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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Oh, and threads on the same subject merged
  2. 2% sun coverage from here, and it's cloudy as hell
  3. Oh, and I agree that's an important question! My problem is with the linked article. That is pure sensationalist garbage, IMO. Sure, we send kids on airplanes now. It's safe and routine, now. That's not the point of the author there; space won't be this level of safe and routine for decades, I think.
  4. Not loading, or not appearing on the parts list? Perhaps another mod is putting it on a hidden category?
  5. I might agree with you on this, but to me the risks still outweigh any potential gain.
  6. Well, I for one think sending John Glenn up again was kind of crazy, so I wouldn't ever use it to justify sending a kid. But, even then, he had training, he had done this before, and he was a military pilot, so being put in danger was not something unexpected, or ethically dubious. Plus, since he had flown before, there was already some good physiological baseline to study the effects of space on his older body. So even from a scientific gain standpoint, the pros of sending elderly Glenn up outweigh the cons in a way sending a child most likely never could.
  7. Ah, from the thread's title I thought the OP meant this: In any case, have some related information.
  8. I swear I started reading this and I thought it was a baby poop story... Condolences about the DVD. At least the rebellion will win because of that sacrifice.
  9. Yeah, good luck with that. I also love Scatterer, but seriously, it is pretty computation-intensive on a conceptual level. I don't think there's any setting you can tune to make it faster. It breaks my heart not to use that mod, but my potato computer begs me to let it die when I try it
  10. Seriously, so little difference between them?
  11. If your line is white, most likely you're not in control of the ship: you're either viewing it on the Tracking Station interface, which shows all current flights but doesn't control them, or you're controlling a different ship, and have your map focused on the ship you think you are controlling Also, in career mode, you can't create maneuver nodes without first upgrading the Tracking Station and the Mission Control buildings to lvl 2 at least. It's possible to either get the money to upgrade those before reaching the Mun, or to reach the Mun without maneuvers. Look for the Caveman Challenge here on the forums, see how other pilots did it.
  12. Ei, bro! Deu uma sumida aí.

    Deixa eu te perguntar, a sua tradução pra português do jogo é compatível com o sistema de localização do 1.3? Se não for, gostaria de ajuda para torná-la? Eu te dei ping umas duas ou três vezes a respeito disso, mas como você não fica online a bastante tempo deve ter se perdido na enxurrada de notificações.

    Tem rolado uma iniciativa de traduzir mods, e proporcionar pacotes de tradução do jogo pras línguas que a Squad não traduziu oficialmente ainda, dá uma olhada aqui, :


  13. Hello, everyone! I had to remove some content here. I'd like to take the opportunity to remind you not to ask for updates; I know this is a beloved mod, and so does pizzaoverhead. But, as his post above shows, he's still around, and he's still aware of this mod. Sure, it's been some time, but realize that modders do this in their spare time according to their inclination and availability. No one was rude about it, and that's a good thing! But still, requesting updates, asking about them, even wishing about them aloud (eh, in writing I mean?) repeatedly can slowly erode modders' patience. And we know you don't mean to do that, so let's just let the modders work at their own pace, OK? It's been asked once, and the answer was "planned". Until then, that's it!
  14. That the one that says "If a headline is a question, the answer is 'No'"? I love that, use it all the time myself. Taught it to my wife, too, we sometimes do it aloud to each other when in our laptops Can't... tell... if joke... or not... x_x
  15. An Aussie named Lord Humongous? Y'know, my wife and I once got ahold of a Mad Max copy with original aussie audio, tried to watch it without subtitles... ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE! Anyway.. welcome, you old lurker!
  16. WAT. So, the demonstration of human-rated capabilities, the first results of human exposure to zero G, and the first results on the difference between male and female physiology in space are publicity stunts? Sure, there's some scientific value in sending a child just like there was sending Valentina. But, try sticking those kids in a centrifugue first?
  17. ...meh. This is why I don't subscribe to space.com anymore. So... a "space enthusiast" and "author of the children's book 'The Astronaut Instruction Manual'" wants NASA to send kids to space. So what? Crazyheads want NASA to do their bidding all the time. His reasons are not very compelling, either. Well dude, those children got on a plane to get somewhere, not to sell your book. Also, there's a subheadline saying "Why not?", but nowhere in the article is a "why", except, for a dodgy "may inspire future generations". Then, this gem: Wow. That's worse than Brazilian journalism.
  18. *Warcraft 2 voice* Work, work. Done. It's out for show!
  19. Dude. It's been a long run. That piece of software is most likely older than you, possibly by a large margin. Let it go! But, we did! MIR, Skylab, now ISS, they still call it bogus!
  20. Hey, Mun_Man! For starters, something goes wrong how? Also, posting a log might help figure out what went wrong, read this thread to get instructions:
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