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Everything posted by Malah

  1. You can try to reinstall B9 and look if the bug is here and you can try to delete B9 and all these dependencies, if the bug is again here, it's not KineTechAnimation, It's how I debug my game, uninstall, look, uninstall, look ... KConfigDocumentationGenerator is a function of KineTechAnimation
  2. Perhaps, It comes from KineTechAnimation which is a dependence of B9? ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.GenerateAssemblyDocumentation (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.Generate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  3. Hello, I don't know if this come from these mods but you have errors with Chatterer, Clouds and DistantObject I suggest you to try to uninstall or reinstall each
  4. I will do it, but I need more time You need to wait a little Edit: It is planned to be add this on RecoverAll by SpaceTiger
  5. Yes but I think that the source code which is on the last update of Scene Jumper is not the last update (I don't see the functions to revert and to save & quit), but it is really easy to remake them
  6. All options of ContractsWindow+ doesn't interact with QuickHide ... Edit, if you prefer to see it:
  7. For the mousehide, to show the stock toolbar, you need to put your mouse where the stock toolbar will be (ex on the upper right corner on the space center or on the lower right corner on the vab). The button from the blizzy toolbar hides all mods on the stock toolbar (the first click hide and the second click show). I haven't used ContractsWindow+ since some time, I will make some test to see if it's an incompatible mod. QuickHide can't permently deleted something, if you uninstall it, the stock toolbar will be as before his installation ... Are you sure you have properly deleted the QuickHide folder ? For the next update, I will add a new window to easy tweaks all the features of QuickHide. EDIT: I've seen no error between ContractsWindow+ and QuickHide ...
  8. It's an interesting request, I will work on it soon, thanks
  9. Yes, I've changed how my shortcuts are saved, for this you need to delete your old Quick's mods (only QuickScroll and QuickContracts are affected now) Sorry to not have explained it. But for the next updates, it will be recommanded to overwrite the old folder (and not delete as now), for keeping the config file
  10. Hello, it's time to an update QuickScroll Changelog v1.20 - 2015.03.06 New: Added a GUI to config the shortcuts, New: Added the support of the Stocktoolbar and the Toolbar mod, Fix: Corrected the PartListTooltips tweak. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github QuickSearch Changelog v1.10 - 2015.03.06 New: Added a subassembly search, Fix: Corrected the search to accept a space. Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github QuickExit Changelog v1.21 - 2015.03.06 Fix: Corrected the count down (it won't pass to 5 if it exit) (thanks Gaalidas). Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github QuickContracts Changelog v0.20 - 2015.03.06 New: Added a GUI for the config of the shortcuts, Fix: Block the accept shortcut when the facility level is not suffisant, Fix: Increment the Active Contracts count, when you add a contract (thanks 5thHorseman). Download: Kerbal Stuff Kerbal CurseForge Github
  11. It's only a force opengl mod for those who don't know how to make a shortcut (KSP-RAM-Saver = a useless mod )
  12. Have you taken a look at the Vessel Viewer plugin, perhaps it could do it easier
  13. Nice, I really like what you have done to the CraftBrowser. I've a small suggestion if you can add a vessel viewer option as this suggestion, it would be awesome Thanks.
  14. ok ça va être terrible
  15. For the fuel tank you can use the mod: Fuel Tanks Plus, it's not the same but it looks nice
  16. Intéressant, ça se présentera comment ? on montera des fusées avec les petites mimines de nos Kerbals dans le genre d'un KAS plus poussé ou un truc un peut automatique avec un passage dans un vab lunaire ^^ ? en tout cas pense àpréparer la date du twitch ça m'intéressera (ou alors vous avez piquer l'idée de la NASA avec ses imprimantes 3D ? mdr)
  17. HAHAHA, ok, I will correct this for the next update, thanks to report it
  18. Sorry, my english is quite poor I don't understand what is your bug When you push Exit Now! with automatic save enable, you will see a count down. Your bug is that after the count down goes to 0, it returns to 5 seconds with no exit and it count down again? If it's this, can you send me your log?
  19. I've doesn't seen this issue, I will make some test to see if it comes from a bug of StockRT, thanks to have report it Edit: A pod can't communicate alone ... it needs a Kerbal or a probe, and on your savegame have you unlocked the Survivability node on the techtree? To the next update, I will delete the "Remote control capable" (SPU) from the commands pods which is useless , it will be more clear (but it will preserve the communication of 100 km).
  20. Hello, if need, I've made a little MM config to avoid the Optional KAS directory. It's easier to use and automatic You just need to add a file, example: GameData/IFILS_PX/modulemanager.cfg and it will work (KAS has the modulemanager.dll, you don't need to add it to your mod). @PART[LifeSupportContainerSmall]:HAS[!MODULE[KASModuleGrab]]:NEEDS[KAS,IFILS_PX]:FOR[IFILS_PX]:FINAL { %MODULE[KASModuleGrab] { %evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.10, -0.15) %evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) %attachNodeName = bottom %customGroundPos = true %dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.55) %dropPartRot = (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0) %bayType = containerA %bayNode = bottom %bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) } } @PART[LifeSupportContainerMedium]:HAS[!MODULE[KASModuleGrab]]:NEEDS[KAS,IFILS_PX]:FOR[IFILS_PX]:FINAL { %MODULE[KASModuleGrab] { %evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.10, -0.15) %evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) %attachNodeName = bottom %customGroundPos = true %dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.55) %dropPartRot = (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0) %bayType = containerB %bayNode = bottom %bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) } }
  21. Hello, a little update. Changelog v1.20 - 2015.02.19 - New: Added an FPS counter, - New: Added a min/avg/max function (with hold f11), - New: Added a text color, - New: Added an alarm (disabled by default, you can enable it on the file GameData/MemoryUsage/Config.txt, put Alarm to true), - Fix: Delete the "Load" spam on the logs. Download: Kerbal Stuff Github I highly recommand you to look at GCMonitor which has the memory usage without the need of an external exectuable
  22. Waw HUGE, it makes my MemoryUsage mod useless (on which I've planned to add an update ... but now I don't know if I will keep it alive) (and GCMonitor works fine on linux x64).
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