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Everything posted by theend3r

  1. It is probably too heavy for those puny wheels which makes them bend and wiggle. Get some stronger wheels from mods or wait for 1.0.
  2. 1) Like many others, jet&rocket VTOL SSTO's are very difficult to make and balance well even with robotic parts. 2) Gravity assists - I've tried but it's neary impossible to gain some dV doing it manually. I'd need some program for it and afaik MJ isn't capable of that. 3) Some contracts like sending a station for 12 kerbals with lab and the whole thing on wheels in one go to Moho are rather hard, especially with FAR which makes launching things with the large wheels interesting.
  3. If you're not completely against modding the get the Trajectories mod. It will show you an approximate reentry trajectory. Still, it's better to complete your slow down some distance before KSP. I usually end my reentry just above KSP and have to do a turn to land.
  4. The feeling you get when you decouple an incredibly heavy/complex stage and see it disappear. Basically planned disassembly.
  5. Controlling planes in KSP with a keyboard is not the most pleasant experience. FAR comes with a DCA (Dynamic Control Adjustment) option that limits the control surface movement the faster you go. I need a complete opposite of that - the faster you go, the more control you can exert. If I hold W/S most of my designs overreact and go into stall at low speeds as they have too much control authority but respond slowly (or not at all in high altitudes) at high speeds. Is there a plugin that does this? It would help me immensely.
  6. I suppose those aren't solid boosters that are connected to the other tanks with fuel lines? Because that wouldn't make much sense. Some mod parts? Edit: I see you're just using them to get fuel around them but it's still a waste to throw the jet engines away.
  7. Most of my designs have canards but there are few exceptions such as: which surprisingly handles very well and can get to orbit with over 3 km/s dv (if I remember correctly, haven't flown it in a while) without payload, altough an orange tank doesn't make much difference since it's rather heavy (triple B9 wheels bend and dance under it like crazy if you're not careful).
  8. It's a good practice to accompany craft files with pictures or post only pictures. I'm interested in other people's designs but usually not in downloading and testing them.
  9. I normally don't place them so far back but in this case I have to due to the LV-N's.
  10. To make bringing probes/rovers back useful we'd need a way to store experiments like kerbals can, otherwise you only get one of each experiment.
  11. Thanks for all the replies. I already have KJR and some struts on but I'll try to strengthen the wings further and see what happens. Edit: Pincushionman and NathanKell were right about the cause, strutting wings closer to the tips to reduce wobble improved the flight characteristics and eliminated the problem. The plane still drifts off on the runway for mysterious reasons but otherwise it's all fine now.
  12. In many of my designs I seem to experience a clockwise roll when pitching up. The (space)planes are still flyable with this although I have to correct for this the whole time. It also drifts right on the runway leading me to believe that the aerodynamics are not the reason this is happening. The wheels come with an alignment guide and are perfectly aligned. All my craft are 100% symmetric and I can't fathom the cause of this so any help/ideas would be appreciated. The only thing that comes to my mind is that the intakes (that are thankfully getting reworked in the next patch) asymetrically supply the engines and make them produce slightly different thrust. All the relevant FAR flight data should be in the gallery: Edit: Also, posts like Your design is stupid. You don't need that much lift. The wing sweep is useless etc. are... welcome. A good advice is always welcome.
  13. The more realistic, the better in my opinion, but note that using the fuels we use or having the solar system we have <> realistic. Kerbal fuel is as realistic as any other (except when nuclear propulsion uses oxidizer). The aero, water, joints and stress, exhaust damage, overheating... etc. should all be as realistic as possible. I'd also love to see some kind of weather system added (yes, I know there is a mod for it). The problem is that it's quite diffucult to make things work in 100% realistic environment if you don't have procedural parts. E.g. procedural wings make FAR much easier/better.
  14. Retinal scanners work unless Wesley Snipes is after you
  15. Great mod, thanks a lot for this. The only problem seems to be that I cannot change the top/bottom materials (edges work just fine), only the color. They have uniform color all the time.
  16. One of the largest problems, if not the largest problem, of the current KSP is the memory problem which makes the loading times long and prevents large scale modding. The solution to this is to either use the 64 bit .exe which is no longer supported, use the -force-opengl option which has some quirks and magically takes up a lot of ram or downscale the textures and make the game look horrible.This could all be solved by loading the textures on demand like most other games do and the loading times would be far shorter too. You'd still probably need most of them in the editor but that could easily be solved by using thumbnails. There was even a mod (that is unfortunately no longer developed) that did this so it should definitely be possible. Why doesn't squad do it?
  17. That doesn't sound too hard to do with a spaceplane. I've seen some return designs but mine unfortunately can only get there and not back without refueling. Of course you could always do a nuclear mothership with detachable spaceplane, that should cover all your Laythe needs.
  18. When using mods it's better to use them thoroughly. B9 has air brakes that can be used to slow efficiently. I extend them a little while before touchdown and all my touchdowns are very neat and easy. I probably couldn't fly without them. This solves all the problems except "Aircraft easily losing directional control while turning." which isn't true anyway.
  19. You can also use the translatron for neat and easy touchdowns: 1) Tick the "kill horizontal speed" 2) Choose "Keep vertical speed" 3) Input the descent speed in negative number (just choose something safe like -50, then -10 or -5 when near the ground and -1 for the final touchdown) That's the only thing I use MJ for while landing, the rest is better and safer when done by hand.
  20. It doesn't require Tweakable Everything.
  21. KSP is still quite popular. While browsing game torrents on kickass I saw KSP 0.90 on the second page with over 900 seeds which is quite a lot. Athough it may be true that the community is becoming wider but less deep. I remember Kasuha being one of the most helpful people with innovative ideas and techniques but it seems he's no longer active. Neither am I actually, since I'm experiencing my 2nd KSP burnout plus I'm waiting for some mods to update and hopefully a better support of larger scale modding (i.e. solution tothe RAM problems). I'll probably go back to KSP in a few months.
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