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Everything posted by theend3r

  1. My stations are usually so large that building them in VAB all at once is impossible (without mods). But with some good planning you don't even need to. And sometimes I just add things until the lag becomes unbearable.
  2. I'll probably still use FAR but this is great news! We might get some new nosecone or even fairing parts too.
  3. There are mods that add wind and EVE can add dust storms and snow. I agree that stock really needs this but it may come only after the changes to the aerodynamics are implemented, i.e. in the FAR future or never.
  4. I've put off upgrading until all my mods are updated but this feature seems like MJ's Smart A.S.S. only with less options. Does it keep working even when you switch vessels too?
  5. My memory may be failing me but I think that is how it worked in the past and I prefer it that way. Probe cores are just computers. Does your computer have reaction wheels?
  6. It doesn't really bother me. After I unlock all the cores I'll probably mod the game so that all the cores have all the functions anyway.
  7. It's probably made out of recycled structural pylons.
  8. Rotate it with WSAD and hold alt for inline attachment only. Problem solved Edit: Ninja'd
  9. Rock climbing (mostly indoors, sometimes outdoors) and Wing Chun. Most of my free time is spent on university homeworks/projects though
  10. There is an ongoing work on a dynamic texture loading mod that should solve this since usually most of the memory footprint is taken up by textures.
  11. Not in this case since it takes up nearly 5GB already. As vexx32 said there's probably some kind of memory leak going on.
  12. Environmental Visual Enhancements - clouds, atmosphere, city lights, dust storms, auroras... etc. Texture Replacer - HQ textures Planetshine Distant Object
  13. I have 1.5GB VRAM GTX660m so I doubt that. So I need 16GB RAM to play KSP 32bit with mods? Wow. I think it probably has something to do with the EVE mod as the crashing started happening when it played around with it. I'll look further into it.
  14. My own kerbal that I named after myself, made him a BadS and gave him stats of courage=95 stupidity=5. Jeb still leads the missions but this new kerbal generation is far more promising
  15. I say leave it in the debug menu for now and introduce it to the game after implementing some satellite feature similar to ScanSat. The tracking station shouldn't be able to identify all the biomes in the system however good it is.
  16. I was overjoyed when I recently tried the -force-opengl option with KSP and found its memory footprint reduced from over 3.7GB (unplayable on 32bit) to stable 1.9GB. Then it started crashing again so I set out to find the cause and I couldn't believe what I found. The reason was I ran out of RAM completely - I hit the 7GB limit for apps on my 8GB RAM laptop, the sole culprit being KSP. How is that possible? How could simply running a 32bit KSP encumber the memory so much? Magic?
  17. Eve's harder. For Jool-5 you basically build an oversized tug with a Tylo lander plus one/two others as you can land on Bop and Pol with anything (probably even you mothership). If you can do Tylo you can do Jool-5. If you can ascend from Eve you can do Eve. In terms of difficulty: Eve > Tylo. FAR could probably change that though. I always overengineer my stuff though so basically all my Jool expeditions could do at least Jool-4 (Tylo really needs some preparations).
  18. Version 2 for me. Version 4 is also nice and easier for the eyes with less intense colors (I can tell, I've been working all night an my eyes hurt like hell).
  19. You can easily ask what is the temperature of an atom as temperature is just a measure of kinetic energy. I'd say that is definitely real.
  20. I agree that this could be very useful especially since the mouse clicking is fickle in some situations. Some mods would also benefit from it greatly (e.g. BDArmory).
  21. Could you make it so that changes made in the toolbar menu are reflected in all the weapon manager parts? I frequently put more than one weapon manager on my AAs since it improves their survivability but afaik if you enable guard mode from the menu it only enables it for one part. The rest has to be done by hand.
  22. I know this isn't right but I do not know why so I would appreciate if someone enlightened me: If you theoretically moved at the speed of light (I know it's impossible ofc), wouldn't the relative speed of light with the same direction vector be 0? Wouldn't the light move alongside you? Actually wouldn't all the light have a "speed" of 0 in your reference frame since the time around you would essentially stop?
  23. My planes sometimes behave strangely - experiencing roll while pitching - but at other times they fly perfectly. I suspect I may be a victim of this: Is it true? Is there some dev release which has tis fixed?
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