Here is the challenge, fly throug the gates with the fastest time. same rules of the Redbull airrace: you have to fly between the pylons. Grey pylons for horizontal position, Orange for vertical ( Knife Edge ) position. If you touch a pylon, probably the plane will loose a wing or 2, but in case not, the trial will not count... Time starts when you pass the first gate, take note of the mission time at this moment, fly the circuit and pass trought it again, take note of mission time again, subtract the start and you will have the result. This is my demo flight: start at 00:24, ends at 01:34... 01:10 flight time.
You can use the AirRacer plane with the save file, or you can build your own, but it must use only stock parts, no FAR, and use only one basic jet as propulsion system. and have to use the MK1 or MK2 cockpit. No Vtol, no rocket engines allowed... Save File: