you shared is not accessible, you may want to try and read this to see how to share from google drive
  21. I was going to post this morning, but forgot: *wakes up* *brain starts slowly to work* PARARA PARARA PARARA PA! PARARARARARAPA!
  22. Guess who had a terrible night's sleep >_<

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DunaManiac


      What? I spend the night reading books. (Which is why I am such a nerd to my friends at school


    3. NSEP


      All the books i own are kids books for 7 year olds, my local library is too far away so i just listen to music and draw some cool things (the Velicoraptor i drew was made by me at 2 am) to help me sleep, and that does not help. Neither does laying in bed and doing absolutely nothing work either. All i can possibly do is waste my energy as much as possible in the most productive and enjoyable way.

      In fact, pretty much all my works are made during the late night.

    4. Nailed it!

      Nailed it!

      To sleep I just try to predict situations,that will happen tomorrow, make plans for ships in (yawn) KSP, imagine thingss thhat willllnever happen and yrcgvkjhbfvnkt b (snore with head on the keyboard)

  23. Man, I had this very model myself as a kid! http://en.polaroid-passion.com/format-600-cameras.php?id=270
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