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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Isso Eu disse "contexto", mas não disse o contexto, né monstah burro? In other news, tava dando uma traduzida no SCANSat hoje de manhã... e depois de voltar do almoço resolvi que "scan" vai ser agora "mapeamento". "Scanner" ainda não sei, de acordo com o google escreve assim mesmo em português Eu me lembro de ter lido "escâner" algumas vezes quando era mais jovem (e o Chrome não reclamou agora), mas que horrível, né? Sugestões? (lembrando que é pt-br... acho que somos todos BR aqui, mas nunca se sabe né)
  2. Hey @DMagic, made a pull request for SCANSat PT-BR localization. Science.cfg is incomplete, and Helptips.cfg I just began locally, didn't even commit yet.
  3. Galeeeeraaaa como eu traduzo "stock" no nosso contexto????
  4. Oh, how is "Acknowledged" used in-game? If it's a confirmation button, I'd rather translate it as "I acknowledge"
  5. Not one of the languages you asked for, but I went ahead and requested a pull for Brazilian portuguese
  6. Do you have a screenshot? There's no way we can tell what is it that you're missing just from that description.
  7. Since this thread is ancient, I really have no idea whether it still works or not, and what does it work with. Better start a new one. You can buy KSP from the store, or from Steam.
  8. Hahaha that's realism within a game with little green men
  9. Honestly, I'm guilty of my expectations too, but the other way around: I started a new career for it, and I figured I'd have to put rockets on the stand at least a few times to see them explode, just so I could send the first thing up at all (or, at the very least, shoot a couple fireworks before actually shooting rockets), and to my surprise the first couple tries did actually go up! I had failures, sure (the probe core shut itself off just after the fuel ran out, another flight had the engine explode as I expected, tho quite into the flight and not at lift-off as I thought it would). But, all in all, things were more reliable than I expected on my first try. Granted, I've only played for like, half an hour with this, last night, but I'm still experimenting to discover how gameplay goes.
  10. Hi there, @migui, and welcome! Posts that aren't in english should be in the international sub-forums, not KSP Discussion I'm locking this thread, since you already created a topic on the Spanish sub-forum. You previous messages weren't visible yet (new users need moderator approval), but now I've approved them. --- Hola, @migui, y bienvenido! Mensajes que no están en inglés deben estar en los sub-foros internacionales, no KSP Discussion Estoy bloqueando este, ya que ya creó un tema en el sub-foro español. Sus mensajes anteriores no eran visibles todavía (los nuevos usuarios necesitan la aprobación del moderador), pero ahora los he aprobado. (that's a Google translate but my Spanish is good enough to figure it gets the message across, at least... ^^)
  11. Cool, and welcome! We have a sub-forum dedicated to in-game reports, you might want to take a look at other users', too. I'm moving this thread to it
  12. Well, tell her her low grades don't prevent her from partying, then!
  13. I live in the capital, work near the congress, and tomorrow is independence day. I'm seeing military planes flying all over, presumably practicing for tomorrow's display. ... TUCANOS ARE FRIGGIN' AWESOME. Clarification: they may not look like much, but when you see them in flight they pull some crazy-ass maneuvers at some crazy-ass low speeds...
  14. Do you work for the government? ... confirmed. Kidding aside, I may have come in late, but I like the strategy solution.
  15. Concedido: são consoles em Braile. Desejo gigantes gasosos novos no jogo stock.
  16. Had to remove the link on the OP, we've had reports kerbalstuff.com had been hijacked (seems like a harmless dead site now, but it's not coming back anyway).
  17. I gave it a try last night, and I liked it! I have some observations (not things I want different, just some things I found nice and some things I didn't quite get right the first time), but I gotta get home because I can't remember stuff right now. Off the top of my head, I remember I caught a "relaibility" typo in one of the KSPedia pages, but since I can't remember which that doesn't sound like helpful input In any case, I started a new career save, but unlocked the entire techtree from the get-go (since parts are liable to blow up, anyway). I think this mod might work very well with mods that put unmanned first: before unlocking the techtree, I looked at that lonely pod and flea and thought HELL, no.
  18. I'd learned the theory behind it from some shady .txt files from the internet back in the day, but didn't actually practice it. I didn't think I'd actually ever attempt, let alone succeed. Fifteen years later, I move in with my wife, and we have (still ) this really crappy front door. The key would come out wrong sometimes, and you couldn't put it back in. One day, the lock got stuck... in the locked position, with the door wide open. So, there I am, screwdriver in left hand, bent hair clip on the right one... and it friggin' works, just like in the movies! Of course you have to know what you're doing, but I was amazed nonetheless
  19. monstah


    Hey, there! Well, if you can do long interplanetary, as well as (presumably) dock two ships, I don't think there's anything really new to learn, but you can always try new stuff (check, for example, the challenges sub-forum or @Whackjob's videos). That, and the final frontier: being a modder. We always welcome more of them
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