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Everything posted by Jaxx

  1. It'd be awesome if a few of these parts got TweakScale compatibility.
  2. Yeah, I started with FAR from the get-go so I'm basically conditioned. I can't even help people with stock problems because I forget how much....well, easier it is sometimes, give them way too much to do. But yeah, I've started putting a whole lot of safety chutes for emergencies since the First Contract update. Haven't gone so far as to have no reversions, I'm not that hardcore.
  3. All output_log files are automatically stored in KSP/KSP_Data folder every time you launch the game. Copy that onto a Pastebin or into your Dropbox folder and put it here, or anytime you post about needing support. Otherwise, you won't get any responses. Just for future reference.
  4. This would be nice to pair with TAC-LS, once it's at least in a stable release, since a contract like that wouldn't have any challenge to it without a time-centric factor. I was actually just talking about screaming towards it in a sub-orbital trajectory, since I'm currently pairing it with : Infernal Robotics for a VTOL setup; Karbonite for a single launch, go-anywhere-on-Kerbin vehicle; and Firespitter for some helicopter parts. But yeah, whatever floats your boat and/or tears your wings off at mach 3.
  5. Is the "Future Plans" list just a jumbled variety of ideas that have been brought up and considered, or is there are order to them? First being soonest, etc. I originally came to ask about potential texture switching and such, but saw it in the list.
  6. I'm assuming the textures still work in .24.2 given that they're basically just extra parts? Or is that incorrect? I really have been missing these because the regular procedural fairing textures are so boring.
  7. You're not allowed to complain about the systems when you're not actually using the proper hardware.
  8. Is there any essential missing feature between .2.2.0 and .2.2.1?
  9. Crashing on clicking on the Action Groups button in VAB/SPH. Suspect two mods aren't playing well but I have no idea which. I saw RealChute in the output trace, so I posted it here. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/output_log.txt
  10. I just got a crash from using the latest .dll of SCANsat included in the JSI RPM download, and I can't remember for the life of me, which version and where should I be using?
  11. I for one I'm glad the new MP engines actually have any use whatsoever, as they were the only part I never bothered using in the original implementation. The costs could use balancing, but that's all in due time. Thank you for the redux.
  12. Crashes on trying to click the retractable engines in VAB! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/output_log.txt https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/error.log
  13. Greatly looking forward to it. This was my first and favorite modpack when I picked up KSP.
  14. So long as he doesn't have two identically named sciencedefs.cfg, it won't matter. They only affect the Squad science parts and don't interfere with basically anything else.
  15. ....I was about to say "get well soon" then I thought better of it. But really, good luck to you. Come back to us when you're able.
  16. I passingly saw this on the community plugins page, and thought about getting it but decided not to. Having to deal with forty parachutes opening and an engine that decided to keep burning on me simultaneously changed my tune. Thank you!
  17. Ah well. I can uninstall it until the issues get sorted out.
  18. Crashes! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/output_log.txt https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/report.ini https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/error.log
  19. I'm not even sure if the mod author is still around, but I don't know.
  20. I just went through and manually replaced all versions of KAE to the 1.7 version and it works now.
  21. ! Thanks for trying, at least. Time to re-add this. You could also stand to remove the Spaceport download from the OP.
  22. I'm not sure honestly. It seems strange it doesn't work like MM, where multiple installed versions just use the newest one....The technology already exists.
  23. I'm getting crashes whenever I click on the Fairing Base in the VAB to construct it. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/report.ini https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/output_log.txt https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/error.log https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/74775048/output%20logs/ksp/crash.dmp
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